

Started by CENTROJAKARTA, 08/05/07, 15:06

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Quote from: lesli on 18/05/07, 07:54
Quote from: kedondong_vibes on 17/05/07, 14:47
Quote from: acid_drops on 17/05/07, 13:19
Quote from: beyb on 17/05/07, 11:28
*baru bangun*

yoooii, banyak abg semalem.. angkatan babe gw.. ;D ;D
masuk jam 12-an msh kosong dancefloornya.. sampe jam 1 crowd uda mulai menumpuk tp msh malu2..
anak2 rvlx terpanggil untuk menghidupkan suasana.. halaakh!
set dibuka oleh mas achdiyat.. *umm krn gw kurang tau lagu2nya biar org laen aja yg report ya..* hehe
dsusul om romy.. centro full packed!! ga nyangka serame itu.. *tepuktangan*
terakhir bang irwan bawain lagu2 B1 dan ditutup dgn backtoback romy-irwan.. sempet maenin set yg sekarang ya?

overall it was a great night! no wonder they're called LEGENDS :)

kmrn ada om imor (iyalah!!), abriel, chris.m, mike, rustyman, pay, dion, ginalfyl, tante nayo, moderatornya bogor sapa ya? maap lupaa sobb.. flab apa bless the child ya?........ dan semua yg belum kesebut, maap lupa! thanx guys!! :-* :-* :-*

yiuuukkk mareeee

gw nggak nyangka achdiyat,romy,irwan malam itu mengeluarkan energy yg super extra dimana mereka (mungkin) "merasa sangat hype sekali dgn event ini"mereka ber 3 bisa loncat 2 terus di stage udah kayak rock concert nyooo....kekekekkeek
kira -kira jam setengah satu mas achdiyat memulai setnya setelah di buka opening set nya resident nya centro....lagu pertama di masukkin kayaknya lagu baru agak progressive house..cuman di tengah -tengah setnya gw lihat dia agak berubah pikiran dan memainkan anthem anthem B 1 jamdul hahahaha di hajar lagu 2 nya the age of love- age of love,atlantic ocean-waterfall,ada beberapa track acid house juga dan baru berhenti main jam 2 an....
mas fufuy juga menghajar crowds dengan anthem 2 lama B 1 dan terlihat sangat antusias malam itu....romy juga ada beberapa colongan electro house nya dan di lanjutkan back 2 back with irwan..
Cuman di sekitar jam setengah empat gw lihat ardi pite secara tiba -tiba di anounce sama mc nya juga....pite main lagu 2 petshop-boys -yesterday when i was mad (jam & spoon mix)kl nggak salah ...sama yg nggak kuat nya "way out west- the gift" itu loh....
overall sih menurut pemikiran gue sangat kental house nya...agak-agak happy house gitu deh lagunya ....great party,great music and really nice experiences of life !!! 

jekpott di mobil jekk...huehuheuheuheuh

ngemeng-ngemeng tante Nayo manieez juga yah....:)...huhuhuhuhuhu

Emang maniez jo,,,emang da tau ya kalo tante nayo adalah orang yang bikin dancefloor indonesia semakin cerah
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Thx guys buat supportnya... seinget gue Rabu itu rabu terpecah yg pernah ku alami.. halah..

Thanks guys.. its was rockss.. c u at next FUTURE SOUND OF B-1 line up mungkin Ardi Pite , Rim , Naro  or Oky Bassrush , Ardi Pite , Rim ... well see...

Wahhhh ternyata ada lanjutannya ya om IMOR?
jangan rabu lagi ya,,,weekend aja!!!

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Quote from: A B R I E L on 17/05/07, 12:11:35

KALIAN BER3 = M A N T A F.....................!!!!

itu 6 huruf,sob.. ekekekeke

link:   www.1945mf.net -->

Ada dong.. its a serial event.. and pindah2 venue kok..

huhuhuhu... *ngiri*...
maaf berhalangan hadir.. ada masalah yg terjadi beberapa saat sebelom berangkat.. :(

mudah2an kelanjutannya bisa hadir... amin...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: 1945MF on 19/05/07, 21:03
Ada dong.. its a serial event.. and pindah2 venue kok..


saya dateng ya om
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare