
REBONDING Present "RISING STARS" with INNERLIGHT @ PURE | 25 april 2008

Started by sin.AD, 18/04/08, 15:46

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wow.. trance menyerbu pure?
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

pure makin heboh nih...
Bukan Sembarang Pria, Pria Sembarangan....!!!!

mas edi main di pure,,,,,,
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Wuih.....Flyer nya mewah bang Bayu...mau buatin yang laen gak??? *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Jadi kenceng2 an neh PURE...
Kebuuuuuttttt...... *tepuktangan*

ayooo pada ke pure yaa...nonton producer of the year REDMA...
si bayu...

Mas eddi & mas bayu

Maen di club gw dong "Mega Mendung"  ;D
DALTON's Family
Dance Without Moving

dari kuningan langsung kesana apa gimana....??
si bayu...

wah jadi ok nih pure ada mas edy..

seru seru ..
.. Trance = Music = Life ..


Moga2 crowd2 di pure ketagihan TRANCE trus..... Amien :)

wes wes...
maen di club mana2 yaaa...

^^tampak miring please...hahahahaha
When you love too much, you're always expecting something in return, and setting yourself up for disappointment.
Loving someone endlessly and unconditionally isn't love it's a compulsive disorder and a form of emotional blackmail