

Started by underwaterplanet, 02/12/07, 12:04

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microchip presents........................


- monthly tech house provider -

in conjunction with SOUNDS OF GILI preparty

alvin k & indra7.......................................

special guest
REMY IRWAN................................

visual by
DAZED visualab............................................

saturday, 15 th dec 07 @ WILLOW
10pm - 3am.......................................


WILLOW / yokunata 2nd floor / permata senayan blok e 16 - 17 /
jl. tentara pelajar / arteri road behind MULIA hotel
+ MAX  the  MIN -


pengen dateng..diduga canggih nih!

sukses yaa..
hear no evil..see no evil..talk no evil..but acts like evil!!


Dah lama nih gw gaq denger tech house.. terakhir jaman2x tahun 2004 gokil2x tech house Yooooo... bantai Ndra..
Jessi Septamirza R
Indonesian PR representative
Tour manager

Marc residence 10-11 Tower B Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Tebet timur 8. Jakarta, Indonesia

big support from bandung!!!!

brangkatss lah..... kalo gituh hehe..

gw boleh dateng kagak brot...?
si bayu...

makan kenanganya kapan...?
si bayu...

Jumat deh ya?Eh kantor lu bukannya deket gue ya?Di jaksa ada cing, sosis babi gitu.Bratwurst!! hehehe

dijaksa yg cafenya warna kuning itu bukan??hehhehehe
si bayu...

gw banyak gel abril baru nih mau ga?
si bayu...

 *bgs* *bgs*
" in between the lines "

yeah...partynya dimulai dari hari jumat dong (silver scream)...hehehe..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
no rest for the Wicked

mendingan di terusin sampe minggu ajaa... pasti cihuy.. abis itu bangkrut :P hahahahaha..

@dunant: udah susah skr bok kalo mau hardcore gitu..kepentok urusan kantor dan rumah tangga ;D ;D

@7: waaaaaaaaaahh... kamu sudah bukan jejaka techno lagi ya? :P hehehehehehe... february bawa francois dubois yuuukkk!!!! :D hehehehehe...

francois dubouis = funk d' void, jati diri nya mending yg mana tuh?
" in between the lines "

@ 7: bisa tuh ndra nginep di tempat lo

@ dunant: minggu udah mesti bobo, senin musti kembali ke realita bok..hehehe
no rest for the Wicked

Ih, kui gak ngajak2 ih kenapa ih.. kan gw udh di batavia chink?
Anarchy. Now

Quoteminggu udah mesti bobo, senin musti kembali ke realita bok..hehehe

cie robin realita bok ;)