

Started by _batMan, 07/01/09, 23:22

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good job and good closing for embassy....
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Gokil nih mw beli minum aja ngantrinya lama! Dah gtu crowded abis... Best party bgt deh...

berat dehh kmaren closingnya... mantapp!!

walaupun msknya sempt ngantri kya mo bli beras murahh... he...

overall it was a blast.... so long my 2nd home... c u at the new place... *bgs*
......Gas pol, rem blong...!!!

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
missing you meski gag bisa masuuk saat itu . .
- HIP Traffic VisuaL Performance -

e-mail : hip_traffic@yahoo.com

VJ booking :
HIP Traffic : 081382855569 - 02192794083 - 0838850492

mau tau yg paling juara malam itu?

miko dengan sound of goodbye nya...

ck ck ck .. bisa aje lu mik
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

yang lain jg bagi cerita dong seputar Closing partynya.. *piss*


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
For more info contac us :
JL.Radio Dalam Raya No:15
samping ace hardware
Phone : 0812-9007679
Email/F.s : earthquakeshop@yahoo.co.id

dj remy irwan a.k.a abang.. ga putus lagunya ruapeeettt bgt spt per*w#n hahahahahhaha gokil anthem semua dan ga dikasij napasssss

ga jadi masuk..Embe tinggal kenangan.. *piss*
** nyesel sih, udah didepan jalan gitu..tp liat mobil segitu banyak  :-\ :-\ :-\

19/01/09, 12:44 #110 Last Edit: 19/01/09, 13:17 by bLacK daMAN!
MBc malam itu juara!  semua yang talent yang hadir juga juara! crowd yg dateng berdesak- desakkan juara! yang dateng dari jauh ga bisa masuk jg juara!  yang didance floor juara! yang duduk" dipanggung jg juara! after party juga juara! yang pagi belain brkt "kuliah" ke "kampus" juara! delay kya org bego jg juara!  semua pada juara deh! ;D  ;D

da best part from all is, flashback all da good times nor badtimes, meet n greet with many old n new friends, hangout 2gether n share joy, silly n laugh 2gether, n so on.. too much to tell.

maybe its not a perfect nor da best night ever, but definetly one of da precious time and moment in my life dat will always be everlasting and memorable

mizz u already MBc..
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 19/01/09, 12:44
MBc malam itu juara!  semua yang talent yang hadir juga juara! crowd yg dateng berdesak- desakkan juara! yang dateng dari jauh ga bisa masuk jg juara!  yang didance floor juara! yang duduk" dipanggung jg juara! after party juga juara! yang pagi belain brkt "kuliah" ke "kampus" juara! delay kya org bego jg juara!  semua pada juara deh! ;D  ;D

mizz u already MBc..

sialan lu black..  :-[ :-[
lebih juaraan geng century sih..hahahahaha ;D ;D ;D *piss*

thank you guys..

for the BIG support

too many too mention what we've been thru all this time

good times  ;D bad times  :'(

and lots of familiar friendly happy faces  *bgs*

so The Last Dance was awesome, wicked!!

see you on another Sound of Embassy project

thanks again guys!

love & respect,


sumpah deh ni party gk bakalan gw lupa... Mana sblh gw ada yg bakar "krtas" ampe wanginya kcium bgt lg.. Hahahaha...

Goodbye Embassy & Wonderbar................. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Yo kita santai agar syaraf tidak tegang...Yo kita santai agar otot tidak kejang

see you later embassy..

glad i can make it (till the parking lot *piss* )
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

LAST DANCE = REUNIAN = ANAK2LAMA..yang udah brenti clubbing aja pada dateng...