Basemenhouse Presents
Can't Stop "PLAYBACK"
Saturday 22nd November 2008
10pm onwards at Urban Lounge
Playing tracks that inspire us along the way.
Celebrating the spirit, the good times and happiness from the time we started.
Ical, Robin, Anggarez & Mike W
Resident DJ Tommy
Free entry before midnight...
please come early... and enjoy the journey...
The People:
Louis Rusli Djakaria, Gabriela Mathilda, Atika Sakura, Troy Triestino & Pratiwi Yunaz,
Nicole Cardinal, Mutiara Fitriani & Bentgurion Litha Brent, Indika FM crew,
Tampak Siring, Alumni SMA 3'01, Madina Wowor & Fanny, Pangpol Crew.
Clubhoppers, OZ Discoland, Ravelex, Smallwonders, Jakartaspot.com
Urban Lounge:
FX Lifestyle X'nter unit FB#12
Jl.Jendral Sudirman pintu 1 Senayan
Jakarta 10270
021`25554090 / 021 25554091