
Free! 6th Anniversary Party "Glorious 6"

Started by bucks, 31/08/07, 16:45

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happy birthdayy!!

waa bakal goyang ni x2..... equinox ada cream&p double pulaa.. seru seruu!
..love and respect..

....haPpy beLzday 4 Free maGz....

sukses acarana yowh....mmh dtng gak y??  (?) (?)

once again hpy d"day free maaaaaaGz

dapet invitnya gmana om den? mau dong !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


hmmmm siap yah? mau dong !!!!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


06/09/07, 14:16 #56 Last Edit: 06/09/07, 16:44 by dj_3j4
ga kerasa udh ultah lg freemagz....happy b'day ya  *tepuktangan*
iya nih ada freeflow lg ga kaya dulu... *piss*

sedoooooooottt mangggggg......^^

Happy b'day free mag!!!! It's a bless to have you in our life. Much kisses and hugs

07/09/07, 02:01 #58 Last Edit: 07/09/07, 16:13 by dweetha

klo mau invit g ada 20 ni... berhub limited.... jd siapa cepat d dapat....  *piss*
yg gak dapet invit ada juga geslis tapi gak dapet free flow...

yang mau pm g ya.....

terakhir pm g terima besok hari jumat jam 17.30...

*piss* *piss*

invit cuma dapet 5 utk 10 org.... jadi klo emang mau cuma buat 1 org 1 user
geslis gak ada
All people smile in the same language...


udah gw PM yah !! mau dong !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


invit cuma dapet 5 utk 10 org.... jadi klo emang mau cuma buat 1 org 1 user  :-\ :-\
geslis gak ada  :-\ :-\

sori ya guys....

*piss* *piss*
All people smile in the same language...


mau dong gw sendiri nih !!! hehehehe !!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


happy bday free!  *tepuktangan*
sukses selalu yah...   ;D

24.00 - 01.00 Deny a.k.a spider pig !!

request dong : POSITIVE DOMINATION !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Quote from: DJ Deny on 07/09/07, 16:47
guys.. jangan lupa the party starts mulai jam 10.

line ups at x2:

22.00 - 23.00: Dimdok
23.00 - 24.00: Bone
24.00 - 01.00: Deny
01.00 - 02.00: Ardi Pite
02.00 - 03.00 : Marquee


cadaaaaaasssssssss.. :o

btw, happy birthday free magz.. ;)
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn


ada geslis an RAVELEX utk 30 org yaaaa.....

password..... ???

hub telp g 081932591219

biar g bisa data sapa aja yg dtg....

All people smile in the same language...

waduh waduh ada acara bagi2 jg yah???

@ boz meyong: saya mw jg dunk... He  ;D

:) *piss*

yuk mareeee,,,,,
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

anjrot gokil banget freemagz !

@ indra freemagz: mana kaos gw (?) kwakwa. haha

gokil banget ni acara, wew
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


Happy birthday free....

maaf om indra..
gw ga bisa dtg...

i wanna come so badlyyyyyyyyyyy..........

sukses troussssssssss buat free!  *tepuktangan*

seruuuuu... ga dapet kaos tapi dapet minum banyak banget...sampe teler..
DJ Deny kerennnnn bangetttt..... sampe mules gw.. :-[ sgs... ;D ;D Akhirnya denger Positive Domination langsung dari empunya *bgs*
DJ Romy mantap  *bgs* ...set baru ;)
pulang2 dibagiin tanaman hehehe..udah ditanem..
happy birthday free n sukses terus... :)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

keren acaranya,,,,,,Imor mantap at Vintage,,,,Marquee juga keren at X2

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

happy bday FreeMagz..
Party nya  *bgs* *bgs*
crowdnya  *bgs*
asepnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *jlk* *jlk* sumpah ga nahan idung gw...
pulang2 mampet dua2nya huaheuaheue

ketemu dree dkk jugaaaa  ;D  ;) ;D

^depan dj booth panas sekaliiiiiiih..
When you love too much, you're always expecting something in return, and setting yourself up for disappointment.
Loving someone endlessly and unconditionally isn't love it's a compulsive disorder and a form of emotional blackmail

Quote from: bebe.ocean on 09/09/07, 16:15
happy bday FreeMagz..
Party nya  *bgs* *bgs*
crowdnya  *bgs*
asepnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *jlk* *jlk* sumpah ga nahan idung gw...
pulang2 mampet dua2nya huaheuaheue

ketemu dree dkk jugaaaa  ;D  ;) ;D

^depan dj booth panas sekaliiiiiiih..

hueheuhuehue,,,,ketemu bebe dengan mukanya yang memerah,,,,hayo kenapa?
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare