
Segarra Managment - Cristo

Started by Theblizzard, 12/05/09, 13:14

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12/05/09, 13:14 Last Edit: 12/05/09, 20:15 by Theblizzard
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get in touch with Cristo of Segarra Managment. They have booked The Blizzard (me) for 30th of May in Jakarta. But now I haven't heard in them in a long while and they don't answer me.

Anyone knows them?

Kind regards,
Lars Nyheim of The Blizzard
The Blizzard with Gaate - Iselilja [Armada]

12/05/09, 14:23 #1 Last Edit: 12/05/09, 14:34 by Insomnia Beat
Hi Lars sorry for the late infromation to u because some certain condition heres! ,About  the event is already fix not in Mei but in July becasue the The Venue changed the the date into July , 18th I'll send the confrimation letter to u by tonight. And Hope that will answer all the missunderstanding between you and Cristo , thx - Baba

And i 'm really sorry for the unconvience that u felt...  :-\ :-\

Quote from: Theblizzard on 12/05/09, 13:14
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get in touch with Cristo of Segarra Managment. They have booked The Blizzard (me) for 30th of May in Jakarta. But now I haven't heard in them in a long while and they don't answer me.

Anyone knows them?

Kind regards,
Lars Nyheim of The Blizzard


anjiiirrr jangan malu-maluin nama Indonesia deh..
sumpaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.. tolol bangetttttttttttttt..

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: Insomnia Beat on 12/05/09, 14:23
Hi Lars sorry for the late infromation to u because some certain condition heres! ,About  the event is already fix not in Mei but in July becasue the The Venue changed the the date into July , 18th I'll send the confrimation letter to u by tonight. And Hope that will answer all the missunderstanding between you and Cristo , thx - Baba

And i 'm really sorry for the unconvience that u felt...  :-\ :-\

ini EO nya ya??

aduhhh.. masa baru kasi konfirmasi pas orangnya udah nanya ke RAVELEX sihh..

gila gilaaa...
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not


Bikin MALU lo! Jagoan gueee lagi2 dibuat malu yang kedua kalinya..

yang pertama sama Phetox Ditox
Yang kedua sama Cristooo..

Kalo gak punya duit makanya gak usah sok kenaalll.. BlackList aja lah tuh dua orang itu..

Bikin malu.. Katro..
First Breath, After Coma

ada lagi ya??
The Blizzard lagi???
bukannya waktu itu udh pernah bermasalah juga ya???
knp jd gini sih???

malu2in banget sih! :-\ :-\ :-\
underground movements...

udah2 jgn ribut ya... udah jelas kan semua....
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hihahihahihiahia.... hahahahaha masih yaaa,,,, ckckckckck.....
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Guys disini kondisinya tidak seperti yg kalian dengar dan liat , benar kita arrange untuk di buat tgl 30 mei , lalu pihak venue minta di ganti ke tanggal june, akhirnya kemaren malam saya mendapatkan konfrimasi bahwa ini akan difixkan ke bulan Juli karena Sponsor availabel tgl di juli.

So Buat mereka disana sudah berulang kali diganti tanggal dan gw baru tadi gw chat ma lars karena selama ini dihandel bukan ma gw, gw hny berurusan dengan pihak venue dan sponsor.Dan gw baru chat ma lars tadi karena gw belum bisa hub cristo mengenai info ini dari kemaren, dan si lars uda keduluan posting ini .

So masalah sudah clear , mohon maaf semua kalo mank kita ada salah, yg jelas gw bertanggung jawab atas apa yg kita kerjakan, Malam ini konfrimasi letterny akan keluar dan di berikan ke mereka.
So Pls jgn menghujat orang dulu kalo belum tau duduk perkaranya.

The problem is solve , mank salah kita belum sempat  meberikan info update kemereka karena pertukaran tanggal berulang kali atas request venue dan mank itu kgk gampang prosesnya , karena nama baek kita yg dipertaruhkan.

12/05/09, 16:10 #10 Last Edit: 12/05/09, 16:37 by big diddy
hehehehehhehe..... bisa gini lagi... bikin malu abisss.. :-\  blo' oon ,  kalo ngga bisa bawa..ngga usah lah.... ;)

main sama DJ lokal aja...........ngga usah sama DJ import   ;D  !!  Mimmmmmpiiiiiiii.....

Thing is, Im gonna play in South-Korea the 29th of May. And it was just luck that the promoters in South-Korea had not ordered the tickets yet. They where supposed to buy the ticket from South-Korea to Jakarta. And what would had happened if they did? I would be stuck in Jakarta without a ticket home! The way this has been handled is not acceptable! I'm feeling really dissapointed that my second gig in a row in Jakarta has been canceled. It's really annoying, not only because I let our fans down. But also because I could have had another gig on that date, but now it's too late. I do this to keep roof over my head, I can't afford loosing dates because bad communication.

