
FIRST FLIGHT @ WB , Saturday 11 NOV 06

Started by big diddy, 03/11/06, 14:30

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03/11/06, 14:30 Last Edit: 03/11/06, 14:38 by Gober
'X- Calation' proudly present "FIRST FLIGHT"

Saturday 11 Nov 2006 @ WONDER BAR

feat :

DJ ADHE (dafkaf) ableton set feat: CHILING
DJ SONY (dafkaf)
DJ BELTA (X - calation)
DJ BONDAN (X - calation)


just B there n support..

4 guest list call  081514422661     ;D

atasnya ada barbarellas anniversary..
di bawahnya ada adhe..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

naik turun nih...hehehe
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

atas bawah niy.....heuhue

first flight saya kemana yah???

duh ada teman lama ku ...bondan...????
pa kbr tuh..?????
rj rj rj...

bisa2 cuma diem di tangga dah , kagak naek kagak turun....

wow....ada adhe.....seru nih....pengen dateng dheee.....
this is where the hungry come to feed...
Im waitin for it to hit me....

Quote from: prama on 08/11/06, 17:56
bisa2 cuma diem di tangga dah , kagak naek kagak turun....
uh ga mau rugi bgt sptnya, huehuehuehue

cuma mo nanya......
emang naek turun ga bayar yah ?
enak banget.....
di bandung mah....conto nya di studio east.....bawahnya kan tropicana tuh.....
so ga bisa naek turun....... lu mo naek bayar......atopun sebaliknya.....

** beneran belom pernah ke mbc ame WB **
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

@kojack: naik turun ga bayar..klo masuk dari mbc bisa turun ke wb..tp klo masuk dari wb ga bisa ke mbc... gitu kira2..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: KoJack on 09/11/06, 11:50
cuma mo nanya......
emang naek turun ga bayar yah ?
enak banget.....

** beneran belom pernah ke mbc ame WB **

om kojack...
tgl 17 ntar disempetin yak dateng ke overdrive
global gathering kita...


diusahakan hadir...!
pemanasan dulu ahk... ngerasaain auranya WB... hahaha
welcome to my weekend

waduh2 bener kata om newreal di thread tetangga diatas lucu2an dibawah pukul2an!!! keras bro!! hehhe... gokil aww..!!

mantap !! adhe dengan ableton nya .. sony set nya berat , sesuai dengan tubuhnya .. hehehe.. GO DAFKAF !!

adhe keren...mantap...
laser pun sampai menyambut uheuheuhe...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

keren bener adhe......swit swit.....
this is where the hungry come to feed...
Im waitin for it to hit me....

cihuyy buat adheee!!!!! u go man!!!! WB packed guilaaaa....
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

adhe dgn ableton set nya emang gokil, mau ableton atau maen biasa sama gokilnya.... pokonya dafkaf d best deh...

sonny set lo gokil....salute....
adhe ..... sip sip sip....
rj rj rj...

keren adhe lagu buatannya, en spastiknya keren banget pas mainin effectnya....salute for adhe dafkaf

hehehehhee om sony juga mantaaaafffff...;.

iya.. asli parah banget.. itu WB penuhnya udah kayak apaan tau..
mana gelap banget..

tapi sayang kok banyak abg-abg yang ngampar di pinggiran lorong situ ya ??

tapi sukses.. sukseess.. ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

ampun daaahhh..... itu gelap segelapnya wb...
gue sampe harus pegangan mlulu ama temen gue takut ilang ;D
tapi sokil soobbb.... ga bisa berenti malem itu, baru sekalinya duduk bentar, ealah uda ada control freak, jadilah semangat kelelawar lagi.. huehehehheeee ;D ;D
4 thumbs up buat anak2 x-calation yg sukses datengin dj2 gokiilllll....... ;)
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...