

Started by jukmar, 28/01/08, 11:45

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wah , knp bisa begitu sob (?)
tumben ...
welcome to my weekend

wewww....tahnks to indika & clubhoppers, thanks to x2, dan semua pihak yang udah semaksimal mungkin support launching CD  CLUBHOPPERS ESSENTIAL MIX 05.emang kelar sebelum waktunya, tapi pointya adalah kita sudah membuat sebuah langakah dalam perkembangan electronic dance scane di tanah air.it's my best moment i've ever done, and it will be part of my history.sekali lagi thanks 4 all, and I love you all   :)

seru *tepuktangan* innerlight keren uhuyy.. *tepuktangan* main gitar, nyanyi, duet.. ga kalah performnya sama dj luar, visual juga keren *bgs* , sayang harus selesai lebih awal dari jadwal, tampaknya perlu launching lagi nih, ruang berapa nih mas? ;D ;D *piss*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

top top top top top !..
cuman masalah waktu aja ya huhuhuh...
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

Huaaaaah sedih ga bisa datang  :'( :'( :'(

Buat yang datang minta reportnya dunk pengen tau neeeeh......
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

After I have a CONVERSATION WITH U I will GOING HOME (hehehe...maksa.com) *tepuktangan* maaantaaaff dah CDnya *bgs*

if u're gonna ride...ride white horse....
if u're gonna rich...u've got 2 be a bitcH

duh Daydream nya maknyus buangetttttttt
suaranya queen fireworks bikin merinding uhuy euuuuuuuuy..... *tepuktangan*

keep up the good work ya mas ediiiiiiiiiiiii :-*
pokok'e sukses terus ...
mantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabb *bgs* *bgs*
When you love too much, you're always expecting something in return, and setting yourself up for disappointment.
Loving someone endlessly and unconditionally isn't love it's a compulsive disorder and a form of emotional blackmail

oh iya ya..
abis yg terngiang2 daydream nya sih huaheuae...
next time ketemu bawa spidol yo masss
minta tanda tangan di cd  ;D ;D hehehehehe

*bgs* *bgs*
When you love too much, you're always expecting something in return, and setting yourself up for disappointment.
Loving someone endlessly and unconditionally isn't love it's a compulsive disorder and a form of emotional blackmail