

Started by Gober, 01/02/07, 06:57

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One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

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Pada dateng yah...pasti seru...from house to dirty....

Siaaaap bos......Kemarin main ama Abang Romy,Gmana Jooooo?????

uuaaa.... 2hr berturut2...
Baguz Freeman MysticalVibe

Hihihihihi, Kya nya keren nich djo...!

Pkonya sukses d Bwr koko Roy..!

BAnjir job Neeehh..!

sempet liat bang debon maen,,sama bang roy maen,,maap ya gw cabut ga bilang2 bang roy,,dikau lagi asik di dj booth... :)

ketemu agha plus "dijamu" ama mbak Athinnya bang Naro...;D ;D
Illusion Visual Player

thnx andre for coming....
the party was great...thank mba atin, naro, dimdok, debon...you are great...
Next bole dong kita bikin2 lagi...

sory roy daku tak dateng....
yang penting jumat-nya udah dateng ke retro yaa heheheh
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

utk temen 2x ravelex yg dateng, thanks bgt loh udah di support.

utk roy (x-spinn), debon (electrosoul), nyce (stylophonic),and rizky rixxx (da blaze) thanks bgt udah mau bantu kita....dan senang sekali bekerja sama dengan anda-anda.....hehehehe ;)

anyway....sory gue pulang dulluan, soalnya abizz di kerjain sama ibu atin, minum buanyak bgt! hehehe...mabora deh jadinya.... 8)

again....thanks for all the support



Baguz Freeman MysticalVibe