Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: elektra666 on 13/02/06, 16:54
Ardi Pite "warm up" DJ for TIESTO performance
at 3 venues / 3 cities and spokes person for DJ Tiesto
Double Six Club, Bali
TJ's Club, Yogyakarta (TBC)
Pantai Carnival Ancol, Jakarta
schedules dates go to : www.elektra666.com
best regards ;)
wahhh, udah pasti nih ye bosss acaranye?? maksudnya opening actnya tiesto si pite?? sokill !! you deserve it , ;D btw, gue abis liat www.elektra666.com , si adam vlad vamp (adam kubik) itu elektra666 juga bos?
Yup... Adam VladVamp is elektra666 talent..
Vladvamp is Machipsto underworld (bandung) resident dj
wait for the next coming elektra666 event with VladVamp incredible tracks..
SALUTE! ;) ;)
Oom Elektra....T30RI kok jarang dimaenin siy???
As to DJ TEORI, kemarin dia main di TRL & KYOOKI bandung saat preview new album nya MOBIL DEREK..
no worries.. we got the schedules for teori.. just patient, its will be a rockin years for all raver!
;) SALUTE ;)
Quote from: elektra666 on 13/02/06, 18:20
As to DJ TEORI, kemarin dia main di TRL & KYOOKI bandung saat preview new album nya MOBIL DEREK..
no worries.. we got the schedules for teori.. just patient, its will be a rockin years for all raver!
;) SALUTE ;)
Awesome dude.......T30RI is so Fuckin' damn talented...for sure.....
Quote from: elektra666 on 13/02/06, 17:49
Yup... Adam VladVamp is elektra666 talent..
Vladvamp is Machipsto underworld (bandung) resident dj
wait for the next coming elektra666 event with VladVamp incredible tracks..
SALUTE! ;) ;)
kebetulan gue ngikutin musiknya si adam jaman2nya kubik, i knew he's spinning on many events nowadays, but i havent seen his show.. hehe, what styles of music does he plays bung elektra? mau schedule gigs nya adam dong.. surely ill wait!! Lady Lusimer-nya juga ikutan bareng elektra666? ;D
ps: sorry OT dikit, abis penasaran.. PLUR
kasihan Tiesto...
panitia siap nggak yah yg di Jogja...bakalan sumpeg...mohon siapkan emergency red cross atau bulan sabit...bisa2 ada korban
Wow, Tiesto really comin!! Hey thats a good one!!!! Rame deh acaranya, sip sip sip gokil gokil
Teory kemarin main sama gw di kyooki, he did a good mixing, tp kalau bisa lagunya diperbaharui lagi, soalnya terakhir gw main satu event sama dia di Studio East frame lagunya hampir sama kayak di Kyooki,
horeeee,,,, horeeeee,,,,, asikkk,,, kpn Pre Sale???? brp tiket????
Manteeeb, siap take off...nih
Quote from: Chris. M on 13/02/06, 19:22
Wow, Tiesto really comin!! Hey thats a good one!!!! Rame deh acaranya, sip sip sip gokil gokil
Teory kemarin main sama gw di kyooki, he did a good mixing, tp kalau bisa lagunya diperbaharui lagi, soalnya terakhir gw main satu event sama dia di Studio East frame lagunya hampir sama kayak di Kyooki,
Tuh oom elektra,bilangin t30ri suruh bikin lagu lagi.....
Quote from: AbrieL Mixologee on 13/02/06, 22:01
Manteeeb, siap take off...nih
Pake sabuk pengamannya ya Abriel....Inget minum antimo dulu...hehe...
wahhh... sadis nih... bakalan traffic banget nih ntar ancol... Hahaha... ;D
hi guys.. ugh the talk is grown fast huh.?
Adam VladVamp is gonna be in our new ....(sensor)..... sorry still can not publish the news about it.
adam is more into industrial electronic techno new wave electro clash type of mix with rockin roots..! heheyy..
Lady Lusimers sometimes ask by adam to do the vocal traCK LIVE (carlsberg fever Fashion toxicology @ FLUID 2005)
we will pass the message to teori, about making \ playing more new tracks..
yes, we hope the EO got the best venues for Tiesto in Yogya.. hope the yogya local could help with the suggestion idea to the EO (secara kita orang JKT gak tau lah spot / venue yg strategis di yogya & sekitar) but we knew that Yogya EO is the most experimental EO for venue selecting.. isn't it, right? (kaliurang, parangtritis,etc..) and hope we just need the ambulance as a standart procedures at all venues.. right? 'cuse its gonna be bad to dance music communities its the worst is happen.. it will be the end then.. r u want it to end?
