
Yogyakarta T-Bar APOLOGY from James Zabiela

Started by jameszabiela, 18/11/06, 04:24

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Hi there everyone,

I really feel terrible about the gig last night in Yogyakarta. It was one of the worst gigs I've ever had and I just want to say sorry about my attitude and running straight off after my very average set. I've never done that before... ever! I almost feel like a real rockstar now sulking and 'stomping' off. A real diva!

The Bass Amp had apparently overheated making the main sub speaker come on and off the whole time, not only did it make it hard to mix (as it was located close to the booth) but also hard to enjoy the music.

I just couldn't get into it at all and it really spoilt the experience for me and I could see it was spoiling it for a lot of the people that came to see me. Which upset me more...

But it's not really about the dodgy speaker though, normally I'd laugh my way through something like that and make the best of the situation. But I've had a lot of personal issues to contend with recently so I was already quite sad before I went to play and the person you saw DJing last night was not the smiley James Zabiela (like the night before in Jakarta :) ) That was someone very unprofessional, so I am very sorry if I spoilt anyones evening :(

I feel a bit silly about it all now but I care that people pay to come and have a good time and as much as it is all about having fun I do take my gigs and music very seriously. Too seriously!

I hope one day I can come back and make up for it, in fact I'm determined to. :)



great, great, your last performing @ TJ's still great james!

@ discoterror : ajakin bang james perform juga d surabaya... ;D

hey...this is the first time ever i heard an apology from world's fine DJs...


hey it's okay james, it is always okay when it came to technical matters which is out of our capability
as i read above it's not about the mix rite?, so don't feel unprofessional, coz anytime you'll make it up
ppl here will always gladly welcome, kay james! (we always thirsty for world class DJs here)

your set was ROCK man... me n my friends really enjoy your set last night n it really greattttt... instead me of having really really drunks.. aheuhauehauehaheuaeuhaueh.... n last, [indonesian version] ojo kapok maen dijogja lagi yah :D

me myself really really enjoyed last night...

your set was killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........
:) :) :)
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

wah wah.,. sampe ikutan posting disini.. dulu tiesto waktu di jogja kok ga ya ...

@ james

sorry didnt see the gig... come to bali pleaseeee... hehehe

james zabiela...the really really good dj..

but i think...your show last night...danger and rawk!!!
amazed for me and my friends...

19/11/06, 01:39 #10 Last Edit: 19/11/06, 03:00 by LosTSisKa

U're ROCKS!!!!...so amazed! :o :o

still rock
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


 ;) ;)
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


haduh.. segitu upset-nya sepertinya si james..

no need to worries james...
you're still amazing !! :D
ajojingan selalu

21/11/06, 03:17 #14 Last Edit: 21/11/06, 03:20 by xesid
ease james.....you've had an amazing performance that night @ tj's club...... :o
it wasn't really matter for me n' my friends.....i really make myself enjoying the music..... :D
you're great n' very fuckin' rock on us bro......!!!!!!!!!
8) ;)
keep it goin'....good luck!!!!!!

Indonesia org2nya ramah2 jg yah... *bangga mode ON*

Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


emang si james ngapain....sampe apology segala ?
**basa inggris nya kepanjangan.......lemot nih pagi2...**
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

james.. its very kind of you to write all it down.. :)
don't call your self 'Unprofessional'.. many DJ's called their self Professional, but they never felt sorry or write an apologize if their gigs went wrong or even got cancelled !!

Im one of many clubbers who's couldn't see your gigs @ jogja.. but my friend just came and told me that you did a great set @ jogja.. and I Believe That.. :)


teman2 yang di jogja... cerita dooong... zabiela nya kenapa sih boo??

penasaran deh akuuu

just keep your mind open and suck in the experience
and if it hurts.. you know what... it's probably worth it

woww... nice nice...  :D
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

 pas dijogja suaranya pecah kanan ke kiri... sering naik turun... yg salah soundnya...
bkn james...  tapi cool bgt tanganya ceupeeett.. bgt... pas dia mainin efxnya  mlm itu kynya yg dtg ga terlalu suka
minimal ...   jd malah ga kedepan semua....  pas erik zahl maen electro udah pada maju...
yah... bkn salah james...