Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: Debon on 03/03/11, 20:24
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in the lost of the mis comprehension of what true EDM is all about... We proudly bring you back SHUT UP!
This is about making a statement about the essence of dance music.. This is about continuing the efforts of our pioneers..
It's about reminding people what real dance music is all about.... Dance music is not a life style, it is our culture, it's
in our veins.. it's part of our history and it will be part of our future.. it's our pride and it's something we do not
apologize for.. it's our religion...
Shut up is all about idealism...
for those who seeks cheap indulgence for their ears.. you are not invited... this strictly for the fraternity of people who
loves dance music... this is what separates real DJs with passion from the fakes and artificials...
it's all about respect and authenticity
....................the bottom line is "SHUT THE FCUK UP" and dance
Shut up 1st seri, 10th of April 2011
365 Eco Bar
the line ups:
Bhokero & Dey
Soulmanellas (Blanco+Debon DJ set)
Groove Monkeys
Also 365 resident DJS Lay + Ridwan
7 PM onwards..
Quality house music all night long..
I've been waiting for this.
Uhuyyyyy.... Ditunggu segera...
Plus makanannya terutama bbq ;D
wickeeeed !! seru2 bon , akhirnya kembali
yihaaaa.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Shut up...!!! just listen and dance... yippieee.... this is performers deepest passion in their music... the music they might thought not work for the dance floor... so let it be the dj's play their own..... the music they feel... sometimes it's even better than he used to played... if it's not... just enjoy the vibe... coz SHUT UP!!! is back!!!
hope u all remember this one... is not about the commercial... sometimes they play commercial becoz it just fit to their passion.... but not becoz they forced to played it... trust me... it's gonna be good music all night long...
2 thumbs up for the creators of the events : Bhokero and Uchiel.. let's make this year's event bigger.. shall we?
konsepnya masih sama? alesan buat kobam di hari senen? NICE!
Kapan neh? Dmans? (?)
kali ini kite minggu aje guys... biar lebih tenang dan panjang... tempat kemang2 aja... :)
tar minggu minggu depan kita update yaks..
where the idealism lives! just shut up, and dance (and moyoy too)! *tepuktangan*
*colek @blinksatan
We are not haters, but we believe that DJs aren't just operators who simply play whatever music the crowd wants....
DJs are passionate music lovers who wants to share their love of music to others, that said, its only fair we give these DJs the avenue explore their deepest passion and share with you...
We arent elitists, but we dream of a scene where idealism is not something to be blamed for, after all what is music without passion ??
So get rid of those assumptions and come out and dance....but think twice before you request, just SHUT UP and dance. feel the music through your veins, kick back, relax, and have loads of fun !!!!
Not to be missed :)
cant wait for monday madness.... *bgs* *bgs*
ini yang ditunggu-tunggu ... yihaaa 8)
bungkus bang!! :D
it's Sunday this time actually :)
parah ditunggu banget ini
i don't need no reason to get wasted on monday or sunday.. tapi harus nih dateng ke SHUT UP for old time sake meeennn.. hahaha seseruan sambil dengerin quality music..
tpi pada akhirnya wasted juga khan tek.hehehehehehe
asik..ada lagi nih..
@ Berry karo karo
sotoy lo!
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: bless the child on 08/03/11, 17:20
tpi pada akhirnya wasted juga khan tek.hehehehehehe
pada awalnya juga ber.. hahaha
yihhaaaa *tepuktangan*
Wohooo. ...Ga sabar... Inget jaman dl... :D
massive massive massive!!
barbecue adalagi yaaaak .......... maklum ane maruk gan ...:P
waduh bisa abis 3 porsi sendiri lo cha kalo steak mah.. hihihihihi
Quote from: Jay on 12/03/11, 09:50
Wohooo. ...Ga sabar... Inget jaman dl... :D
jaman2 colongan hari senen maksud lau? :P
@debon sepertinya dosis sayah sudah naek :P
baydewey kalo tmptnya di kemang yang sepertinya gw tau , di kebun blakangnya sebelah officenya kalo di bersihin lucu tuh buat barbacue-an :P
*tetep yang di bahas makanan T_T
Quote from: randybotak on 05/03/11, 14:26
parah ditunggu banget ini
+1 *tepuktangan*
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/03/11, 18:35
Quote from: Jay on 12/03/11, 09:50
Wohooo. ...Ga sabar... Inget jaman dl... :D
jaman2 colongan hari senen maksud lau? :P
YOIIII... it's legend man.... ;D
Quote from: Jay on 15/03/11, 16:07
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/03/11, 18:35
Quote from: Jay on 12/03/11, 09:50
Wohooo. ...Ga sabar... Inget jaman dl... :D
jaman2 colongan hari senen maksud lau? :P
YOIIII... it's legend man.... ;D
Dark years :P
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/03/11, 01:56
Quote from: Jay on 15/03/11, 16:07
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/03/11, 18:35
Quote from: Jay on 12/03/11, 09:50
Wohooo. ...Ga sabar... Inget jaman dl... :D
jaman2 colongan hari senen maksud lau? :P
YOIIII... it's legend man.... ;D
Dark years :P
for old time sake, hrs d ulang donk :P
senen lagi? wowwww
minggu kali ini kok..