;) SALUTE ;)
iya.. bali & jogja klo bisa sih jangan di club.. :) bakal penuh bangett.. dibuat outdoor di tiap2 kota juga masih bakal penuh.. menurut saya lho ini..
kecuali yg bali & jogja cuman teaser ajah buat di ancolnya.. ( tapi tetep ajah bakal penuh.. :P )
iya bener tuh mami mini, perlu dipertimbangkan masak2 lo.. ini lbh dr peterpan bkl ribuan org yg dtg. kmrn peterpan aja menelan korban, mk jgn sampai kejadian deh drpd mlh kacau ntarnya. kmrn smpt diskus sm e.o yg ada alasannya budget gak ada dr panitia... ??? its weird soalnya bw tiesto kok gak ada budget yg disiapin. smoga bs jd mskn buat e.o yg di jkt. km di jogja siap2 aja membantu kelancarannya
dj kimi
04-02-2006 from www.tiesto.com
Living in Los Angeles
I moved to Los Angeles temporarily to get some rest and work on new music in January. In the first 2 weeks it was really strange for me to be in one city for so long but now I am really soaked in this lifestyle. Every day during the week I go to the studio and occasionally I go out on weekends. I sleep 8 hours a night, eat 4 times a day and go to the gym 3 times a week. My body doesn't know what's happening! No crazy late nights or spending hours and hours on planes. So I feel like a champ at the moment!
I am working in several studios in Hollywood and with several producers and singers/songwriters. Hollywood is full of them! So much talent in one town... One of them, Brian Transeau (BT) is one of the best producers in the world. I've been a fan of his music since he produced Mercury & Solace, so for me it's a great honour to work with him and also it is very inspirational. He is a crazy multitasker, working on tracks with me, meanwhile doing 2 movie soundtracks. Circuit bending kids' toys to get the most crazy sounds out of them, directing visuals for his experimental album and taking care of his sweet daughter of 2! It's amazing to work with somebody who is just as crazy about house music as I am. We have real love for it and that shows on the tracks we are making now. We have a lot of fun, and that is essential for creating music. Be happy about what you're doing and really mean it. Brian and I are both extremely enthusiastic people, and so we are able to show that to our crowds, just because we love it so much!
The other day we were talking about some other famous dj's who have the privilege to travel around the world, but when behind the decks they look like some family member has just passed away ;). While spinning your music for a great crowd, how can you look so miserable? The only way you can stand behind the decks and look like that is when you're not happy with yourself or with the music you play.
I had just a few gigs where I was not that happy last year, and of course people saw that reflected on me, but the reasons for that are always technical, and never emotional. If my monitor sucks (which happens quite a lot), or my equipment doesn't work properly then I get pissed off. But never because I don't like the crowd or what I am doing. I found out I still have the same passion for dj-ing as when I started. Of course it feels a little bit different if it is the first time you play for 25.000 people or the 10th time, but that's more about the expectations people have and not about me not loving it. I still love dj-ing more than anything in the world!
Meanwhile, I am also compiling my new 'In Search Of Sunrise 5' mixalbum which will be released in late April. I get sent sooo many great tracks from producers from all over the world, it's crazy. I am gonna mix it here in L.A. in the next 2 weeks, so I am very excited about that as well...
So, love to you all from me in Los Angeles, and if you bump into me on Hollywood Boulevard, don't be a stranger :-)!
p.s.I just said B.T and I love housemusic because back in 1994 there was only one style of dancemusic named housemusic..So when i talk about housemusic i mean all the possible styles you can imagine.
Quote from: elektra666 on 14/02/06, 10:16
hi guys.. ugh the talk is grown fast huh.?
Adam VladVamp is gonna be in our new ....(sensor)..... sorry still can not publish the news about it.
adam is more into industrial electronic techno new wave electro clash type of mix with rockin roots..! heheyy..
Lady Lusimers sometimes ask by adam to do the vocal traCK LIVE (carlsberg fever Fashion toxicology @ FLUID 2005)
wickedd!! at last.. there's a local talent plays industrial.. salute for elektra666!!
