

Started by cengli, 11/07/03, 17:40

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Marina Bay Waterfront
Zouk Out Nokia Remix . Colossal Party of the year! Present 2 days outdoor dance music festival with various Top DJs in the world, For the first night, the mood is that of an open-air concert starting from 8pm to 3am with performances of 3 superstar live acts with millions of fans in Asia alone featuring Dirty Vegas (UK), Stereo MCS (UK), Gus Gus (Iceland), Andrew Chow & Has – DJ set. Day 2 at 7pm to 7am featuring Dusk to dawn Non-stop dance music, with 4 music arenas each playing a different genre of music throughout the night; in Globalunderground arena with Sasha Uk, James Lavelle UK, James Zabiela Uk, Phil K (Australia), Aldrin and Tony Tay. Velvel Underground Arena with Kenny Dope (Masters at Work, US), Kerri Chandler (US), Bugz in the Attic (UK), Tashio Matsuura (Ex–UFO, Japan), Brendon P and DJB, Jeremy Boon. Mambo Jambo Arena: for die-hard Mambo fans to complete the full Zouk experience away from Jiak Kim Street. Regional Arena: Sonny (Singapore), Rough (Singapore), Tommy (Hong Kong) Manolet (Philipine), J6 (Taiwan), Gabriel (Malaysia), Grant Smillie (Australia), Gerald Ang (Singapore), Juri (Japan), Riri (Indonesia). For the ticket reservation,