

Started by doddo, 06/02/08, 16:13

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 *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  ;D  ;D  ;D

Love the music..not war (^_^)

Dateng dong pastinya *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

:)Gong Xi Fat Coy :)

siaaap! kami Persilatan PikPok & Direksi PT Lendir Sentosa hadir ;)

Gong XI Fa Chai juga..........
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

Suuport dah....diusahakan hadir....sapa tau dapet angpao dr om deny.....;D ;D ;D
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

Diusahakan bener2 dateng neeh soalnya X2 pasti keren neeeh ada DJ Deny  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Semoga udah pulang dari puncak pas malamnya  8) 8)

Sukses yaaa eventnya.. Gong Xi Fat Chai  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

bagi2 angpao dong lu den? hihihii :P

semoga bisa hadir pake cheong-sam hehe,,
i used to work in a factory, and i was really happy because i could daydream all day..

Quote from: for.an.angeL on 09/02/08, 18:03
semoga bisa hadir pake cheong-sam hehe,,

Yuk.. kan skalian mnta Angpau sm omDen.. maoo?

10/02/08, 19:02 #11 Last Edit: 10/02/08, 19:10 by sendyoke
Keren !!!!!

Baru ketemu lagi (in person) sejak dr thn 90an awal and liat Koko Denden maen. Just two statements... Flawless Mixing skill and Amazing flow..... ck ck ck ... enga salah selama ini gue jadi'in dia suhu.

Sempet ketemu juga sama beberapa owner and staff dr PT Lendir Sentosa.... huahahahaha.....

Asik banget dah pokok'e.... sayangnya the kutu kupretz yg dateng bareng gue ribut minta pulang terus gara2 enga tahan sama asep rokok.... Duile, mau clubbing tp takut asep rokok... ck ck ck....

Thanks koko Denden buat GL-nya

and buat semua yg ada disini... GONG XI FAT CHOI !

Waaah nyesel banget ga bisa datang karena banyak direksi dari PT.Lendir Sentosa yang kumpul  :'( :'( :'(

Juga Sendy dari aussie lagi balik neeh ke indo... Ga bisa dateng karena harus ke puncak ada acara....

Gimana acranya swru ga neeh ?? Minta report dunk  8) 8)
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

11/02/08, 14:04 #13 Last Edit: 11/02/08, 14:06 by DJ Deny
Quote from: sendyoke on 10/02/08, 19:02
Keren !!!!!

Baru ketemu lagi (in person) sejak dr thn 90an awal and liat Koko Denden maen. Just two statements... Flawless Mixing skill and Amazing flow..... ck ck ck ... enga salah selama ini gue jadi'in dia suhu.

Sempet ketemu juga sama beberapa owner and staff dr PT Lendir Sentosa.... huahahahaha.....

Asik banget dah pokok'e.... sayangnya the kutu kupretz yg dateng bareng gue ribut minta pulang terus gara2 enga tahan sama asep rokok.... Duile, mau clubbing tp takut asep rokok... ck ck ck....

Thanks koko Denden buat GL-nya

and buat semua yg ada disini... GONG XI FAT CHOI !

Akhirnya setelah puluhan tahun ga ketemu lagi, and selama ini cuman via YM kt bs kopdar he he

seru yah kmrn ada Juny,Oos,Elo, Beben n Rhia,Rangga,Bebe,Ricco Sepet,Regi dll.. *tepuktangan*

Ketemuan lagi yuk next saturday di Vertigo yah..formasi komplit heehee.. :D
