
1945MF presents BUZZ !! ,thu 7th may 2009@ barcode,la codefin . . .

Started by echaaaa, 24/04/09, 00:22

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Support  *bgs* *bgs*

Happy b day ya... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Sukses selalu....
Learning by doing !

makasiih ya,Bar.. :)
It's better to have a little than to have nothing.

Wohohoho seru nih acaranya, 1945MF sih yang buat.

owh iyah mau nanya juga dong sama yang lain, kalo mnurut lo barcode itu tempatnya seru apa gak ?

dtg aja tgl 7 . . . .  and get ready to be blasted . . . .


happy bday tya
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Makasii ya,Dree.. :)
It's better to have a little than to have nothing.

Makasii yaa,Mike.. Kamis dateng yah..
It's better to have a little than to have nothing.

Quote from: Dj Myra Alexa on 06/05/09, 09:07
Tyaaa....duh besoook yaaaa
wah wah......
Iyaa bsok niy.. Jumatnya ada apa yaahh.. :D
It's better to have a little than to have nothing.

serrruuu acaranya.. yang maen rame, yg ngemsi juga rame *tepuktangan*
eh yg semalem nyanyi itu myra alexa ya?? gokil ;D