I even don't know if I want to say yes to go to Jakarta in July, because I really don't know how I can trust people who don't keep me informed.

All the best,
The Blizzard
The Blizzard with Gaate - Iselilja [Armada]

Quote from: Theblizzard on 12/05/09, 16:14
Thing is, Im gonna play in South-Korea the 29th of May. And it was just luck that the promoters in South-Korea had not ordered the tickets yet. They where supposed to buy the ticket from South-Korea to Jakarta. And what would had happened if they did? I would be stuck in Jakarta without a ticket home! The way this has been handled is not acceptable! I'm feeling really dissapointed that my second gig in a row in Jakarta has been canceled. It's really annoying, not only because I let our fans down. But also because I could have had another gig on that date, but now it's too late. I do this to keep roof over my head, I can't afford loosing dates because bad communication.

I even don't know if I want to say yes to go to Jakarta in July, because I really don't know how I can trust people who don't keep me informed.

All the best,
The Blizzard


*sht* *sht* *sht*
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: Insomnia Beat on 12/05/09, 15:34

The problem is solve , mank salah kita belum sempat  meberikan info update kemereka karena pertukaran tanggal berulang kali atas request venue dan mank itu kgk gampang prosesnya , karena nama baek kita yg dipertaruhkan.


dj nya udah MALESSS maen di Jakarta gara-gara lo orang ngga jelas !!!!


whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@the blizzard: i feel so ashamed, for being Indonesian.. very very embarrassing !!
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: Insomnia Beat on 12/05/09, 15:34

The problem is solve , mank salah kita belum sempat  meberikan info update kemereka karena pertukaran tanggal berulang kali atas request venue dan mank itu kgk gampang prosesnya , karena nama baek kita yg dipertaruhkan.

so this is your definition about problem solved eh..?

get a life dude...
si bayu...

Quote from: Insomnia Beat on 12/05/09, 15:34

... karena nama baek kita yg dipertaruhkan.

dan nama baik lo udah ancur di mata EDM indonesia dan internasional ...


welcome to my weekend

12/05/09, 17:10 #17 Last Edit: 12/05/09, 17:12 by Adrianbeats
aduuh..., ko kaya gini lagi..??? :( :'(
G O T H A M 8  T H E  M A S S I V E  S O U N D S  :  :

Sabar Guys......... semoga ada jalan keluarnya yah, amien..........  :) :)

ck ck ck...   :-X
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Gw coba klarifikasi disini.. untuk teman2 yang belum tau duduk perkara nya mohon jgn angkat bicara dulu.
Kami berencana untuk membawa The Blizzard dan berkerja sama dengan pihak Segarra.. tapi kami belum mengadakan "kontrak" Kerja sama dengan pihak management The Blizzard... sebagai bukti ini adalah kutipan email saya dengan manager lars..

Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 11:35:08 +0200
Subject: Re: The Blizzard

From: jimmy.icon@gmail.com
To: cristo.max.nrg@windowslive.com

Cristo, Any news about the booking of Blizzard?

From:Cristo Alexander (cristo.max.nrg@windowslive.com)
Sent:Saturday, April 25, 2009 3: 34 PM

i'm still waiting contract from sponsor and venue. i'll contact you later :)

From: Jimmy Persson (jimmy.icon@gmail.com)
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 3: 01 PM
To: Cristo Alexander (cristo.max.nrg@windowslive.com)

great!! :)

1. Sudah jelas disini kita belum terikat contract dengan Lars. Dan pada waktu gw chat dengan Lars lwt messenger, Lars bilang semua masalah kontrak untuk langsung menghubungi manager dia.
2. Kita baru sounding ke mereka bahwa tgl 30 May pihak segarra memang berminat untuk mendatangkan Blizzard,   tapi ternyata pihak venue mengundurkan niat nya ke bulan july
3. Point kesalahpahaman disini adalah blm adanya report lagi masalah pengunduran event ini ke bulan july kepada Lars, dikarenakan blom ada kepastian dan kontrak dari pihak venue
4. Kemaren malam kita baru mendapatkan confirm dari pihak venue (Segarra) bahwa mereka akan membawa Lars pada tgl 18 July, dan pihak venue secepatnya akan memberikan surat konfirmasi langsung kepada pihak management Blizzard atas keterlambatan ini.

So teman2 yang blm tau duduk perkaranya mohon jangan langsung mengambil kesimpulan buruk...

12/05/09, 18:28 #21 Last Edit: 12/05/09, 18:30 by bLacK daMAN!
calm down guys.. no need to judge nor comment, just show the support n hope nothing bad happens again

gud luk ya sobb hope the event fix, ditunggu..
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Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 12/05/09, 18:28
calm down guys.. no need to judge nor comment, just show the support n hope nothing bad happens again

gud luk ya sobb hope the event fix, ditunggu..

yupp....gudlack guys...