
The white room, babyface, 21 december 2006

Started by Gober, 13/12/06, 08:56

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report from WHITE ROOM @ BABYFACE......well, u guys can tell what happens there by seing this pic.....
si bayu...

The MIMI's DJ's and DJ Chris.M the newest member from M1/43 SOUND...Congrats...!!!
si bayu...

22/12/06, 07:40 #103 Last Edit: 22/12/06, 07:43 by A B R I E L
Quote from: sin.AD on 22/12/06, 04:47
report from WHITE ROOM @ BABYFACE......well, u guys can tell what happens there by seing this pic.....


Quote from: sin.AD on 22/12/06, 05:07
The MIMI's DJ's and DJ Chris.M the newest member from M1/43 SOUND...Congrats...!!!

yang bener si chirist M1/43 sound? congrats ya omm..

asliiii....makanya sekarang ganti nama jadi CHRIS MEWAAAAAHHH.....
si bayu...

wahahaha... mucurr...
sorry berhalangan hadir... tampaknya seru sekali..

@chris m: congratz yah pak.. ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

ahuahuahuahuahua,,, itu muka tuh??? ckckckckckckckckc,,, ;D

Chriss M1/43??? congratss chriss!!!!

@jelly: itu bibir knp oom??? ahuahuahuahuaha!!! ;D
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

mangap yah ga bs ikutan gabung , hehehe..........

@chris: congratzzzzzzz juooooooo wah ga bilang2 situ ye.

ANJRIT !!!!!!!!
udah di pajang ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..

foto dari gue ntar yah..
lagi bingung gimana ngaplot ke rvlx.. hauiehaiuheuiaheuiae ;D ;D ;D
tapi udah gue aplot di multiply sih..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@CHRIS MEWAH M1/43 : gue ikut juga doooooooooooooonkkk !! ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

wah wah ... foto2nya gokil amat ..... hihihih ... slamat pak chris !!!!
this is where the hungry come to feed...
Im waitin for it to hit me....

@chris : iya nih gue ada poto spesial buat elo !! hahahaha

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

aahh...VIN + bisaaaaaaa.....wah, senangnya diajak ngewine sama DJ KONDANG....
si bayu...

dj sweater porno..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

waahahaha... foto chris lagi ngapain tuh? heuhehe...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

dj fyl
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

dj jelly
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@ronjon: bajunya sob menggairahkan.............

yah secara tom....DJ RINO JINOOOOO....
si bayu...

Quote from: sin.AD on 22/12/06, 17:19
yah secara tom....DJ RINO JINOOOOO....
tau tuh anak emg idol bgt , huehuheuhe minta banget tuh anak..........

hahaah ada foto gw btw makasih yaaa yang udah pada dateng....

n makasih jyga buat dj2 kondang JELLY & RONIJONI.....