
Masukan untuk membuat club baru dikenal / banyak crowd nya..

Started by djshissy, 06/02/09, 11:09

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guys.. mohon saran nya untuk membuat suatu club baru rame, banyak pengunjung nya dan dikenal. Thanks saran nya ya... good luck 4 u all...
Shissy Bvlgary
BB Pin : 28c02366

1. Genre Musik nya jelas alias konsisten / Konsep Tempat gak berubah ubah.
2. Fasilitas Untuk Semua Kalangan ada (Sofa n Table, jangan sofa semua, ngeri orang liat nya).
3. Fasilitas Parkir Memadai alias parkir gedung tersedia.
4. Harga Minuman yang kagak kyk orang gila.

Buat masalah no.1 bisa seperti contoh pengaturan jam DJ yang tepat sesuai dengan kapasitas DJ tersebut n Jam nya jangan suka di acak, krn tiap DJ gaya musik nya ud pasti berbeda, jarang ad yang sama. Kalau diacak acak, bikin crowd bingung n akhirnya males. Krn rata" orang dateng ke club krn tau club tersebut memainkan lagu lagu yang mereka sukai pada jam yang mereka sudah tau dr kunjungan pertama mereka.

Semoga Saran g bisa berguna.

Cuma saran yaa . . .

- Create Program or events schedule yg jelas dan berkonsep
contohnya : buat event massive / big event setiap malem minggu yg continue selama 3 sampe 6 bulan dengan membawa guest DJ yg udah punya nama n banyak crowds tentunya , yang pasti harus udah ada sponsor yg backup
Tapi biasanya club baru udah punya budget events yg gede , kalo pun ga ada sponsor event tetep jalan.

- Focus di satu malem untuk menjaring tamu / segment
misalnya , geber acara dimalem minggu , kalo ternyata dalam waktu 3 bln udah rame , langsung geber event yg beda konsep dimalem sabtu , kalo malem sabtunya udah mulai rame juga , baru deh focus untuk weekdaysnya

- Buat weekly program n monthly events
ini ga cuma tugasnya programer loh , marketing , residents dj dan lain2 harus bisa memberi ide2 yg fresh . . .

- Melakukan kerjasama dengan e.o / label DJ , kaseh sharing profit yg gede ..heheh..biar mereka semangat juga 
Notes : e.onya juga harus diseleksi ....

- Minta budget promo yg banyak sama owner...hehehehe....
buat pasang iklan di juice tiap bulan...or barter promo sama radio station yg sesuai dengan segment club yg bersangkutan . .

- Cari designers yg canggih , biar semua materi promo print addnya juga bagus...kadang2 orang awam menilai image sebuah club baru dari design flyer , promo majalah dll ..jangan sampe orang2 pada males dateng duluan gara2 liat design flyer yg jelek

- Marketing or Public Relationnya harus kuat juga masalah relasi , tamu n sponsorship ..ini penting banget !!!

- yang terakhir kayanya yg ga kalah penting yaitu residents DJnya ..... gak cuma dateng , maen n pulang
harus mau promo juga , treat tamunya bagus n friendly , helpull sama guest dj yg maen bareng , musicnya harus bisa mengeducate crowds pastinya . . .soalnya sang residents DJ itu harus bisa menjadi icon kuat buat si club .

udah dech segitu dulu ....kalo ditulis semua kapanjangan ..heheheh

Cheeerssss . . .

The most important thing about a nightclub is "personality". First you must find out what type of personality you want your nightclub to have because that's what kind of people you're going to attract. This depends on what kind of music, drinks, food, prices, service and the whole atmosphere you will have. If you want to serve a certain category of people you will have to find out what are their preferences in all these and then figure out what are the best ways to get the people there and keep them coming.

1. Location
kadang males juga ya dtg ke club yang extra miles jarak tempuhnya...

2. DJ and music
Hire a very good and popular one.This is usually usually what drives new people to come to your club and keeps the old ones loyal. A good DJ puts good music and creates great atmosphere.

3. Bartender
Get an experienced one that can sell/recommend drinks to people and can make them quickly.

4. Waiters
If you have only male waiters that are good looking it will attract a lot of female clientele to your club which in return will attract male clientele as well so overall you will have more clients than just having waitresses.

5. Holding events
Bikin event yang fresh...

6. Drink "specials" night
Have a weekly night when you offer certain drink discounts or even free beer after a certain hour late in the night so you get to keep them as long as possible and by then they'll also buy more from you.

7. Build awareness
Try to appear on clubbing sites and get voted as the best local club. Get on the town's website list for clubs. When holding special events try to get the local papers to write about it.

8. Partnerships
Get the nearby hotels to send their clients to you for entertainment either by recommending or having some ad inside or outside the hotel. In return you can do the same for them with people that visit the town, go to your club and then need a place to sleep.

9. Bathrooms
This is a very important aspect, especially for the ladies. If the bathrooms are not clean and not working properly they will not come to your club anymore. If they look much better than the average club bathroom the women and also men will be impressed and will return to the club.

10. Food service
If there isn't any food very close by and till late in the night some of your clientele will not stay in the club till early morning because they will be starving. You can treat this as an opportunity and serve some type of food in your club but keep it simple,something like burgers so they don't waste too much time with eating and you also don't have to come up with a whole restaurant in your nightclub.

*piss* *piss*
- freak.culture -

Woww, ga nyangka Dj2 kondang kasih comment yg berguna banget gini... thanks ya bro, sukses juga buat kalian smua... *tepuktangan* *bgs*

@Wedhus, thanks a lot, good luck 4 u too... ;) *bgs*

yg lain nya, ditunggu saran nya..... :)

Shissy Bvlgary
BB Pin : 28c02366

Quote from: djshissy on 06/02/09, 13:28

@Wedhus, thanks a lot, good luck 4 u too... ;) *bgs*

thx u
keep up the gud work..  ;)
- freak.culture -

Wah Topic ini membantu banget

Iya kalau Buat Gw Kesuksesan Sebuah CLUB dari seorang PR
atau GM

Selain yang sudah disebutkan diatas serorang PR or GM nya harus forever learning
Berani mencoba sesuatu yang baru, Good Listener (Communication Skill )
and fun attitude, Professional (keep your personal feelings away) and respect to other people