

Started by Gober, 30/08/07, 02:19

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fikar..wah 7/24 makin mantab nih !! salam deh buat dmakaveli !! hahahahahaha !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


HE IS MY HERO................

The Almighty Scot Project........

Jgn lupa, kalo jd pergi, foto2nya di post... and foto juga sama dia... orangnya friendly banget koq.

Gue pernah foto bareng sama dia and rambut gimbalnya .......... kasar banget.... kaya sapu ijuk tau lo?!

:D :D :D


bukannya SCOTT tapi SCOT

*piss* *piss* *piss*

04/09/07, 15:06 #28 Last Edit: 04/09/07, 15:43 by didi 1945mf
Quote from: DJ Deny on 03/09/07, 17:16
Quote from: Mr Din on 30/08/07, 16:53
GOD OF HARD TRANCE! Yg suka YOJI musti dtg nh!! secara mirip bgt mereka main nya

hehhehe *piss*

Iya, yg suka kenceng2 tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah Mr. Din hehhe..liat scott dtg rasanya kayak dapet lotere yah din hihihi.. ;D

MBC Di Hajar trance niih?

link:   www.1945mf.net -->

gokil nih dj ..

"Scot Project"s profile has skyrocketed since 2002 and his highest new entry in the 2002 DJ Magazine Top 100".
Launching an attack on the UK hard-dance scene, Scot Project AKA Frank Zenker has been creating waves around clubland with appearances at Godskitchen, Gatecrasher, Slinky, Global Gathering, Homelands, Dance Valley, Energy and manymore festivals and clubs around the globe. Boasting a string of sensational production and remix projects, Scot Project is set to follow this success during 2003 with his stunning debut album.
Having learned to mix at the age of 13, Scot Project got his first break in 1986 playing breakbeat in a youth club. When the acid house movement hit in 1988 Scot Project was hooked on the sound and possibilities that the world's biggest youth culture offered. By 1990 he was a resident of several clubs in and around Frankfurt and could be found spending his pay cheques on a small but potent studio.
Scot Project's first track 'X' was released on Overdose shortly after, followed closely by the hugely successful 'U [I Got A Feeling]', which was released on Overdose / Positiva and charted throughout Europe. Soon Scot Project relinquished his residencies to tour the USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia and Europe, developing a loyal fan base across the Globe.
Scot Project describes his style as; "a combination of hard percussive elements mixed with melodic trance melodies coming in at the break, the perfect combination of sugar and spice!".
Having established himself as one of the big names in hard dance, DJ Scot Project was offered a plethora of remixes, including Pulse, Fog, Area and Intercord among others. Most recently, he enjoyed massive success in the UK during 2001, applying the midas touch to; 'Firewire'.
"Scot Project twiddles the knobs on this hard house hymn to his favourite computer programmer and comes up with an anthem so mindless it truly is a thing of beauty" - Mixmag April 2001.
Firewire went onto become one of hard dance's most timeless and instantly recognisable tunes.
A year on from his breakthrough, Scot Project is steering away from remix work to concentrate on producing new tracks for his debut album on Overdose. His latest single 'Arome' sold 5000 copies on the first day of its release and such success will undoubtedly be repeated when his next and currently 'untitled' track is released during 2002.
Scot Project's abrasive, transcendent style has certainly won him plenty of fans in the UK, where there is no shortage of demand for his futuristic sets from clubs and clubbers alike. A series of stunning productions and infectious DJ skills will ensure his continued success at the forefront of hard dance music.

lets bangin our heads!!

Quote from: didi 1945mf on 04/09/07, 15:06
Quote from: DJ Deny on 03/09/07, 17:16
Quote from: Mr Din on 30/08/07, 16:53
GOD OF HARD TRANCE! Yg suka YOJI musti dtg nh!! secara mirip bgt mereka main nya

hehhehe *piss*

Iya, yg suka kenceng2 tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah Mr. Din hehhe..liat scott dtg rasanya kayak dapet lotere yah din hihihi.. ;D

Di Hajar trance niih?

