

Started by titosimon, 07/11/07, 14:54

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Waduhh gw udah dtg dari jam2 nihhh.. :-\
abs ktnya utk yg mesen tiket dsuruh dtgnya jam segitu..
hmm ke mangdu  ;D atau ke museum dulu yaaaaa???
What do u think guys??? (?)

@ Ndu
emg yg mesen tiket gak boleh ya ngambilnya jam8an ajaaa??? *piss*
harus jam2 gt??
wah gw mana bisa tuhh..
jam3an gpp lah yaaa..  *piss*
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!

salute :)

wahhh ntar malam neh... uda ga sabar :D

14 jam 30 menit lagi............;)
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

@dj hatta
mending ke mangdu, belanja" baju gt, klo ada kaos yg gbrnya muke armin lo beli
trus ntar minta tanda tangan deh

;D ;D ;D


bused..lo masang timer yah???

:-\ :-\
underground movements...

DEG DEG Sudah di Mulai...

hahahahahaha.....mudah2an g abis tikett....aminnnnn

@ all rvlx

stick together team !
welcome to my weekend

For each forgotten kiss
For all the memories
For all the times alone
Said all we had to say

You played your part so well
A modern Romeo
You came on Cupid's wings
And then you flew away

When you touched my face
When you call my name
I'm burned with desire

When you touched my face
When you call my name
I'm burned with desire
But you left me in the rain

For every sleepless night
Forever in your arms
For every hour spent
Lost in the revery

You broke your promises
No shame and no regrets
You burned the bridges too
An endless mystery

When you touched my face
So beautiful
When you call my name
My name..
I'm burned with desire

When you touched my face
So beautiful
When you call my name
My name..
I'm burned with desire
But you left me in the rain

When you touched my face
So beautiful
When you call my name
My name..
I'm burned with desire

When you touched my face
When you call my name
I'm burned with desire
But you left me in the rain..

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

barisan paling depan yah kapteeen!!! cihuyyyy!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
just keep your mind open and suck in the experience
and if it hurts.. you know what... it's probably worth it

asik asik... sudah tak tahan lagi... hehhehe... siang ini ujan nih, mudah2an nanti malem cerah ya, biar dr tempat mobil parkir ke venue ga becek... apa di koordinasikan untuk di pel jalan sekitaran K7 om Pandu?? heiuheiuheiuhe...
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

Waaaduuuh mas Armin udah nyampe kali yaa di Jakarta....

Mas Armin nanti malam kita bertemu yaaa  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

eh pada dateng jam berapa nih? biar bisa bareng gitu... ;D ;D tar udah di dalem takut ilang *piss*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Mulai bolak balik WC.....

see you at the frontline my friends ...

welcome to my weekend

udah mulai gelisah nih..... ntar pulang kerja langsung tancep deh :))

Waduuuh sebentar lg nich...countdown...K7 will be packed!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Detik-detik menjelang Armin  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Udah harus siap2 untuk capsus deeeh neeeeh...

Armin Van Buuren here i come  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

Masih sibuk posting...

gpp lah .... rumah gw sebelah K7 kan....

tinggal jalan nyampe....


dikit lg nyampe,...

Indonesia Merdeka !

Hayoooo..hayoooo...yang pada dateng ke hajatan meneer Armin, jangan lupa field reportnya, secara gw penasaran, set yg dimainin ama dia, apakah sama dengan Universal Religion 3 : Live from Armada - Ibiza bulan Juli kemaren yak...??? pliz info dwooonks....lebih asoy geboy lagi, klo ada yg bisa kasih tracklist-nya....ditunggu yes....ta ta..! 
Para pemuda-pemudi, kita ajojing bersama....

wahhhhhh........goshkilllll dah smalemmmm......ga berenti lumpat lumpatan...wakakkakakakaa....
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*


Ardi Pite: Slow But Suree...

Remy: Pumping walau agk sedikit Monoton

Mutter666motion: unbelievable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lasers, lights,SL, WL.....ck..ck..ck...this is your best performance!!

Awesome Set
Amazing Set
Kaki gw ampe pegel gila nihhhhh........
KEREN ABISSS...cewek gw ampe tepar pdhal gak minum ahahhaahahahahaa

@ Elektra666:

THX 4 the Armin Experience

@ Ndu n All the K7 employee: GOOD WORK MAN!!!

btw ada yg punya rekaman 3gp opening ma closing-nya armin g???
posting dong...gw tadi gak bw digicam n HP bwnya yg cupu punyaaa hahahahahaa

nahh PVD apakah lebih gokil??? kita lihat saja feb '08 hahhhaahahahaahaaha
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!

Playlist seinget gw aja yaaa..

- 3 new songs (Universal Religion 3)-opening
- Who Will Find Me (DJ Shah Ft Adrina Thorpe)
- The Space We Are (Ronski Speed Ft Sir Adrian)
- Firefly (Mike Foyle)
- Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Armin Van Buuren Basic Instinct Remix)
- Who Is Watching
- The World Is Watching Me
- Day Seven (Sophie Sugar)
- The Blizzard (Kalopsia)
- Wait For You (Taken From The Old Album 76)
- Always A Fool (Kyau & Albert)
- Walk Away [Terry Ferminal Mix] (Terry Ferminal Vs Mark Sherry)
- Shivers
- Sky Falls Down (bner gak yaa...lupa klo g salah)
- I Am (Markus Schulz VS Chakra)

ini aja tuhh seinget gw yg dimainin mas Armin selama 3jam-an yg terindah tadi pagi..
klo ada yang salah2 maapin yaaa..maklum rada2 teleng jugaaa hahahahaahaa
klo ada yg kurang ya tambahin yaa
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!