Quote from: titosimon on 14/02/06, 11:46
iya.. bali & jogja klo bisa sih jangan di club.. :) bakal penuh bangett.. dibuat outdoor di tiap2 kota juga masih bakal penuh.. menurut saya lho ini..
kecuali yg bali & jogja cuman teaser ajah buat di ancolnya.. ( tapi tetep ajah bakal penuh.. :P )
hu uh begitu denger indoor gw dah bisa bayangin...sumpek...ga nyaman...dan pasti kurang asik...mmm harus berpikir 2 kali unt datang...kalo jakarta out door mending keluar biaya tapi nyaman party nya.. ;D ;D ;D daripada datang mo party malah dapat nya BeTe ;D
uHmm..pastinya kpn ya mbak minnie.. ??
Gw pernah liat si adam maen di kyooki, sadis maenya jo!!!
SALUTE buat elektra666...
mudah2an nga ada halangan datangin tiestonya
duh Mas Tistoo... kesini dunkss... huhuhuhuhuhuh
buat bali, lebih bagus di 66, kayaknya tu tempat dah cukup bagus, cuma perlu ditambah lighting and laser aja..plus harus ada vj nya.... hehehe, abis tu dah chill out di pantai.hehehe
the e.o who bring tiesto to indonesia is benang merah not elektra 666
Quote from: The Devil on 14/02/06, 13:11
04-02-2006 from www.tiesto.com
Living in Los Angeles
I moved to Los Angeles temporarily to get some rest and work on new music in January. In the first 2 weeks it was really strange for me to be in one city for so long but now I am really soaked in this lifestyle. Every day during the week I go to the studio and occasionally I go out on weekends. I sleep 8 hours a night, eat 4 times a day and go to the gym 3 times a week. My body doesn't know what's happening! No crazy late nights or spending hours and hours on planes. So I feel like a champ at the moment!
I am working in several studios in Hollywood and with several producers and singers/songwriters. Hollywood is full of them! So much talent in one town... One of them, Brian Transeau (BT) is one of the best producers in the world. I've been a fan of his music since he produced Mercury & Solace, so for me it's a great honour to work with him and also it is very inspirational. He is a crazy multitasker, working on tracks with me, meanwhile doing 2 movie soundtracks. Circuit bending kids' toys to get the most crazy sounds out of them, directing visuals for his experimental album and taking care of his sweet daughter of 2! It's amazing to work with somebody who is just as crazy about house music as I am. We have real love for it and that shows on the tracks we are making now. We have a lot of fun, and that is essential for creating music. Be happy about what you're doing and really mean it. Brian and I are both extremely enthusiastic people, and so we are able to show that to our crowds, just because we love it so much!
The other day we were talking about some other famous dj's who have the privilege to travel around the world, but when behind the decks they look like some family member has just passed away ;). While spinning your music for a great crowd, how can you look so miserable? The only way you can stand behind the decks and look like that is when you're not happy with yourself or with the music you play.
I had just a few gigs where I was not that happy last year, and of course people saw that reflected on me, but the reasons for that are always technical, and never emotional. If my monitor sucks (which happens quite a lot), or my equipment doesn't work properly then I get pissed off. But never because I don't like the crowd or what I am doing. I found out I still have the same passion for dj-ing as when I started. Of course it feels a little bit different if it is the first time you play for 25.000 people or the 10th time, but that's more about the expectations people have and not about me not loving it. I still love dj-ing more than anything in the world!
Meanwhile, I am also compiling my new 'In Search Of Sunrise 5' mixalbum which will be released in late April. I get sent sooo many great tracks from producers from all over the world, it's crazy. I am gonna mix it here in L.A. in the next 2 weeks, so I am very excited about that as well...
So, love to you all from me in Los Angeles, and if you bump into me on Hollywood Boulevard, don't be a stranger :-)!
p.s.I just said B.T and I love housemusic because back in 1994 there was only one style of dancemusic named housemusic..So when i talk about housemusic i mean all the possible styles you can imagine.
celebrity kills !!! :P
FYI: elektra666 is not the Event Organizer for The TIESTO ASIA TOUR 2006.
the EO is Benang Merah.
thank you for the attention,
hope it solve some confusing about the event..
tiesto juga datang atau adi pite saja?
Heboh banget yeee.... ;D ;D :o :o
Quote from: Chris. M on 13/02/06, 19:22
Teory kemarin main sama gw di kyooki, he did a good mixing, tp kalau bisa lagunya diperbaharui lagi, soalnya terakhir gw main satu event sama dia di Studio East frame lagunya hampir sama kayak di Kyooki,
Quote from: elektra666 on 14/02/06, 10:16
hi guys.. ugh the talk is grown fast huh.?
Adam VladVamp is gonna be in our new ....(sensor)..... sorry still can not publish the news about it.
adam is more into industrial electronic techno new wave electro clash type of mix with rockin roots..! heheyy..
Lady Lusimers sometimes ask by adam to do the vocal traCK LIVE (carlsberg fever Fashion toxicology @ FLUID 2005)
we will pass the message to teori, about making \ playing more new tracks..
;) SALUTE ;)
Oh iya....gw baru inget kalo DJ T30RI itu bukan DISC JOCKEY Tapi DIGITAL JOCKEY...
Terus Adam emang gokil....keren....keren maennya...gw pernah liat di Macphisto ama Kyooki...
Quote from: SisKa on 15/02/06, 16:27
Heboh banget yeee.... ;D ;D :o :o
ho oh... kaya iklan sepeda...
weeeee.....buuuuwoooooh....!!! ;D ;D
Lucu juga sih disamain ama konser peterpan wakakakkaka... beda kali hohohoho..
Dah percaya aja ama E.O nya guys...
SALUTE 4 my sob....mas ardi pite......hehehe....so for the EO....salute 4 U.....Tiesto is a dreaming comes true.....betul ga sob.....inget ga loe waktu live report di TIESTO Live n' Concert USA Tour....n' gw kebayang mau ke toilet aja ga bisa....hehehe....so hopefully this a secure party ya....cause....sikat...ampe kotak 8) 8)
ckckckck... ;D sokil ya sepertinya! btw, pricelist-nya blm keluar ya? kira" kita harus bayar brapa ya buat nonton si abang tiesto ini??
katanya kalo diluaran sekitar $50 - $70 ? coba mbak sapi itung2 pake kalkulator..
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 16/02/06, 20:19
katanya kalo diluaran sekitar $50 - $70 ? coba mbak sapi itung2 pake kalkulator..
mahal juga sekitar yakkkk sekitar,..500 ribuan pusssiiiiiinnkkkk + bangrut ;D
liat official web nya elektra666, innerlight gabung kalian ya??
Quote from: Errie on 17/02/06, 20:10
liat official web nya elektra666, innerlight gabung kalian ya??
Hhhmmm...Iya yah...apa bener??? Ampe CRONIK juga.....
COOL ABIS.. Top Buanggeetttt.. Salute utk Electra666 :)
Quote from: Frankie_Wilde on 16/02/06, 20:57
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 16/02/06, 20:19
katanya kalo diluaran sekitar $50 - $70 ? coba mbak sapi itung2 pake kalkulator..
mahal juga sekitar yakkkk sekitar,..500 ribuan pusssiiiiiinnkkkk + bangrut ;D
waduhh..mahaL !! hehehehe...tak apaLahhh..yang penting TIESTO ! dan AMAN tentuNYaaaa..... 8) :P
iye bener,kalopun ampe ga punya duit gw bela2in ngutang deh.....huuhuhuuhuu..kapan lagi bisa ktemuan ma tiesto....
Quote from: elektra666 on 13/02/06, 16:54
Ardi Pite "warm up" DJ for TIESTO performance
at 3 venues / 3 cities and spokes person for DJ Tiesto
Double Six Club, Bali
TJ's Club, Yogyakarta (TBC)
Pantai Carnival Ancol, Jakarta
schedules dates go to : www.elektra666.com
best regards ;)
hiks..pgn nangis bacanya smp lemes..
ticket brp?
Kapan dong elektra bikin acara yg maen dj2 elektra666 semua??
Dasyat kayanya tuh....
Quote from: Errie on 19/02/06, 15:05
Kapan dong elektra bikin acara yg maen dj2 elektra666 semua??
Dasyat kayanya tuh....
Iya tuh...Diduga bakalan dahsyat.....