Iya donkkkk.... sesekali lah yg kaya gini ;)
hiehiehiehie :P *piss* *piss*

1 day to go :D

pada dateng ya guy's

di balcony lola alicia juga maen,huehuehueheuheueh

huaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....kangen berat ama hard trance gue nya...udah lama ngga nge shuffling neh

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

sukses buat 7/24

support slalu...
Support Your Lokal dj's

guestlist atas nama RAVELEX.NET ya buat 20 orang..kalo kurang sms aja ke 0818.724.724

see u tonight guys!!

mantap neh... dia baru maen di sensation black 2007...

hmmmm,,,,, menarik,,,, anyone???
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

wah mantabbbbbb.....akhirnya dateng juga...btw dulu yang dateng ke centro dj hard trance sopo ya? bukannya scot project juga ya??? lupaaaa

satu lagi. ntar main jem brapa tuh DJ??????
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

Quote from: tenshi on 05/09/07, 12:08
wah mantabbbbbb.....akhirnya dateng juga...btw dulu yang dateng ke centro dj hard trance sopo ya? bukannya scot project juga ya??? lupaaaa

satu lagi. ntar main jem brapa tuh DJ??????

@ DJ Eddie :
Katanya sih starts jam 2-4..

05/09/07, 14:22 #41 Last Edit: 05/09/07, 14:26 by sendyoke
Tp aneh juga yah... koq di flyernya si Vandal enga ada? dia jd maen apa enga sih?

Buat temen2 gue saranin ke myspace dia, terus denger track yg baru aja dia release (tertunda lama banget neh....) judulnya 2. Gue yakin 100triliun% bakal di maenin sama dia.

Enjoy yah....

Gue disini juga masih belom yakin neh pergi apa enga Sabtu ini buat liat dia :(

Sekot nya sih dia mungkin ngerti... tp ojeknya apa ngerti dia?

:D :D :D :D

vandal nya main juga ko..tapi di flyer belom di tulis..keburu naik cetak..hehe..so u really have to come tonite!!DJ 2 turis ini main mulai dari jam 11 malem sampe bablas..ok ok..

Scot P.... AWESOME!!!!!!! Whatever happened he stay hard... RESPECT!!

Thanks 7/24 for Scot Project show :D


report dari temen gue:

Gila! Scot Project start 140!
Bensin Borooosss juooooooooooooooo..

;D ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

wew gilaaaa polllll abiz mainnya...ngebut bgttttt

trance is the music for god!!!

06/09/07, 11:27 #46 Last Edit: 07/09/07, 11:23 by DJ Deny
Report dikit ah (terutama buat Sendy :D ):

Awal gw dateng Dika baru main.Dia seperti biasanya secara cantik build up utk menjaga pace agar nanti pecahnya di main course. Semua track2 baru andalan dia keluar incl. Positive Domination Remix he he.. 8)

Waah..Gw sama Via teriak2..!  plus Motioninja buat footage khusus utk lagu ini,thanks guys... *tepuktangan*

Sekitar jam 1.30,mulailah si SEKOT OJEK HIT the DECK..started with 140 BPM.lalu setelah 2 lagu dia putar Heaven Scent (Greg Downey Rmx),.
BPM naik, 142..mulailah the original Scot Project dengan signaturenya (imho): hard techno trance dicombine dengan sedikit sound2 electro dan sedikit hard house flavour pada beat patternnya..!

Doi selesai kira2 pukul 3.10,dilanjutkan dengan DJ Vandall, tapi krn kondisi cape digeber denganterror sounds selama 1.5 jam maka gw langsung pulang.Terakhir gw hitung BPM sudah di 143.. *piss*

Dengan kondisi yg sober tanpa suram2am (hanya 2 JD Coke dan 2 Long Island),anehnya gw berdiri terus selama dia main dan goyang beserta dj2 yang memang alirannya hard trance (DJ Eddie Tenshi,Altuna,dll)..

Sebenernya bagi gw musiknya doi terlalu keras dan cepat..cuma sepertinya kok gw kayak penasaran,pengen tau seperti apa set n soundnya dia yg sangat di dewa2kan oleh dj2 hard trance..hehe  ;D

Oh ya, disana gw ketemu: Altuna,Suryadi (adiknya Cece Concrete Sounds),Via (langsung dr Spore),Awie,DJ Ali (SOZ) dan Tatar,Adhe dan Kiki dafkaf, Adhe Bro,Putera,Davina,Eddie Tenshi,Jeff Ma,Miko,Abang,Giri,Bagus,Dodo Vertigo,Abi,dll..

Overall,gw cukup suka dengan performancenya,hanya masalah speed aja yg menjadi concern gw.  ;D

Segitu aja sih kurang lebihnya...ntr kalo ada yg kurang,data menyusul :D


Ps: foto2 ada cm gw ga ngerti up loadnya hehehe..(foto gw sama doi)
Oh ya dia bagi cd mix juga semalam..mixed by: YOJI

Davina? lady davina? hauahuah


jadi via itu cewe apa cowo denn??
belom terjawab..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

ini dj nya kaya" head " nya KORN yaaa.....hehehehehhe