

Started by Gober, 01/02/07, 08:27

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Yuk...yak..yukzzz.....Ravelex yg dateng ngumpul di sebelah kanan Dj Booth ya....hhihihhi.....C U There... ;) ;)
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

My 2 cents :
overall, it was a great night. Nice to see that once in a blue moon Stadium tries to restore itself to it's former glory.

Congrats is in order to all those who chipped in efforts to -FINALLY- produce Stadium's long awaited (way too long, methinks) its first CD Album.

DJ 19 - I was a wee bit late to really experience full journey on his music, so can't say much; HOWEVER, it was plain to see (and hear) that handled his music with a deft skill deserving his reputation, and I might add that  he was VERY entertaining..well, in a japanese sort of way .. :)
I WILL definitely come see your next gig in Indonesia, DJ 19 !

Bobby - Well, what can I say ... Last night (or rather, at early hours today) he proved that he IS still one of Indonesia's top DJ  (it is EXTREMELY rare that an Indonesian DJ could construct musical journey as beautiful as he does ---> meaning in layman's terms : the longer you stay in his journey, the higher you get still  ;))
so Congrats on your CD2, oh... and your recent marriage !!!!!  :)
AND..... THANK YOU SO MUCH for playing "REJ" !!!!
awesome... just awesome !

on a more personal note :
a quite special night at STD, and I would have certainly enjoyed it MUCH MORE, if not for some annoying tricks by some idiots, who seemed to have very little class (or gray cells for that matter)  in trying to understand BASIC etiquettes in clubbing and dance culture. Or maybe they just have no class, period.

For those dumbheads, P.L.U.R concept is as alien as if it had come from planet Uranus.

anyhow, enough my rants.
(oh, did I mention I was also on very good substances ?  ;))