Mbak Elektra, warming line up dj-nya TIESTO ntar pake All stars DJ Elektra666 aja......heuheu....
update baru dari websitenya tiesto:
Date Venue / Event City Country Promoter / Tix
Sat,1 Apr Gayagum Hall Sheraton
Gayagum Hall Sheraton Seoul South-Korea
Tue,4 Apr The Edge
The Edge Hong Kong China
Thu,13 Apr BEC Tero Hall
BEC Tero Hall Bangkok Thailand
Fri,14 Apr Ministry Of Sound
Ministry Of Sound Singapore Singapore
Sat,15 Apr Taipei County Stadium
springLOVE 2006 Taipei Taiwan http://www.springlove.com.tw
Thu,20 Apr Double Six Club
Double Six Club Bali Indonesia
Sat,22 Apr Pantai Carnival
Pantai Carnival Jakarta Indonesia
Loh jogjanya mana yah??
kok ga ada d schedulenya dia.... :(
Udah ada informasi untuk tiketnya berapa?? Terus tiket box dimana?? Sama Acara mulai jam berapa sampai jam berapa belum??
Kalau ada infonya up date yaaah, jadi bisa siap2 buat event ini....
to whom it may concern..
benang merah is the EO for Tiesto tour in Indonesia
elektra666 will update the news about Ardi Pite performance in Tiesto tour 2006
that waht we can inform to you all right now..
thank you & patient..
Quote from: Chris. M on 22/02/06, 12:49
Udah ada informasi untuk tiketnya berapa?? Terus tiket box dimana?? Sama Acara mulai jam berapa sampai jam berapa belum??
Kalau ada infonya up date yaaah, jadi bisa siap2 buat event ini....
Tiket sih kayaknya Rp.200.000-250.000 kt gw......
Trus gw denger katanya Oom Naro ikut maen,stgh jam gitu....trus Mas Pite maen sejam....
hallaaaah, ngapain lagi naro pake main sgala !
ga perlu lah electro ikutan main di event ini.
Tenang...tenang....masih belum jelas kok beritanya juga....hehe...
ko pada ribut yg laen?? Mau siapa aja yg jd pembukanya nga jd soal...
Terlalu kecil kita ngeributin masaLah itu YANG PENTING TIESTO MAEN DI INDONESIA SOB....
iYaa....teNAng !! heuheue..ticket segituu untuk tiesto..hhmm..masih ok lah !! pada nabung aja...yaa...siapkan amunisi jauh2 harii...dann mudah2an ini amannnn!! ga lucu khan...dj Kondang main.....pas pULang tes urine !dan untuk pertama kalinya rave ada tes urine...ahhhhhhhhhh...tidakkkkk
yaaiiiksssss..jgn bikin parno dong djuo!!,.....ini TIESTO gitu lhoh...ehheehe
Weiks... jgn sampe deh!!!!
adoohh.. ada lagee yg bikin parnoo... uda deh itu mah gimana ntar aja, kita kan dsana rame" ;D
iya mau syapa yg maen biarin aja, selama tiesto-nya tetep maen :D
Hahaha..sorry..sorry ! yang penTing kaLo tiesto beraNGkUttttttsssss
BeRaaNGKaTzzz ?!?!?
semoga harganya tidak menjulang tinggi nihhh... ;D
yg parno2 buang jauh2 aja dulu... ya ga seehhhhhh
Quote from: Frankie_Wilde on 23/02/06, 19:31
Belum siap euy... blm dpt source yg brgnya bagus.
bagi2 info donk klo dapet yg bagus,,, tentunya dgn hrg yg menarik,,, ok!!! ditunggu!!!
Quote from: DNA on 22/02/06, 20:46
Quote from: Chris. M on 22/02/06, 12:49
Udah ada informasi untuk tiketnya berapa?? Terus tiket box dimana?? Sama Acara mulai jam berapa sampai jam berapa belum??
Kalau ada infonya up date yaaah, jadi bisa siap2 buat event ini....
Tiket sih kayaknya Rp.200.000-250.000 kt gw......
Trus gw denger katanya Oom Naro ikut maen,stgh jam gitu....trus Mas Pite maen sejam....
sumpe lo 200rb ? aysssmateee' bole banget tuu.. ;D ;D
Quote from: dimsumondline on 13/02/06, 21:54
horeeee,,,, horeeeee,,,,, asikkk,,, kpn Pre Sale???? brp tiket????