line up updated..
uhuyyy the line up is revealed,"shut up" guys just enjoy the music
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
wohoooo.. cant wait to throw all idealism...
yeahh 10 april. noted. wajib hadir !!!
[ This attachment cannot be displayed inline in 'Print Page' view ] They started off as colleagues in the world of dance music.. spinnin' vinyls together, sharing the same decks, creating massive house parties throughout the years under their independent labels, groovism and basement house. Half the duo, Drto is a radio DJ who owns his own dance radio show called groovism, aired in Prambors every Saturday, 8 - 9 pm and also Semifinalis of Heineken Thirst Senses 2007. The other half, Ical is one of Heineken Thirst Studio 2006 Semifinalists and Best House DJ of the year REDMA 2009. Together, they were nominated as Best Duo or Group of the year REDMA 2008.
Now they join forces to create a whole new meaning of duo DJ-ing. With 4 CDJs, 2 mixers & 4 Turntables & 1 Efx machine, they create a seamless audio experience during a set with the help of acapellas, loops, voice fill-ins, and perfect mixing and timing.. not to mention an avoid collection of cool house tracks. U will never hear the same track twice... There'll always be something new to add on to the big picture, they bring the edge to every performance. On the spot Remixing, that's what we called it...
Relatively young yet experienced, this duo has rocked numerous parties since their debut performance in Centro, June 2007. To name a few, House Of Ravelex (Centro), Groove Sunset (Public), Green Sunset (Public), House of Knights (Forbidden Citi), 1945MF Ann. 777 Parade (Gunung Geulis), Juice DJ Quest (Embassy), Wizzard (Embassy Jogjakarta), Beach Invasion (Segarra), Sounfession (X2), Godskitchen Gatecrasher (Ancol) and many more.. Hail to the all the monkeys who likes the groove.. your time has come to conquer the world.. Because this duo is HERE! uk uk ak ak ak ak..
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 17/03/11, 10:48
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/03/11, 01:56
Quote from: Jay on 15/03/11, 16:07
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/03/11, 18:35
Quote from: Jay on 12/03/11, 09:50
Wohooo. ...Ga sabar... Inget jaman dl... :D
jaman2 colongan hari senen maksud lau? :P
YOIIII... it's legend man.... ;D
Dark years :P
for old time sake, hrs d ulang donk :P
liat jam udah jam 1 diajak pulang ga mao lagi, hahaha
Quote from: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 30/03/11, 20:31
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 17/03/11, 10:48
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/03/11, 01:56
Quote from: Jay on 15/03/11, 16:07
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/03/11, 18:35
Quote from: Jay on 12/03/11, 09:50
Wohooo. ...Ga sabar... Inget jaman dl... :D
jaman2 colongan hari senen maksud lau? :P
YOIIII... it's legend man.... ;D
Dark years :P
for old time sake, hrs d ulang donk :P
liat jam udah jam 1 diajak pulang ga mao lagi, hahaha
bukannya ga mau, tp ga nerima kenyataan klo ud slese acaranya.. :P
bukanya kita emang selalu ga mau pulang.hauhauhauhauha *colekreyhan
sok asik lo ber..
gw bayarin sini gaya lo,cepe juga udah bagus,hauhauhauha
Me will dance with erdinger in the hands and ..... in my mouth for SHUT UP. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Keren *bgs*
Diusahaken hadir
c u guys on sunday.... hope we can surprise u with the music and else.....
@bpr : enak pur tadi malem santai banget.... ;D
tadi malem groove monkeys seru sekali, sampai ga bisa pulang saya gara-gara mereka... *bgs*
Massive one last nite... BIG LOVE to people that come over last nite...!!
Most Important for us... No request at all and is all about the vibes....
Big thanx to Electrosoui crew to made this happened....
