
Armada Music Present " MIKE FOYLE ", Saturday 08-09-07 @ Centro the club

Started by CENTROJAKARTA, 03/09/07, 18:06

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hmmm.... Armada nih, bakal segokil kemaren kah???
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Gila TRance...lgi...Centro udah Jawara..BUat..Trance...uiuiuiuiuiuiu

Kayanya dimainin Dik.....

wah mudah2an gokil nih...wajib datenk nih,,,,
trance is the music for god!!!

dateng ahhh.. *tepuktangan*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

mau liat ah
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

master of terror,,, 140 cing!!!! berasa diberondong tembakan cucucucucucu!!!! :-\
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

140 BPM!!!!Sempet ngintip bentar
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

benar2 gila tuh orng sempet 140 jooo.......leng geleng2 dengerinya...


ini baru gaspolmasboy..

lama-lama pegel juga kuping dengernya..

135BPM tu siapa sih??
sorry to say nih..  *jlk* *jlk*

laser + screennya centro yang baru..  *bgs* *bgs*
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

apa yaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....

awal"nya sih keren banget, gak dikasi napas gt
tp lama" kok makin gak enak yah
kenceng banget tp gimanaaa gt..
gak enak sih klo menurut gue lama"...  :-\ :-\

trus..iya gue sependapat sm KC
sorry to say tp 135bpm tuh..makin bikin rusak lagi  *jlk* *jlk*
:-\ :-\ :-\

baiklah..cukup sekian dan terimakasih...  :-X
underground movements...

menurut gue mike foyle di awal2 baguz tapi lama2 ngebutttt bgt kayak kejar setoran...
capek juga denger lama2...
trance is the music for god!!!

ngebut tapi enak kok.... tech trancenya oke... mainnya udah nyaris2 hard trance gitu.. cucucucu ;)

doi mainnya dr awal udah kenceng... langsung gaspol... makin lama makin kenceng.... berhasil nyampe atas....pas udah di tengah2 set doi mulai main2 melodic trance yg ngeberantakin gt ;D tapi pas beberapa lagu terakhir emang udah kurang enak..... overall gw kasih nilai 7.5/10...

sory.. keluhannya bwt 135bpm apa yah?

trus tolong jgn dibandingin sm mike foyle dong.. lo pd bs bedain dong org yg meniti karir sm yg udah ada di puncak karir?
kan yg penting usaha man.. drpd bsnya ngetik2 doang.. hehe

tnanks n GBU

wah.. kritikan harusnya ditanggapi dengan bijak,sob.... ;)

Ada yang pro dan kontra terhadap penampilan 135 BPM..

tapi menurut gw, GOKIL BERAT!!!!

Mungkin ada sedikit singkat dari gw bwat 135 BPM :

"There are some people who belief what their belief, do nothing about it and flee
But who does matter is !!!!!!
  135 BPM are people who fight for what their belief and never stop fighting ! "

lot of people is very proud of them...


-secretary of comunication and information-


135bpm emang membawakan sesuatu yang baru sih..
tapi buat kuping gue..
rada kekencengan..
dan suara MC-nya rada brisiik aja gitu..
maybe it's just not my cup of tea..

that's all..
semoga gue penikmat EDM yang bisanya cuma ngetik ini bisa jadi sedikit pertimbangan..

cheers :)
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: Sick on 10/09/07, 18:05
sory.. keluhannya bwt 135bpm apa yah?

trus tolong jgn dibandingin sm mike foyle dong.. lo pd bs bedain dong org yg meniti karir sm yg udah ada di puncak karir?
kan yg penting usaha man.. drpd bsnya ngetik2 doang.. hehe

tnanks n GBU

iya,ok gw mgkn emng bukan DJ dan cuma bs ngetik" doang
gw cuma penikmat EDM aja, yg masi "belajar" utk menyukai smua jenis EDM
gak ngebandingin sm mike foyle jg kok
IMHO, kmrn itu terlalu kenceng buat kuping gw
maaf deh klo elo ngerasa tersinggung
at least try to be open minded aja, its for your own good

underground movements...

135 bpm is quite slow for Trance.. Bukannya biasanya Trance tuh dikasaran 139-40 yah? gw sendiri kalo main Techno biasa di 137 BPM kok... semua tergantung lagunya juga sih.. kalo elemen groove, melodi, dan juga bassline nya ciamik.. i don't think there is anything wrong with 135 BPM..hehehe...
tp kata tmen gw dj bulei itu belum lebaran tp udah takbiran?? hihihihi.. ktnya loh... yah namanya jugaselera orang beda-beda..

@debon : 135BPM tuh nama djnya.. maennya sih ngga tau deh kemaren berapa.. terakhir sih katanya si mike foyle ampe 140BPM, ngga tau tuh diterusin berapa sama dj 135BPM.. :)
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Waktu itu 135bpm ada MCnya sendiri ya? Sorry no offense ya..
Gue agak kurang setuju sama MC yang swearing atau nge junk on the stage especially dance music party at the club. kayaknya kurang pantes aja. you guys not even hype up the party malahan bikin ilfil. Mungkin kalo saran gue kalo emang suka swearing mah jadi penyanyi grin core atau death metal aja.. lebih cocok.. atau kalo emang suka electronic music jadi MC buat digital core, i bet it would be perfect for you guys..
ini sama sekali bukan maksudnya judging people. tapi lebih sekedar saran aja.. be the right person in the right place and the right event.. pasti lebih gokil! 