

Started by Gober, 22/06/06, 04:54

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22/06/06, 04:54 Last Edit: 22/06/06, 05:00 by Gober
Future10 and Centro present:


Friday, June 30th 2006
At CENTRO the Club
Party start 10pm onwards


Back In The Days is a celebration of the glory days of Jakarta's early club years. Reliving the euphoria through nostalgic club anthems of the past. Each song plays a memory of good times, good friends and great clubs of the past that laid the musical foundation of the Jakarta sound. Let us travel in time, going back to the past to know the future.

Log on to www.future10.com

Supported by Area Magazine, Radio One, and Ravelex.net

Know the past to know the future..
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

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wah..akhirnya ada lagi...udah lama ditunggu2..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

eeehh.....  :o :o

baru aja tadi malem diomongin eh gak taunya nongol paginya...

dateng ah..... ;D ;D ;D

All people smile in the same language...

ini dia yang gw tunggu2 dr lama.... 100 persen hadir!  8)

pengen denger lagu apa?
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My tracks:

wah...mau denger lagu2 jaman parkit..!!!!(parkir di seberang,jgn lupa power ranger sama temen...hehehehe)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
si bayu...

wah seru nihh !
ayo ayo kita ngumpul2 ber house house ria..
oom hogi, tentunya tembang2 lawas seperti EBTG, terus black legend.. kadoc - night train !

mau yah ? mau yah ? :D ;D

wah ini muter tembang2 nostalgila ??? ??? ???, seru dwonk..... yuk kompol

pur, bener lo hadir ye....  8)

The Gift donk DJ sama EBTG deh.... hehehehehehehe
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

acaranya pas banget nih,kalo lagi boring with the new sounds ;D
waterfall nya dong kak !heheheh

23/06/06, 13:18 #12 Last Edit: 23/06/06, 15:56 by LiL CoW
robin s kali ga bung hogi ?? u got to show me love..... tung tung turururung.. tung tung tung... gokiilll... atau pete heller dengan big love-nya? dduuhh merinduuu jaman duluuu...

masa tadi pagi nyokap sapi masang SING IT BACK-nya moloko... gokiiilll pagi" dengerin ituuu!! seru gila...

ah sayaaaa hadiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! ;D
ajojingan selalu

idih,idih,,, nostalgia!!!!! hadir donk!!! night train bung hogi!!!!!
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Quote from: hogi on 22/06/06, 11:39
pengen denger lagu apa?
petsop boys - suburbia
madness - house of fun
deep forest - sweet lullaby
disco biscuits - god made me funky
dexys midnight runner - come on eileen

jack in the house ..yo  ;)
we | are | all | connected | in | one | circle |

wah... pada semangat untuk hadir nih kayaknya... asik! menggila lagi kita  :-*

"the night train..paraaa..raaapaappp...paa...ra..raaa..raa.paaap.....triiiit...triiiit....."
:: savE tHe LasT BreaTh fOr daNcE ::

24/06/06, 20:23 #17 Last Edit: 25/06/06, 15:19 by ekana
wah seru nih......
btw lam kenal teman2

everything but the girl - missing  :o

digoyang lah centro jumat besok... :D :D
big love..!!!
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...

Siapppp bergoyang yukkk.... hahahahahahah
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

30/06/06, 12:42 #21 Last Edit: 30/06/06, 13:45 by LiL CoW
jadi nanti malem niihhh... uh ga sabar! syapa ajah dong kalo gitu yang hadir??

dari beberapa hari lalu sapi uda masang lagu" jaman duluuu.... huhuhuhuhu ;D

ehiya, daritadi anak" rvlx pada nanyain invitations BITD ke sapi... ga ada jatah buat anak rvlx yah? ;D nanya aja looohhh....
ajojingan selalu

memang gokil nih acara... dari josh wink, prodigy ampe run dmc diputer semua...

dan setelah beberapa lama akhirnya gw ketemu juga dengan sesepuh2 ravelex
yaitu... dnab, tt boy, dimsum, sugestronix, lil cow dan masih banyak lagi... sory kalo kelupaan... mohon dimaklumi... hehehe... ;D ;D

kok pd pulang cepet juoo??

ada lagu stadium diputer... hahahahah.... parah deh,juo  ;D

yupyup-yup,,,,, nostalGILA!!!! cakeeepppp,, back in the disco!!! "u got to show me love...." huehahaha,,,

bersama Lilcow, suges, vibesess, jazzy, DNAB, Hansoy,bertemu bimzkeee (cieee... sapa tuh bang???) paman Gober (tengkyu paman!!) lalu ktm  Frankie Wilde, Jimprut, Dhanty dan Virq (finnaly, ktm lu bang...)

gilda,,, dr lagu jaman B1-Parkit sampe bengkel menuju stadium awal2 2000-an kls pagi diputer bo'...

New order!!! gypsy woman!!! dll,,,, first time pas Rim ama hogi main masih mebawakan track2 back to the disco, house2 oldies yg merefresh otak,,, begitu jam setengah 2, Bung Anton msk lgs dihajar New order, jegkrekkk!!! bikin pala mo pecah saking ga kuatnya bo',,,, cakep bener deh!!! intinya,,, CAKEEEPPPP!!!! Two Thumbs up for Future!!!

@Virq: gmn ga plg cepet sob,,, lo doank yg hajar, kita sadar semua, ditempa lagu gt, mending plg deh boss,,, hahahaha....
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket