

Started by doddo, 17/03/08, 12:21

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17/03/08, 12:21 Last Edit: 17/03/08, 12:49 by doddo
 *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  *piss*  *piss*  *piss*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*

apaan do??

bagi bagi telor?
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

td error kes pas mau post e flyers nya hehehe, ada satu lagi lho , ni event sekalian kampanye kes hehehe

 ;D  ;D  ;D  *piss*  *piss*  *piss*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*

wah.. seru nih..

Quote from: doddo on 17/03/08, 12:50
td error kes pas mau post e flyers nya hehehe, ada satu lagi lho , ni event sekalian kampanye kes hehehe

kampanye apaan sih do?

Kampanye REDMA sob,.... hehehe ntr pas event ini di visual nya gitu hehe

ouww... kirain pilkada ulang... ;D *piss* *piss*

siap hadir om dodo... ;)

wah dah kluar nih promonya...asikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!kamcia yah do...hehehehhe

ayo pada dtg selain kampanye redma untuk dodo, kita juga ngerayain ultahnya si marquee....!!!!hehehehehe..........sikatttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!

@ dodo : sob tulisan dazedvisualab nya kurang huruf d tuh!!!!hehehehehe...

17/03/08, 15:18 #8 Last Edit: 17/03/08, 15:20 by doddo
hehehe bukan kampanye gw doank ter, tapi kampanye buat semua talent yang masuk nominasi REDMA termasuk elo jg kaleeee hehehe,...

oiya sory ya ter kutang huruf d hehehe

Yang gak keluar kota mending kita seru2an bareng ngerayain birthday nya Marquee ......



waw.., seru nih pastinya.., lagi2 bernuansa trance..!! asik2.. :P

dateng ah.., Oops marquee birthday ya..

Happy birthday marquee.. ;)

happy birthday bro marquee....
btw jgn lupa ntar req lagu dive master ya... ;)
Bukan Sembarang Pria, Pria Sembarangan....!!!!

@ doddo : siapppppppppppp sobbbbbbbbb!!!!!

oia tenang aja kalian juga akan mendengar 2 versi yg berbeda dari dive master...!!!!!penasaran???makanya dateng yah guyz...!!!!

H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y : :  M A R Q U E E...!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Keep still be one of best trance dj in this town dude..!! ;)

Best Regards : Adrian.. :)
G O T H A M 8  T H E  M A S S I V E  S O U N D S  :  :

ayooooooo dateng yah n kita merayakan ramai2...!!!!!hehehehehe.....

support buat om doddo & synan.... ;)
Bukan Sembarang Pria, Pria Sembarangan....!!!!

Waaah Marquee ultah.. Happy b'day ya bro  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Semoga 2008 makin gokil dan sukses di segala bidang  *bgs* *bgs*

Diusahakan datang yaaa bro  ;) ;)
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

Tx to colis,... ayoo ter kita tarik semua ke X2 anak2 jakarta yang gak keluar kota.....

Pokoknya long weekendnya lengkap deh Jumat Trance , Sabtu House



Keren Do.. skrg HOUSE dimaenin di BigRoom.. ;)

Hadeeer deh Do..

 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

happy birthday to marquee, semoga makincanggih  *piss* *piss*


wah thx bgt yah buat ucapan happy birthdaynya buat marquee....kita juga mohon kehadiran temen2 yang gak kluar kota untuk hadir yah ke X2...!!!!heheehe...

Happy Bday Mate..
Jessi Septamirza R
Indonesian PR representative
Tour manager

Marc residence 10-11 Tower B Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Tebet timur 8. Jakarta, Indonesia

20/03/08, 02:35 #21 Last Edit: 20/03/08, 04:35 by SynanRecordings
hi all makasi ya atas ucapannya..big thanks..wish all the best hehehe...thanks a lot for your support..hope that i could see u all at x2 ya =)...peace out!!! later guys!!-marquee-

ayooooooooooo besok nih kita party2 brg!!!!!hehehehe...

guest list atas nama ravelex 15 yah...passwordnya synan...thx...!!!!

happy birthday marquee......Keep up a good work bro
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare