

Started by Gober, 15/01/07, 18:15

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@ stoberi:
koq lo gak dateng sih? wah kurang asik lo lan... pada akhirnya lo menjadi member resmi ravelex malah gak dateng pas bikin acara... mmmm... cukup tau... sepele lo lan...  8)
just keep your mind open and suck in the experience
and if it hurts.. you know what... it's probably worth it

Quote from: strawberry on 09/02/07, 00:09
Yaaah,pasti seru deh?!!
gw nggak bs dateng ni,bentrok..  :(
but good luck n sukses buat acaranya ya..  ;)

waahh... aku jadi teringat suatu janji....

Quote from: NinBo on 09/02/07, 23:55
Quote from: strawberry on 09/02/07, 00:09
Yaaah,pasti seru deh?!!
gw nggak bs dateng ni,bentrok..  :(
but good luck n sukses buat acaranya ya..  ;)

waahh... aku jadi teringat suatu janji....

sepertinya janji kita sama nin,,, ;)
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

@fyl: dtg kok fyl, cm terlanjur ada janji,,,, ktm lah kita,,, ;)
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

@dims : ya elaaaaaaaahh.. dateng aja dulu kenapa siiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhh..
ah ga saik nih ga saik nih..
sepele nih sepele nihhhhhhhhh !!

asli dehh.. sebel beneran guee.. hiks hiks..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 10/02/07, 00:53
@fyl: dtg kok fyl, cm terlanjur ada janji,,,, ktm lah kita,,, ;)

@dim's seppp gw kira kaki lo sakit lagi hehehe...

Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 10/02/07, 00:07
Quote from: NinBo on 09/02/07, 23:55
Quote from: strawberry on 09/02/07, 00:09
Yaaah,pasti seru deh?!!
gw nggak bs dateng ni,bentrok..  :(
but good luck n sukses buat acaranya ya..  ;)

waahh... aku jadi teringat suatu janji....

sepertinya janji kita sama nin,,, ;)

seperti kata Wulan.. dari taun lalu uy janjinya...

@KC: IYeee keesss,,,, gw dtg,,, gw ga SEPELE kok!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

@Fyl: udh kering kok lukanya,,, lg seneng ngeletekin,,, hahahah ;D ;D ;D

@anin: dilema nih ninnn!!!!!!! gmnong???  ;D ;D ;D
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

gimana doong... ke EPISODE dulu baru kesana apa?

*repot gila gw... dr Bgr ke Jakarta trus kesana...*

awas lu pada kagak dateng !!!!
gue doain MASUK ANGIN !!!
ngga kangen lo nin ama gua ??

@dims : udah ya dimas.. udah cukup banyak yang sepele di sini.. ga usah ditambah-tambah lagi..
kita biar mureh tapi tetep asik kan?? ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@ dims, ninbo , strobery

tuhhh... gue kaga diajak neh' ?? ::)


ade ape sih kes , yg bikin lo ngebet banget dateng ?
curiga gue...
welcome to my weekend

pengen BERSOSIALISASI aja gue ja..
bukan anak disko kok gue ja.. :P
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: kc on 10/02/07, 01:39
awas lu pada kagak dateng !!!!
gue doain MASUK ANGIN !!!
ngga kangen lo nin ama gua ??

kangen Kes.. kangen...

dateng aja si Ja...

Quote from: kc on 10/02/07, 01:52
pengen BERSOSIALISASI aja gue ja..
bukan anak disko kok gue ja.. :P

iyeeee dah yg sosialita, bukan sosioclimber lg,,,, ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

SOSIOCLIMBER tuh apa sih dim (?)
welcome to my weekend

Quote from: capt. digweed on 10/02/07, 02:15
SOSIOCLIMBER tuh apa sih dim (?)

tanya ama yg udh sosialite,,, si kessie tuh,,, hihihihi ;D ;D ;D
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

ngga lah..
gue sih anaknya santaiiiiiiiiiiiii..

apa istilahnya?

apaan sih.. kita jadi nyampah nih.. kayak loki.. hahahahahaha *piss*

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: kc on 10/02/07, 02:23

apaan sih.. kita jadi nyampah nih.. kayak loki.. hahahahahaha *piss*

dari tadi gw cuma nonton in lo pada aja yah...tapi kenapa gw jadi dibawa2  ::) ::) ::)
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

@loki : *piss*
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@ loki

kayak elo kaga pernah bawa nama anak2 RVLX yang laen aje sob ...
welcome to my weekend

@ Ija ||
maxud nya ???? (?) (?) (?)
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

Tolong2 please  kita mah peace aja jooo..inget P.L.U.R.heee.heee.heee

@bless the child : *TOSS*
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not