200rebu mpe bego ngga tuh? *mencurigakan*
yea well. ditunggu info ticketbox & confirmationnya. ;)
anak rvlx ngumpul dolo yok sblm brngktttt
yuuuuuukk ah ngumpul2... huhuhuhuhuh
BersAtu kiTa Teguh.. ;D
uda keluar harganya belom sih? denger" 400ribu? ga sampe segitu kaannnnn???? :'(
Quote from: LiL CoW on 28/02/06, 15:08
uda keluar harganya belom sih? denger" 400ribu? ga sampe segitu kaannnnn???? :'(
haah...capiii dgr dare mana tuh..?? 400 ribu hmmm no problemo.. ;D
ah tp msh bs siapkan amunisi,....siapin dulu ah... ::)
malah gosip yang beredar buat di double six entar up from 500rb sob.. HAHAHA, seriusan gak tuh? ???
haaah...dnab yg bnr aja di double 6 ticket price... 500 ribu.., ooo mungkin plus -e- kali yah.. 2 wakakakakak ;D ;D
pre partynya aja dolo.. april masih lama ey.
edan bener ya nunggu april emang lammaaaaaa
ayo april cepatlah... bisa ga sih maret dibalik jadi april,,trus april dijadiin maret?hahaahah,,pikiran saya sudah kacow..
leh kasih ide engga??
di adain donk tiket terusan...dari bali terus ke jkt...pasti jatuhnya lebih murahkan...hehhehe:D:D
cuma ide loh...jangan di ambil ati..hehehe...:D:D
Bos klo pake tiket terusan, crowdnya yg ampun2 deh dihajar terus2an....hehehe
Quote from: Frankie_Wilde on 28/02/06, 15:50
haaah...dnab yg bnr aja di double 6 ticket price... 500 ribu.., ooo mungkin plus -e- kali yah.. 2 wakakakakak ;D ;D
tau tuh yang bikin gossip kurang bertanggung jawab ;D
lo bakal lebih kaget lagi bro kalo tau harga yang gue denger tuh brapa exactly nya buat di 66.. ;D
Hah...Gope...Gile beneeeer...
Tapi teuteup....teuteup dateng...heuheu...
double 6 siih venuenya ok... tp bnyk guy..lekong wateverlah gitu.. hiii ceyem...
Jadi sebenernya brapa neh...? gosip yg ada kyanya makin ga jelas gini...
tp tetep brangkaaaaaaaaaat...!!!!!!!!!!
Pas denger gosip tiket gope langsung kepikiran gila abis brapa ya ntar?? Tp pas kepikir loncat2 sambil liat tiesto sendiri yg maen....??? Wuih... gope bsa diusahain&tetep kudu berangkat dengan perlengkapan yg lengkap hehehe...
siap!!! tahan napsu, tahan semua,,, ayo menabung!!! brp pun harga tiketnya HAJARRRRR..... ga ngaruh! hahahahaha!!! ;D
Duh kalo gope , bs kredit ga yah?? wuayah, xixiixixi. update lg donk om dan tante panitia brp tiketnya dan bs dibeli dmn?? HARUS KUDU MUSTI , BRANGKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT !!!!!
Pasti sob....
Teuteup Kudu aja pokoknya....
kok kayanya ga ada kemajuan sih? masih gitu" aja yah...
Tiesto jd keindo.. cuma kepentok harga tiket aja.. nii mudah2han ngga sampe jual tanah.. hahaha ;D
Quote from: Frankie_Wilde on 02/03/06, 23:38
Tiesto jd keindo.. cuma kepentok harga tiket aja.. nii mudah2han ngga sampe jual tanah.. hahaha ;D
gak lah segitunya jual tanah,,, jual diri iya kali, hehehehe,,,
iya nih!!! kpn perkembangannya,,, jd biar bisa ancer2 brp duit yg mesti di kumpulin!!!
bener neh lama konfirmasi tiketnya... ??? 'kan mau nyiapin duit buat booking kamar jg di ancol!! klo kmahalan bs2 ga jd open room neh..!cma cukup bwt tiket ama amunisi doang... ::)
temen gue ada yang denger di Prambors, katanya buat Jakarta concertnya tiket 150.000 IDR , bener ga tuh?
Jay... hihihihihi bener sih tp emang lo buka kamar sendirian? kan patungan dong rame"... ya kan? ;D
angelboy... ohya? yang bener nih? kalo uda confirm di prambors.... tp masih gambling jg sih! simpang siur bgt!
