

Started by innerlight, 02/03/07, 04:44

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waduh,.. gak tau nich,.. soalnya padet banget ntar malem gw,... kalo sempet gw ke wb dechhh
tb music 2008

Quote from: Tatar Bahagia on 10/03/07, 16:03

gw bukannya coba nge-gosippp,... tapi semalem mbc, balcony and wb tutup,... kabar denger kabar di segel !!!

gmana donk ????

iya kemaren ada masalah sama electricity gitu.. tp skrg uda bisa kok
I'm not driving fast,
I'm just flying low..

wahhh pasti lg pada asiiikkk nih,,, have fun guys,,, may athmosphere in java make conversation with u nya suksesss,,, *halaaahhh!!!! hahahahaha ;D ;D ;D

*iri, jealous ga bs dtg!!!! hiks,,,

om eddie, maaf ya ga hadir,,, kondisi fisik lg ga memungkinkan,,,,, suksess yaaa!!!!

guys, reportnya dtunggu,,,, ;)
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

mas edi,,,,,maen yang cantik ya!
tunjukin kualitasmu

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

@dimas: galak gila innerlight maennya,,melintir semua jo,,,btw cepet sembuh yah,,,knp ngak kemaren ini cabs aja sich ke wb? baru balik opname yah? kan bisa aja kalo niat, heheh, gw pegang in infus nya dech jaga2 kalo lo knp2 gitu,,,,,,heheheeeeee,,,,,

@edi (innerlight): salut mas edi,,galak bener,,btw gw udah dapet a+ kan yah,,kan udah naek ke speaker,,hehehe

@ronjon: datengnya telat bener,,,sorry gak bisa liat lo maen di brains,,ada pr yang musti di urus di wb mas,,,maap,,,:P
BurN With DesiRe...But U Left Me In The RaiN

Quote from: kc on 07/03/07, 22:10
kayaknya gue ga bisa dateng nihhhhhhhhhhhhh..

aku sakitt..
hiks hiks..

Loh bukannya dpt gelang dr Jimprut? hehehe..