Its so encouraging to see that so many people are still in it for the music...big love and respect to you all, thumbs up for my brothers soulmanellas, bhokero & dey, groove monkeys and last but not least thank u so much for sharing the love our guest Mr. Grant Nelson....c u soon people for the next installment of shut up....
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 11/04/11, 02:15
tetep lah pur lo yg megang.hauhauaua
malam senin yg tak terlupakan, walaupun di malanm itu saya lupa ngapain aja :p
memang itu yg diharapkan.hehehehe
super mantafffffff!!!
once in a month would be nice then......
*lupa :P
thank you Sound Syndicated and Electrosoul udah ngajak Groove Monkeys main :)
lupa gw ngisi testi acara ini...
ohh iyeee... disana ngapain aja gw juga lupa... bangkeee!
regullary once in 2 months ni katanya, eieiieieieeee.. :P
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 16:00
lupa gw ngisi testi acara ini...
ohh iyeee... disana ngapain aja gw juga lupa... bangkeee!
hari minggu lho padahal masboss.. terlalu ugal-ugalan tampaknya anda..
Quote from: walasok on 12/04/11, 18:41
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 16:00
lupa gw ngisi testi acara ini...
ohh iyeee... disana ngapain aja gw juga lupa... bangkeee!
hari minggu lho padahal masboss.. terlalu ugal-ugalan tampaknya anda..
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 19:42
Quote from: walasok on 12/04/11, 18:41
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 16:00
lupa gw ngisi testi acara ini...
ohh iyeee... disana ngapain aja gw juga lupa... bangkeee!
hari minggu lho padahal masboss.. terlalu ugal-ugalan tampaknya anda..
Bangkeeee koteeeeeeeek !! buahahaha.........
gila..gila ampe segitu dia rupanya skipnya.mantapppp.hauhauhauha
Quote from: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 12/04/11, 20:01
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 19:42
Quote from: walasok on 12/04/11, 18:41
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 16:00
lupa gw ngisi testi acara ini...
ohh iyeee... disana ngapain aja gw juga lupa... bangkeee!
hari minggu lho padahal masboss.. terlalu ugal-ugalan tampaknya anda..
Bangkeeee koteeeeeeeek !! buahahaha.........
anyway, next Shut Up, agak2 outdoor gt? *mungkin :P
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 12/04/11, 21:54
Quote from: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 12/04/11, 20:01
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 19:42
Quote from: walasok on 12/04/11, 18:41
Quote from: sonique on 12/04/11, 16:00
lupa gw ngisi testi acara ini...
ohh iyeee... disana ngapain aja gw juga lupa... bangkeee!
hari minggu lho padahal masboss.. terlalu ugal-ugalan tampaknya anda..
Bangkeeee koteeeeeeeek !! buahahaha.........
anyway, next Shut Up, agak2 outdoor gt? *mungkin :P
tek, gue ngefans sama lo..
Hmmm..ShutUp kmrn gw ktemu sapa aja yaaa (?) ?!!? :-\ :-\ :-\
Quote from: Frico on 13/04/11, 02:26
Hmmm..ShutUp kmrn gw ktemu sapa aja yaaa (?) ?!!? :-\ :-\ :-\
obrolan absurd bahas speed internet inget ga?? hahaha
It was one hell of a night fo sho!!
My favorite Dj from the night was DEBON!!! kereeeeeeen gilaaaaaaaaaakk..
sayang pada saat itu saya masih kurma alias kurang mabuk. jadi mau joget sendiri agak tengsin. yayuk!
thanks sobbie :)
iya pas gw main masih terang yak? gw sengaja minta slot awal supaya bisa nyelem di 124 :p
Quote from: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 13/04/11, 11:13
Quote from: Frico on 13/04/11, 02:26
Hmmm..ShutUp kmrn gw ktemu sapa aja yaaa (?) ?!!? :-\ :-\ :-\
obrolan absurd bahas speed internet inget ga?? hahaha
Eh emg gw bahas itu? serius lo? duuuh.. :-\ :-\ :-\
Org Grant Nelson aja gw kira cowonya si Cassie (sambil dlm hati mikir ni org ky gw tau tp dmana yaa..?!!?)..itu jg yg ingetin si Putra kadoy.. ::)
klo lo lupa kyanya faktor U deh co.hehehehehe
Quote from: bless the child on 13/04/11, 23:54
klo lo lupa kyanya faktor U deh co.hehehehehe
Kampr*t lo Ber..eh tp klo yg wkt lu curhat cewe gw inget lo ngomong itu ;D *piss* ..walopun gw inget trus lupa ilang trus inget lg..aneh deh mlm itu.. :P