

Started by Gober, 16/05/07, 01:02

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Jangan di intimidasi djnya yah,,,kasian bon!semua kan bisa salah,,,apalagi lagi saat2 yg termasuk penting,semua orang pengen TAMPIL,,,tapi keinginan itulah biasanya penyebab kesalahan!


Tetep support DJ yg maenin killers track,,,,,dia bagus kok maennya malem itu,,,,,,,yuk kita bangun  EDM kita supaya lebih maju
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

ahhh tetep seruuuu kok,,,,, hati gw tetep seneng, kaki gw tetep tak berhenti berjoget, mulut gw tetep ga berhenti mengoceh,,,, sayangnya hrs digiring k atas, tp sukses lah Electrosoul,,, oiya, stiker nya donk, yg kmrn ilang ntah dmn,,,, hiuhihihihihih ;D ;D ;D ;D sukses guys, ;)
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

@ Dree

Enggak lah.. Itu kan cuman hal sepele sob.. btw, emang loe nongol kmrn?

Quote from: Debon on 05/06/07, 07:11
@ Dree

Enggak lah.. Itu kan cuman hal sepele sob.. btw, emang loe nongol kmrn?


rame juga yaah...

met ultah electrosoul.... ;)
Illusion Visual Player