
DJ NIKI BELUCCI at BLOWFISH (Friday 15th June 2007)

Started by house_dude, 13/06/07, 20:48

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gw mah yg penting foto reportnya aja sobb.. :P
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

 *piss* *piss* Ati2 yak! jgn ampe bapak2 dari FPI masuk! yang ada tar pada betah!  ;D ;D

wah jkt euy...kpn atuh di bdg dtgnya????next time di bdg ya mbak belluci
di tunggu duehhh!!!
sprtiny gigs di indonesia cuma lepas bra doank deh...hahahahaha
buat yg dtng kirim infonya+fotonya yach buat tmn2 ravelex yg laen...hehehe

wah kalo yang ky begini mah, biar kata doski maen bletak-bletuk jg gpp kali yaa...

cuman, curiga toilet cowo jadi penuh abis doski spinning..


aduhhh secara ini indo yewww,
gue kaga mau dateng ah kl dia mainya pake baju
kl misalnya dia tetep main sambil bugil disini baru deh dateng yukk


untuk membuktikannya kesana aja pur hehe..

yuk! hehe,..
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

Hehe...AC nya Blowfish dingin banget kok jadi kemungkinan ga terjadi yg aneh2x....kecuali ACnya sengaja dimatiin....huehuehuehuehue...;D ;D
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

Quote from: secret admirer on 13/06/07, 22:30
Hehe...AC nya Blowfish dingin banget kok jadi kemungkinan ga terjadi yg aneh2x....kecuali ACnya sengaja dimatiin....huehuehuehuehue...;D ;D

iya tuh acnya dimatiin aja..biar dia kepanasan..
;D ;D ;D

..Leave me here in my stark, raving, sick, sad little world..!

aihh...mati..cakep banget...
Apa aja Bolehlah...asal engga senggol2an...ntar nabrak..

waduh beneran yah, barengan sama seamus haji !!!

sial !!!!! duh besok ada ujian ielts sih !!!! mudah2an boleh deh !!

topless? mudah2an deh !! hahahaha
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


ada kemungkinan bisa dapet guestlistnya ga tuuuh???? boleh bgt tuuuh...info dong please..thanks
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

beritanya, waktu doi main di blowfish surabaya.... pecah banget crowdnya...
apa gara2 musiknya ya????  (?)
nge-mixnya jago kali ya....  ;D

welehwelleeeeh ada c neng niki belucci yaaa...

gokil ne pasti...

huuummmh pake baju apa y dya...


gue mau dateng dooong...!!!

pastiii yang dateng laki semua dehh.. hehehe ;D ;D ;D full support ya *bgs*

Aku sudah liat di Centro!!!!!
dia datang ke acaraku,,,hihihiihihiihih,,,,senangnya bisa foto bareng!!!hihihiihiih
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

geulizsszssz pisan euuuyYyYy....!!!!!

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :-* :-* :-* :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Teman2 Ravelex, ada yg mau guest list ke NIKI BELUCCI @BLOWFISH???  ;D

15 orang pertama yg telpon ke nomor 08161155952 (cari Febby) dan sebutkan kode "RAVELEX" akan mendapatkang guest list utk acara ini!

Telpon skrg ya teman2.... See u tonite for a WILD CRAZY FUN!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

gw baru pulang neh,acaranya seru abis,niki top!perform maksimal top!great mix,great song,great smile,great performance!baik,ramah,pinter baca suasana crowd!mantab!sempet ngobrol bagi2 ilmu,baik deh,foto2..she's a real dj!not just a topless girl!
ga nyesel!crowd blowfish top,orang2 yg dateng sedap dipandang..sukses bwat blowfish. niki,when wil you play again?love you dah..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

gw baru pulang neh,acaranya seru abis,niki top!perform maksimal top!great mix,great song,great smile,great performance!baik,ramah,pinter baca suasana crowd!mantab!sempet ngobrol bagi2 ilmu,baik deh,foto2..she's a real dj!not just a topless girl!
ga nyesel!crowd blowfish top,orang2 yg dateng sedap dipandang..sukses bwat blowfish. niki,when wil you play again?love you dah..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Quote from: didjeri on 16/06/07, 04:28
gw baru pulang neh,acaranya seru abis,niki top!perform maksimal top!great mix,great song,great smile,great performance!baik,ramah,pinter baca suasana crowd!mantab!sempet ngobrol bagi2 ilmu,baik deh,foto2..she's a real dj!not just a topless girl!
ga nyesel!crowd blowfish top,orang2 yg dateng sedap dipandang..sukses bwat blowfish. niki,when wil you play again?love you dah..

wah keren dong...dia topless ga?

..Leave me here in my stark, raving, sick, sad little world..!

naah itu diaa.. semalem doi topless ga??
any photos?? ;D :-*
I'm not driving fast,
I'm just flying low..