Unbelievable... i will definately fart at this rave XD ;D ;D
Dgr-dgr.. ticketnya
presale 100.000
onthespot 150.000
klo bnr iya wuuihhhh mantab....
amunisi,..syap diluncurkan.. ;D
booking kmr... putri duyung aahhh 3hari 2malam wakakakak ;D ;D
angelboy.. sinjing bintang lo uda 5 aje cuy! gyahahahahahaha... sapi bagi satu dong? boleh....?? ;D
hah masa sih frankie wilde harganya segitu?? hahaha lama amat 3 hari 2 malem, mau ditemenin sm putri duyung ya? mengulang kesuksesan liat buuren ditemani cw" berbikini basah"an... bhahahahaha ;D
Iya tuh DNAB dah JENDRAL BINTANG LIMA....Cool...
@ lil cow...
klo gw sii dgr2nya gitu... tau de bnr apa ngga "believe or not"....
whuahuahua.. skalian long weekend aja ah....... ;D
hahaha..pgnnya siiy tp.. klo ntar pas tiesto cw2nya kyk dizouk out.. wuuiiihhh mantab..... ;D ;D
wahaha..yaa will see lah sapi.. mudah2 ntar bnr2 ada putri duyung yg mau nemenin... frankie ::)
@ Lil Cow: iya seh rame2..tp klo tiket mahal'kan temen2 gw jg pd mikir2 lg mo open room.. tp klo tiketnya 150rb kyanya seh jadi neh.. sapi mo ikutan?hehehe ;D
@ Frankie wilde: Seru tuuh... Kyanya ide pak Frankie bole jg untuk diikuti.. Klo tiket bener2 pego, amunisi bisa bw banyaaaaaaaaaaak banget.. ::)
ngapain open room jo.. kalo dia maenin 2 - 3 hours set.. abis itu lanjuuuuttt afterparty, ;D
bapurrrrrr....keren bintang lima>>>kejar setoran hehehhehee...
Quote from: Jay on 06/03/06, 11:22
@ Lil Cow: iya seh rame2..tp klo tiket mahal'kan temen2 gw jg pd mikir2 lg mo open room.. tp klo tiketnya 150rb kyanya seh jadi neh.. sapi mo ikutan?hehehe ;D
@ Frankie wilde: Seru tuuh... Kyanya ide pak Frankie bole jg untuk diikuti.. Klo tiket bener2 pego, amunisi bisa bw banyaaaaaaaaaaak banget.. ::)
Hati-hati nyetttttt...ntar berbusa lho situ mulutnya !!hahahhaha.... :D
Tenang aja,nal.... 'kan ada lo yg jagain gw..apa ntar jgn2 malah jadi gw yg jagain lo neh... ;D
iya nih
kok belum ada kepatian harga tiket ya?
sama info berapa lama set-nya tiesto....
yang udah tau info bagi2 donk...
Quote from: LiL CoW on 03/03/06, 18:10
Jay... hihihihihi bener sih tp emang lo buka kamar sendirian? kan patungan dong rame"... ya kan? ;D
ih sapi.. ngapain patungan? jay aja yg bayar sendiri, kita patungan kripik singkong ajah..
asik kan tuh jadi bandar kripik.. nyummy
kiddin jay :P
jana.... maksutnya dia patungan sm temen"nya dia gituuu.... kalo dia ngajak sapi brarti pan sapi tinggal nebeng! hahahahaha.... ;D
Quote from: LiL CoW on 08/03/06, 10:50
jana.... maksutnya dia patungan sm temen"nya dia gituuu.... kalo dia ngajak sapi brarti pan sapi tinggal nebeng! hahahahaha.... ;D
Quote from: jana on 07/03/06, 20:10
Quote from: LiL CoW on 03/03/06, 18:10
Jay... hihihihihi bener sih tp emang lo buka kamar sendirian? kan patungan dong rame"... ya kan? ;D
ih sapi.. ngapain patungan? jay aja yg bayar sendiri, kita patungan kripik singkong ajah..
asik kan tuh jadi bandar kripik.. nyummy
kiddin jay :P
Siaaaap.....!!!! ;)
buka kamar penting yah?? eh dah liat ancol skrg ga? ada keretanya loh skrg, emg dipersiapkan buat pantai carnaval kyknya sering bikin acara musik, jd yg parkirnya jauh kesana tinggal naik kereta deh dr pintu masuk ancol ke pantai carnavalnya, asalkan ga jd tmp mesum aj kereta goyang ;D
Bareng - Bareng pake kancut Brangcut... :P
doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh....DJ cucoooo mau datang...
kapan gw bisa jjs ya ma tiesto??
ada yang mau temenin gw nonton enggak nih?? ;) ;) ;)
tapi harus cucooooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.....
cuco rowo...?? hehehe... jk ;)