

Started by 91.60, 20/06/06, 11:01

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saya diajak ga?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

@sepet : wuuuaaaakakakakaka... ditunggu pet!!  :D

@GOber : paman gober cabcus malem ini??

@sapi : huuhh... bilangnya mo liat TVC rame2, padahal situ asik2an makan syifuud.. huehehhe ;D
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...


crita2 dong semalem!....gimanaaaaaaaaaaa...

hoi..hoi....gmn nih acaranya smalem...
pasti seruuu deh, ;)
sapa aja sih yg dateng ??? ???
:: savE tHe LasT BreaTh fOr daNcE ::


kemana neh malem...? ada green apple neh... ;D ;D
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

24/06/06, 10:58 #55 Last Edit: 24/06/06, 11:09 by DeatHToDiscO
acara mlm ini....nonton ke bioskop aja bung secret....mo ikutan ga ??? ???
iiih...ada apple ijo bok'....
waduuuh..... :o :o
:: savE tHe LasT BreaTh fOr daNcE ::

Halah....!!! Nonton mah bisa hari senin bro.....

kalo green apple ama Timor biru ga bisa nunggu senin keburu bais......hehehehe,,,,Setan ( Mode On )
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

ahhh...om secret bs aja niiiih...
daku kan tidak kuat iman om....
aduuhhh...duhhhh...duhhhh... :'( :'( :'(
ngiler niih  :P
:: savE tHe LasT BreaTh fOr daNcE ::

MAAF BERIBU MAAF... Td malam terjadi pertentangan batin dalam diri gw... Gw diharuskan memilih antara dunia gemerlap dan dunia kuliner... halah... akhirnya pilihan jatuh kepada makan seafood di muara angke... hihihi

Sekali lagi maaf semuanya... maaf tante dweetha...

Wah seru kemaren malem, walau awal2 orang orang masih bingung, pada diem kayak nonton konser.
Tiga tiganya mainnya gokil....

Thanks to Clubhoppers yg udah ngundang anak2 ravelex hehehe...
and thanks to motion ninja yang udah buatin tvcnya...
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
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hehe udah lama gak posting di ravelex...
kemaren paman gober bawa pasukannya rame juga ya.. visualnya ada pangkat anak2.. hahaha cuman pentolan2 kayaknya gak pd nongol ya?
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

JUNKO edannnn ahhhhhhhh.... keren banget!!  ;)

"I gotta thank God for the music, cause the music saved my life" - Cevin Fisher

hiks..maafkan diriku...saya tiba2 depresi..ga mau keluar kamar.... :(
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

@sepet... waks serem amat situ... depresinya under influence tp ngga??? hehehehe

Thanks for comin guys....maaf kalo TVCnya jelek...hehehe...

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
si bayu...

waduh..nyesel eke gak dateng....

waduh bayu... ternyata sapi ama elo malah makan sifut ya... udah kita tunggu2in gituh  ???
yang hadir : mami dweetha,tt boy,vibe sess,gw,bimzkee,paman gober,bonsaikitty.. sapa lagi ya? ada yang ktinggalan nga....
retro crowded kmaren ituh...
junko gokilz....  ::)

waduh... ternyata pada ke muara angke toh kalian2 smua... :o
emang bener awal2nya kya berasa nonton konser.. pada diem smuanya....
tapi tiga3nya maennya keren bgt... apalagi pas junko maen...
hampir aja males pulang.. hehehe..  :P

tq ya buat faried n sin.ad atas invitnya...
oiya faried maaf kan klo kita tidak bertemu....  :P
paman tq dah ngurus anak2 yang hampir tidak masuk gara2 blom cukup umur...  ;D ;D

n seperti biasa sori klo g ngilang2 terus yup.. hehehe..  :P :P
All people smile in the same language...

uyaaabbb lo koq ke muara angke gak ngajak-ngajak siih??? ga asik loooo......
just keep your mind open and suck in the experience
and if it hurts.. you know what... it's probably worth it

oaalllaaahhh..... jadi sapi memboikot yg laen ke muara angke ya?? heheh... bikin isu gini ;D ;D

@dweetha :
kk wittaaaaaa.... maap ya kmaren daku cabs ga sempet bilang, susyah nyariin kk wita, huehehehe... tapi sempet ktemu rizal di dj booth sblm balik

@jazzy :
sob, thx a bunch ya udh bantuin gue pas kbingungan mikirin nasib gue sisa malem itu, huehheheh :-*

@sin.AD :
baayooo.... tvc-nya keren!!! cuma kurang lama, eheheheh.... ngelunjak yak :D :D
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...

shyte. gue semalem ada acara kampus di luar kota.
sedang meRILEXkan otak di daerah pegunungan chink !

gimana nih anak anak yang brengkuts.. sokil kaga?
ehem, siapa ya yang sms gue jam 3 pagi cuman nulis "ANJRIT, winky gokil" .. ? ehem. ;D

eh ehhh TVC itu maksudnya apa sih?? apa hubunganya visual dengan pangkat anak anak? kayaknya keren nih.

salute to clubhoppers. ;) :D

pokok'e TVCnya sokil,gob....
anjrit... pokoknya seneng deh gw liat tvc itu sebagai member rvlx....
kan ada pangkat2nya gituh.. pas mambo jambo keinget loe ,pur  ;D

jd maxud tvc nya gmn....disebutin gt....yg rookie sapa aja,yg hardcore partygoers sapa aja...bgitu bukan ??? ???
:o ::) ;)
:: savE tHe LasT BreaTh fOr daNcE ::

anjrit... pokoknya seneng deh gw liat tvc itu sebagai member rvlx....

dedicated for all of u RVLX members...hehehehe....are u RVLX yet?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
si bayu...