

Started by dj ferdy, 13/12/07, 20:04

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Waaaakkkss mahal amat yaaaa  :-\ :-\

Info itu udah terklarifikasi belom ??
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

klo buat seorang PVD bagi gw gak mahal sob..!! :P

Quote from: Robbie on 09/01/08, 17:06
klo buat seorang PVD bagi gw gak mahal sob..!! :P

Woooow robbie habat oiiiii  ;D ;D ;D *bgs* *bgs*
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

gw sihh liatnya di rajakarcis.com....
coba2 pihak embassy coba di confirm atau di sanggah....
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!

VIP-nya area lo pake tenda, pake AC, dapet finger food, parkir juga tersendiri
ada parkir khusus vip, antrian khusus vip..
pre sale 200 ribu sih gapapa lah, secara ada pvd dan yang lainnya
buuren aja kemaren di k7 200ribu...

*dapet infonya sih begituuu... semoga membantu :)
ajojingan selalu

Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 09/01/08, 17:42
VIP-nya area lo pake tenda, pake AC, dapet finger food, parkir juga tersendiri
ada parkir khusus vip, antrian khusus vip..
pre sale 200 ribu sih gapapa lah, secara ada pvd dan yang lainnya
buuren aja kemaren di k7 200ribu...

*dapet infonya sih begituuu... semoga membantu :)

oh VIP begitu toh jadi gak terlalu ribet banget yaa klo VIP...!!  *bgs* *bgs*

kpn pre sale nya kluaaarrrr???? yg vip boleeehhh,,,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Waah boleh tuuh yang VIP kalo gitu  ;D ;D ;D ;) ;)

Kapan yaa dijual tiket pre sale nyaa  (?) (?)
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

wah.. mau liat potongan rambutnya om sven vath yang kali ini kaya gimana... potong di firman apa di ubud sama si hirano? gosipnya sama si joy di limau.. :P hihihihihihi...

itu 200.000 pre sale untuk VIP ya?

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not


It's time to appreciate a world class festival by showing to buy tickets and not looking for guesslist!!
Im sure if we all pay than we will gonna be more appreciate and more critics with the events whenever is it good or bad =)
The fee entrance wise2 aja , dgn line up kyk playground pasti capitalnya besar dan kita2 yg hrs support beli tiket2nya kan....
Dance valley holland aja 96 euro entrance feenya..
let's support playground!



200 ribu itu bukan pre sale VIP darling... vip ga ada presale...
200 itu pre sale tiket biasa, sama yang 150 ribu...
emang kan playground ada pembagian jenis tiket gitu,
utk lebih jelasnya lagi nanti biar abang apa miko yang jelasin kali yaa? hehehe
sapi cuma nanya sebatas perbedaan doang soalnya ;D
ajojingan selalu

kayaknya pembagian kelas-kelas di tiketnya harus lebih jelas deh..

masih sangat membingungkan..
si A, si B, sama si C ga singkron gitu infonya..

more details pls..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

iya Pi..

soalnya tadi gue telfon rajakarcis.com orangnya iya iya aja.

ternyata abis itu gue dapet infonya beda-beda lagi..

trus ada kelas-kelasnya dengan presale sendiri-sendiri gitu gimana..

ah aku jadi sebal..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

400 k -VIP Treatment, plus Grant Nelson, Belle & Sebastian Sven Vath, PvD,,, Rave pula,,,

what u could expect moreee??? absolutely!!!!!!

HAJAR LAAAHHHH!!!!!! cucucucu!!!!!
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

hahahahaha kecuu.... sabar yaaa,,, daripada sebel" gara" sapi atau rajakarcis ga bisa jawab
mendingan tunggu abang reply postingan, atau sms aja si abang suruh baca rvlx gitu!

wah uda banyak yang bocor ya dj"nya ;D ;D uda confirm belom tuuu,,, hihihi
ajojingan selalu

Pre sale           = 200rb
On The Spot    = 250rb
VIP                 = 400rb

Note : VIP, incluce VIP Que line, VIP tend with AC, VIP bar, VIP Table, VIP parking

Audio Visual D

Siap... full support... *piss*

great *bgs* *bgs*

Kayaknya sih udah dijual dehhh karena logikanya kalo rajakarcis udah berani naro di web-nya kan berarti udah blh dijual kan??
hmm kalo dipikir2 rave dgn tenda kurang asoy jg yahh..
klo penuh mampet dahh...ha3...tp kan kita blh keluar dr tenda ya g??

Bakal wasted abiisss nihhhhh.................

STATUS: waiting for
# PAUL VAN DYK *tepuktangan*
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!

400rb VIP?? 200rb regular?? worthed bgt itu juoooo..
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..

Gokil...yg ini wajib hadir juga....hehehe....;) ;)
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

09/01/08, 21:48 #73 Last Edit: 09/01/08, 21:50 by danzadanzi
yg sven vath berape? berape?! gw jabanin dah ;D

but for sure i go for GL  ;D kidding sob :P

Quote from: Dj Naro on 09/01/08, 18:02

It's time to appreciate a world class festival by showing to buy tickets and not looking for guesslist!!

ok d