
Pulau Pasir Foundation pres KAMIKAZE, May 16th 2007 WED, LAMPUNG

Started by Mr Din, 05/05/07, 14:44

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Wuih kereeen!!! SUPPORT Om Udin hehehe...
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

eiwts udin hajar terus diluar kota dalam seminggu
good luck mate
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

support bro
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

huihh mantap..mr.udin kpn kita main bnrng niH...?

Apa aja Bolehlah...asal engga senggol2an...ntar nabrak..

Quote from: avidavi on 07/05/07, 11:01
hajar altuna!!!!
Quote from: adhievizuale on 07/05/07, 14:20
buset udah kaya mo gebukin orang aja huehehee....

eh salah yah, ga mungkin yah  ::) :P
*piss* *piss*
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

wihhh altuna mau perang....hajar!!!
support! ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

ke lampung dari bakauheni trus kemana?
siapa tau ada yang mau kesana naek mobil,,,,kakakkakaka
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Lampung is a very very nice place to party!

GREAT crowds *ga kalah ma STD...crowd nya cadas... ga bisa berenti teriak2 hehe* :P
GREAT Atmosphere
GREAT DJs... Ryan,Bayu Reza & Dhani... GOKIL!

PPF RULE!! Full support!

Thnx for the chance :D :D :D

hahahhahaah...engga kalah ma std...

Apa aja Bolehlah...asal engga senggol2an...ntar nabrak..