

Started by RoniJoni, 25/01/07, 22:05

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Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 29/01/07, 02:45
mudah2an bisa mampir yah pak bersama 3 in One,  2 orangnya ujian soalnya hehehe...

gw rabu sorenya ujian... ;)
Illusion Visual Player

Quote from: SGStronix on 30/01/07, 17:18
kan sore ndre... wb sore belom buka kok... hehehe

hehe,,nah itu dia biasanya efek pusing abis ngerjain akuntansi tuh ampe pagi yab's... hehehe
Illusion Visual Player

hahaha,,yawdah tar diusahakan hadir deh... ;)
Illusion Visual Player

Quote from: AndrE ClayZ on 30/01/07, 17:35
hahaha,,yawdah tar diusahakan hadir deh... ;)
dateng kan ndreee....kan udah di smsin ma lo huakakakaka...
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

Quote from: Loki on 30/01/07, 18:41
Quote from: AndrE ClayZ on 30/01/07, 17:35
hahaha,,yawdah tar diusahakan hadir deh... ;)
dateng kan ndreee....kan udah di smsin ma lo huakakakaka...

adooh....beban banget sih ni cewe... ::)
Illusion Visual Player

koq jadi ngomongin cewe  (?) (?) (?)
ck ck ck sabar ndree huehehehe....
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

Hmm menggoda..

RJ kejar setoran ni? Main 2 tempat sehari? Hehe.

Hmm dateng ga ya? Antara besoknya nyari duit, dateng, or nonton Heroes dulu ni :)

huehuehue heroes film apa sih?? kok dimana-mana dibicarakan, katro bgt yah gw.

@RJ: tergantung pasukan yah sob , hehehe *piss*

heroes di star world toms..

eh eh heroes ada dvdnya... ;D

lagi nunggu yg ujian nih..sama yg mau mampir kok blom dateng2... masih blom yakin berangkat apa ngga nih..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

dtng yuk malem ini ke wb??????hheeee
rj rj rj...

Quote from: Girindra on 31/01/07, 13:32
Hmm menggoda..

RJ kejar setoran ni? Main 2 tempat sehari? Hehe.

wkakakakaka bkn kejar setoran...tp kejar apaa ya??heheheee
dtng dong ger!!!!
rj rj rj...

kerenn pak maennya!!

dj pecah.. ;D ;D
I'm not driving fast,
I'm just flying low..

gw gak dateng,,asem...pala pusing,masih harus buat laporan pertanggung jawaban lagi.... :(
Illusion Visual Player

siapa sih semalem dj yang multi talented banget itu?
maennya dari electro, house, trance semua aja naik turun ngacak-ngacak flow..
aneh !!!!

btw, ronijoni setnya tadi malem boleh juga..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

katanya DJnya canggih banget maennya ya..?

pure2 gak tau lu ngkes...!!
si bayu...

siape?? blonky??

tp crowdnya pd suka tuuh.. huhu
I'm not driving fast,
I'm just flying low..

gue mah milih ronjon aja deh!! hehehe... udah lama ga dengerin lagu2 kaya begituu... ueeenaaaak!!! jogedan di dance floor gak nyampe ber10 aja tetap asik!! hahahaha!! tengkyuuu yah janjijoni!! setnya mantap!!

bener2 groupiesnya ronjon nih...  :-\

just keep your mind open and suck in the experience
and if it hurts.. you know what... it's probably worth it

huaaaaaa kayanya seru bner dah...
sangat sayang skali saya tdk bisa dateng karena duit lom turun...
hiks hiks...
mirumuuuu...kemane aja dirimu?
si sonique hadir ga ke mas randy?
The tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

@ toshi:

seru dooong!! hehehehe... kemaren gak ngeluarin duit sama sekali koq mat.. hehehe... gak ngapa2in koq!! hihihi... bener2 jogedan sambil karokean.. huahaha...

iya nih.. kemana aja ya gue... hehehe... kangen ya mat?? apa jadinya lo party tanpa kehadiran gue??? huehehehe... gue ma sonik ga dateng randy katana... males mat... gak boleh ajojingan gue hari sabtu.. cupu ya... hehehe
just keep your mind open and suck in the experience
and if it hurts.. you know what... it's probably worth it


wah2...tumben bisa jogedan sambil karokean...heheheh....wah party ga ada dirimu serasa hampa...hihihi...

masa ga bole ajojingan sih...lg2 party tanpa lo mer...hiks
The tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

ahk ...
si mamat mah dateng nya selalu ke acara2 yg di datengin sama banyak ABG mulu sih hi3..

sekali2 dong mat dateng ke acara UNDERGROUND kayak tadi malem tuh...

enak mat, sepi...
berasa dirumah sendiri
mao joget gaya tari uler juga bisa... ;D
welcome to my weekend


setan lu ja...gw pgn ikut kmaren tp kiriman lom dateng...mo begimane lg ane...duit gw enol besar di dompet dah...hiks hiks...
The tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

semalem ada mamat??? NOMAT Lg gak???? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket