

Started by sin.AD, 10/11/06, 15:52

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the series continues....
si bayu...

keluar juga iklannya..

ya ya ya
it's about time..

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not


Very Very Trancefuturistic.... :o :o :o

Love the music..not war (^_^)

ohh ini ces maksudnya...flyernya serem amat yahh... berasa terbakar... heheue
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

cihuuyyyy,, akhirnya kluar juga,,, abis lebay d louie vega kita turun kebawah deh,,, ahh,,, panasss!!! ahahahaha
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

@sepet : iye.. ini maksudnye ;D

@dims : jangan-jangan malah lebih betah dibawah nih ? ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

wah.. barengan ama louie vega ya... sedappp..... tinggal turun yee

flier nya gokil euy!

wah ini dateng..secara louie vega dulu...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

@KC: errr,,,, liat ntar deh,,, hahahaha,,, tergantung sikon!!!!

*syippp,,, cihuy,, postingan gw k 2000
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

wahhh... kan niatnya abis coxy mau nonton vega santai2...
kalo dibawahnya begini sihh repot juga yahh urusannya...  ::)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Flyernya keren sob!! WB Menggila pastinya.. atasnya lucu2an bawahnya pukul2an..
First Breath, After Coma

bukan pukul2an sih,ril.. perang nih!

cehhhh ninjaboy main nih,,,, cihuyyy!!!

@mikey: bukan perang mike, atas nge house, bawah prog,,, jd ibarat surga dan neraka,,, hahaha atss lebayy tp nikmattt bawah panasss tp menggoda!!!! *halahhhh... huehuehuehue
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

duh jgn surga sama neraka dong... serem amet... di atas dulu deh menikmati sang master... abis dicharge baru ke bawah hehehe...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

@dims: atur aja lah sebrengsek lo... pokoknya tempur! hehehehe

atau bisa juga dibawah dulu sampe kondisi enak... baru keatas dehhh jogedan...  8)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

ga mungkin dah klo lo son!!!!! klo udh d bwh, bawah ajeee,,,,, nyangkut pasti!!! ahuahuahuahuhaua!!!!
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

nyangkutnya itu yang bikin males.. hauehuaea.. atasnya horny bawahnya orgasme.. uhuy!!
First Breath, After Coma

uhauehauheuaeeuaheua lebay abis yaa.. gara2 si dimsum tuh!! semuanya emang gara2 dia mike.. asli deh..
First Breath, After Coma

iyalah... biangnya lebay di dimsum.... aseli!

asli emang dia mikeee!! hauhauhauhauhauhauha
First Breath, After Coma

11/11/06, 02:56 #22 Last Edit: 11/11/06, 02:59 by DimsumonDLine
EH nyettt,,, sia'ul lo padeee,,,,, lebay enak tau,,, apalagi sambil gelandotan,,, cihuyyy!!!!

@newreal: alahhh,,,, kyk ga lebay aja lo ntar!!!! mentang2 honeymoon-an!!! ahuahuahuahuahuhauhaua!!!
@jazzymike: behhh,,,, liat aja mike, siapa yg lebay tgl 2 bsk,,, hihihihi,,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Quote from: NewReaL on 11/11/06, 02:36
nyangkutnya itu yang bikin males.. hauehuaea.. atasnya horny bawahnya orgasme.. uhuy!!

hihihi... pemilihan kalimat yang bagus nihhh... wakakkakaaka...
dibawah orgasme muluuuu cinkk... ejakulasinya baru jam 5 pagi... ahuhuahua...  ;D
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take