
Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA

Started by mutter666motion, 06/11/06, 16:01

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29/11/06, 18:13 #50 Last Edit: 29/11/06, 18:27 by mutter666motion
ya ada invi & Glist.. FDC nya Rp 100.000,-

informasi terakhir tangga Embassy Wonder Bar akan di tutup. 

lah jd? dr embassy ga bs k WB???? kok gt????
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

takut ga balik keatas lagi kali kalo uda turun ke WB.. haha..

iya, so better made up yr mind...

yahhhh dilema nih,,,, scr ga mau melewatkan 2-2nya,,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

yah... sulit nih buat nentuin pilihan...
huhuhu... mau 2-2 nya.... ??? ???
when u feeling down
when u feel u need to get away

u can just FLY AWAY.....

mmmm... kalo ga bisa ke wb lewat embesi...
berartii.... sapi stay di embesi aja deh!!
kapan lagi liat louie vega??
kalo dj local kan masih bisa tiap minggu diliat... ;D
ajojingan selalu

29/11/06, 19:24 #57 Last Edit: 29/11/06, 19:29 by mutter666motion
ada ide nihh, kalo mau dua duanya.. dapetin CAP embassy & WB di tangan..!
heheheee... just idea buat yg "habit" naik turun.. (duh emang seru sihh yaa..)

ow.. pilih atas aja deh klo gitu...

mmm 2 cap..boleh juga..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

iya kalo gitu emang harus bolak balik...
jam 11 uda nyampe (takut ngantri boo), cap embesi trus keluar lagi turun ke wb...
abis itu cap wb deh...
ajojingan selalu

iyaaa,,,, abis itu gt kluar dpt cap final yg ga boleh msk lagi klo kluar,,,, duh,,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

iya, ngantri nya kayanya bakalan puanjanggggggg..

berarti harus dateng lebih awal dong...
btw, ga ada gratisan nih *tetepp* :P
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Beneran boleh 2 cap gt? Ntar ga boleh lg.

kngen jg nih mau ktm rim.....udh lama ya ngga ktm...!!!
rj rj rj...

prepare urself 4 the Godfather of house.... :)

ABSEN ULANG sapa aja yg kesini???


meet u there!!!!!
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

gw juga dateng... ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

bawah atas memang menggoda cekali..

invitnya lucu yah! ID card gitu...plus gantungannya pula, goskil dah mezzo! collectible items nih!
moga2 invitnya diliat aja jangan diambil, gw suka bgt! buat memorabilia lumayan bgt...

juo.. ada invit lo ??? ada lebih kah.. *ngarep