
ganteng banget nih orang...

Started by Gober, 02/01/08, 14:29

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hidup embassy.. hidup PVD..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
"there are no strangers here, just friends we haven't met"

emank ganteng dehh!! jng ampe di cancel... amin.
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.


count me in  :D
Love the music..not war (^_^)

wah...ganteng banget...hhaaaaa....pulang dari bali nonton PVD...senang sekali rasa hati....hhaaa....
breath for the beat...

udah total confirm ni ?? moga2 ga travel-warning lagi ..
gw mau book airasia soalnya hehe..

14/01/08, 00:46 #56 Last Edit: 14/01/08, 00:48 by for.an.angeL
awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!,,,,,,, mas PauL,,, !!!   :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*
i used to work in a factory, and i was really happy because i could daydream all day..

Ditunggu kehadirannya...;)

mulai menghitung hari neh!
Let there be disco, on earth as in space

mudah2an ga ada insiden2 kaya wkt tiesto dulu..
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..

@atas amin ya rabal alamin,,

btw tiket bisa dibeli dimana aja yaa??

Penting untuk hadir....!!!
The things that don't kill, only makes you strong

biasa aja ahh... ( SOMSE GW )
Jessi Septamirza R
Indonesian PR representative
Tour manager

Marc residence 10-11 Tower B Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Tebet timur 8. Jakarta, Indonesia