
IndoDance Music Festival

Started by 360., 13/03/08, 15:42

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Bsement Jaxx Live set or DJ set???? huhuhu, pdhl mengharap GA live set,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

wah untung gantinya basement jaxx !. tetep antusias donk pastinya..
Krafty Kuts & Diplo ?.. pasti kaan.. ?
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

Wow... Nice substitutions...

Are they going to perform live or dj set?

naughty by nature juga sadeeesss...
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

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jadi groove armada diganti basement jaxx yahhh? pengganti yang canggih juga nih...

Red alert! Red alert!
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

wwaaaaaaahhh Basement Jaxx!!!!!

16/04/08, 01:42 #255 Last Edit: 16/04/08, 01:44 by 360.

We (360 ent.) as the promoter of Indo Dance Music Festival would like to apologize for cancelation of Groove Armada to perform in Jakarta, this was something out of our hands They cancel the whole Asia tour for some "reason".

As you guys know Indo Dance Music Festival is not about one DJ, but is a festival with a lot of big name.

And we still looking for something to replace Groove Armada, just to please you. Finally Basement Jaxx are confirm to play on our festival.

Please check on www.myspace.com.basementjaxx

360 ent.

Yo Guys,

Basement Jaxx DJ set....As for live mrk hanya akan lakukan kalo tour aja plus dgn wkt sesingkat ini tdk mungkin kita expect live to substitute as shipping barangnya aja pasti memakan wkt kurang lebih 21 hari kalo on schedule...jadi resiko utk terjadi sgt kecil kecuali tour...
So 360Ent sudah mengusahakan yg terbaik utk kt semua...
Thx for ur attention...



Grammy Award winner Basement Jaxx short Bio 2008

Basement Jaxx – Summer 2008

Since starting life as underground producers and party promoters in 1995, putting out their first tracks on shrink wrapped vinyl and throwing hush-hush raves in abandoned South London pizza joints, Simon Ratcliffe and Felix Buxton, collectively known as Basement Jaxx, have taken the sound of London, SW9 to the world.

With album sales of more than 2.5 million under their belt, including  2005's double platinum UK No.1 collection "The Singles", Basement Jaxx have also developed into a remarkable live act in which they eschew the usual head bobbing DJ style show that dance music is known for in favour of an all out sensory assault featuring drums, percussion, guitar and an army of singers.

2005 saw them play at the world famous Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, to 30,000 people in Hyde Park in Central London and close the main stage at the ultimate festival, Glastonbury.

Earlier the same year saw them collect their first Grammy for "Best Electronic Album" to add to the two BRIT's (Best Dance Act) and numerous other awards already on the shelf.

2006 saw the first Jaxx UK arena tour, packing out the prestigious Wembley Arena in London and selling over 55,000 tickets across the UK in support of the album "Crazy Itch Radio".

Working on a fifth album right now, Basement Jaxx will be taking time out this summer to play a DJ residency at Ibiza's Pacha Club as well as selected other DJ dates.

wheres yoouuurr heaad aaaatttt ??
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


lah trus? nasip gua gimana?

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not


thank u for the notification yesterday (by sms)..
mskpn kecewa bgt siy gak bs ntn Groove armada.. :'( :'(
tp se-tidaktidaknya, penggantinya nggak kalah keren ko..Basement Jaxx ajah duluu.. *tepuktangan*
sukses terus yaa 360 ent. *piss*


gokil gua lebih suka basement jaxx daripada groove armada !!!!!

thank youuu om N, and 360 entertainment...


semoga lancar persiapannya..ditunggu eventnya

16/04/08, 21:05 #263 Last Edit: 16/04/08, 21:07 by andino

tp semoga B JAXXX bisa lebih massive!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Basement Jaxxx Rocks...!!!!
......Gas pol, rem blong...!!!

17/04/08, 23:53 #265 Last Edit: 18/04/08, 00:01 by 360.

Sekali lagi 360 ent. minta maaf ya, blum bisa provide GA ke Jakarta..

But once  again we are trying to do everything we could to give the best entertainment for all of you guys

in Indo Dance Music Festival..


SUPPORT Untuk Basement jaxx dan 360 ent ..sukses ya sob ..untuk adhe ..erick..salman..dan anak2 yang laen...gue paste dateng..btw..basement jaxx "x"nya mesti dua ya !? soalnya kalo andezzz itu "z" nya mesti tiga lohhh...kalo ga dia pasti bt di stage..dan ga banyak gerak..sori ya ndezz ini untuk kebaekan kamu juga....jangan lupa ya....headphone !!....love u.... *piss*
This world is theater stage (dunia ini panggung sandiwara)

18/04/08, 00:25 #267 Last Edit: 18/04/08, 00:27 by elboe
Kalo g si penasaran banget ama Basement Jaxx (walaupun kecewa juga si gak jadi liat GA) :(, gak terlalu masalah banget lah "Live ste" atau  "DJ set". dari kemaren yang dateng juga DJ melulu, dan basement itu pemenang grammy electronic apa gitu taun 2005. :D

ngerimix lagu N.E.R.D, JT and many more lah. g si support abis, ini something new gitu. trus dari awal ampe abis line nya kayaknya gak bakala ngebuat g pindah tempat deh.

pokoknya g support bgt kok...


yg ini sih pasti hadir.. heheheheh..

cant be missed banget deh.. expecially with these LineUps..

Support 4 this event..!!
.. Trance = Music = Life ..

many thanx for you understanding and all your supports for IDMF


Update line up suhu..  ::)
DALTON's Family
Dance Without Moving

iya update line up doonk?? ga ada local dj ya??
official website udah ada blom??
thx.. support to indodance music festival!!!
Let there be disco, on earth as in space

18/04/08, 11:54 #272 Last Edit: 18/04/08, 13:10 by 360.
Main room

- Basement Jaxx
- Diplo
- Rub n Tug
- M.A.N.D.Y
- Krafty Kuts

Second room:

- Micko feat Dhea Ananda
- Dade (1945mf)
- Heru (Quirk it)
- Cream (soul manace)
- Space system (space record)
- Dondit (house kit)
- Fabi (dub container)
- Odeq
- Kuno-Kini
- Nasa feat. Dice
- Downey (Future)
- Lethal (limp bizkit/house of pain)
- Naughty by Nature

Visual by: Micology
Lighting operator and designer by Andy mutton

kawan2 gue dari www.swankglossy.com boleh tau CP nya untuk 360 ent.?? many thanks.....good luck  4 the event