
"ThreeDimension" Wed 7th March 2007 @ Retro

Started by ICAL BH, 26/02/07, 01:27

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26/02/07, 01:27 Last Edit: 28/02/07, 03:54 by ICAL BH

"Three Dimension"
3 Soldiers With 3 Different Genre
Wed 7th March 2007 @ Retro

Putra, Rome and Ical has been played on one deck since 2003 on Club
Monaco era with a different genres they surely knew how to blend those
differences into a "Perfect Harmony".

DJ Rome - 7/24
DJ Putra - Dafkaf
DJ Ical - Basement House
opening set by DJ Alicia

For Guestlist please send a message to 08151876243
Please dress up...
c u guys there... cheers...

Retro Club
Hotel Crowne Plaza, Lobby Level
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 2-3
Jakarta 12930 - Indonesia
P: +62-21-52962828
F: +62-21-52962725

gw pasti dateng cal'...! keep rockin the hauz

idihhhhhh keren sob flyernya, itu foto2nya dimana??

huee..... gokil designnya... ;)

ical ma putra ngebut nih....
Illusion Visual Player

Waahhh.. ini pas parynya Tiga Dimendi juga yak?

wduch..keyenn..keyen,,,flyer na... 8)
gw suk atuch ma tulisan date nya...gemana gichuuu....
smoga bsa hadir... (?)...

wettss...jgn salahh ada opening set dari ibu alichia nih.. sadiss...!!! full support ya cha..!!

iya....opening nya kita dj alicia...interducing female dj alicia...pada dateng ya guys.... *piss*

wew..!!dahsyat neh kayanya..dateeeng aahh!! ;D ;D

hai natha ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

flyersnya mewah tuh...hehehehehe
si bayu...

wahahahahahh pst ngerii ni acr secara DJ kondang smua...woi pd dtg ya HARUS...hihhihi...
jajan tp!

Quoteflyersnya mewah tuh...hehehehehe

iyaaaaa... bagus banget...
hebat nih yang buat... siapa sih yang buat...
pinter deh kamu... hueheuhuehue...

apa foto yang di tengah aja kita sobek2..ato di edit.. kekekekke *piss* *piss* ;D..

@ical: last quote elu terakhir ketemu gue,"ada tuh dimobil...apa yg ungu aja nih...?"
si bayu...

apa ini ngomongin ungu ungu.....tobatlah bayu....udah tua inget ama umur.....inget lulusan BW lah...wkakakakakakakkaakak ;D *piss*

ini yang kemaren di latih dirumah bang rome ya??
Illusion Visual Player