
Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA

Started by mutter666motion, 06/11/06, 16:01

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06/11/06, 16:01 Last Edit: 06/11/06, 16:10 by mutter666motion
Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA


also spinning : DJ ANTON - Future10  &  DJ RIM - elektra666   &  DJ REMY IRWAN
                    MC Q & VJ Mutter666motion

louie vega apa coxy..

??? ??? ???
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

hueheheheheee 2 hari yg membingungkan.. dua2nya keren..
Louie Vega for HOUSE
Carl Cox for TECHNO

just choose what u like dear...

@muter : kalo tante litlest udah pasti ke VEGA yah ?? ;D ;D

tapi ada 1 acara lagi yang belom disebutin..
hati sih berat kesana nih kayanya..
ah gampang deh tinggal naek turun.. ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

kc: ohh.. kalo litlest sih biasanya kalo gak demen ya turun, kalo boring ya naik.. ya gitu deh naik turun.. heheheheeee

iya di bawah mau ada Ninja kan..?

gw pasti dan harus dateng......

nga pernah kpikir bisa liat nih dj di indonesia....


louie vega: godfather of house......

abis ngebut d coxy... besokannya nyantai bareng louie vega...  8)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

duh.... jadi takut bandel2 di coxy.. abis tenaga malah nga bisa dateng ke louie vega

hajar coxy, lebay d vega, lanjut menggila d lantai 4 sesudahnya,,, bakalan jd pertempuran yg panjang,,, hahahaha...

louie vega master of house!!!
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

louie vega dong....uhhh... ini prioritas..coxy mudah2an bisa ikutan...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

kynya coxy ama vega bisa dateng deh... mudah2an... tp kynya gw lebih condong ke vega... hmmm... ajak yg mana yah??? hauehauehauehauheau

mau dua2nya sih.. tapi kalo suruh milih gw pilih lil louie dunk....

gue pilih yang dibawah aja deh..

hoooyyy.. ntar kalo udah capek di vega pada turun kebawah yaaaaaaaaa !! ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@kc: emang dibawah ada apaan?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

@sepet : ada deh.. hahahaha
tunggu pengumumannya keluar aja.. ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

hahahahaha,,,, gw prefer d bwh aja deh,,,,, hihihihi,,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Justru ituuuu...... demen!!! ahh lo jg demen yabs,,, hihihihi,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

sampai berjumpa dibawah temans !! ;D ;D

taunya malah gue yang ga dateng..
hahahaahah ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@uyab : bukan posisi misionaris donk ?? *loh ??

hauhauahuahauahu ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

udah udah.. ga boleh membicarakan hal yang menjurus.. ntar dimarahin sama paman.. ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

ampun deh melintir 2 hari berturut-turut

pohon duit gw dah panen lom yah??