
2005 resolution

Started by year good, 05/12/04, 09:48

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lets share your 2005 resolution

hilangkan sikut sikutan

-lets get loud
-dance across the universe :)
-respect all local djs

1. Start paying cover charge to smaller party, even if kenal sama si promoter (support, support!!!!)
2. If I get in fer free I will make sure that I atleast buy 1 drink (support, support!!!)
3. Berhenti mencela orang, justru harus menghargai usaha orang, meskipn mungkin masih kurang bagus
4. Unite!!!!!

Party hard, spinn smart, lets kick some loud music !!!!!

Lets love music, respect and unity

lullaby of clubland ,chill out never forget :)

1). Increase quality of sets further
2). Improve mixing capabilities
3). Learn music producing
4). A better man ?? duh hohoho :P

1. Be a better person
2. Be a better entertainer
3. Be a better lover
4. Be a better professional  

:twisted: B  :twisted:

slow and low ,that is the tempo

No more KKN!! start relying on skills and taste to get a gigg!!!

...mmm, nikmati hidup tanpa narkoba..BISA KAN.. :lol:

1. Hilangkan invitation/ buy drinks
2. Support from big clubs to underground scene
3. Unite
4. Produce lokal music

let the music take control

Gw sangat setuju dengan  :arrow: hilangkan budaya Invitation / free entry party disini...Mulailah mendukung dance scene disini...terutama yg lebih underground. Karena banyak hal yg musti dicover oleh para promoter and Dj2 yg terlibat dlm suatu event.
And guys...please if u come to one of the party... :arrow: DON'T bring any liquer or other drink from outside venue!
Mudah2an thn 2005 ada media lain yg lebih bisa menghidupkan dance scene disini... Kita udh py banyak forum spt ini, radio yg dance juga, DJ banyak, club banyak... mungkin media cetak or majalah yg lebih khusus ke dance kl ada lucu juga...

The Music will never stop - The Heartbeat will never fade - The Party will never end.

Party teruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssss. sediain stand ketok magic di tiap acara rave. Buka juga rental helm.


Sepuluh Tuntutan Ravers:

1. Djs jangan yang itu2x aja (terutama yang 1st generation kasih kesempatan yang muda2x dong, gak usah ikut2xan acara kompetisi)
2. Perkenalkan jenis musik baru
3. pemutaran lagu2x lama di minimize
4. hilangkan premanisme/brantem di club (piz dong)
5. banyakin party outdoor/diluar club
6. support all kind of party
7. tingkatkan kewaspadaan pemakaian drugs (kecuali,,,,you know lah)
8. no more breaking bullshit record (MURI) gak penting!!!!
9. jangan naikan harga minuman
10. enjoy "rave" in Jakarta

1.kasih masukan untuk dj dj muda bahwa nge dj harus fun (tdk hanya utk cari duit)
2.perbanyak media informasi seperti vlex magazine,free magazine,area,beatmag dll (konseptornya gokil...pasti anak disco..kekekek)
3.tidak bermain politik(seperti dai bachtiar...hahahah)....kl menurut filsafat cina tiongkok= "CINCAI LAHHH"
4.tidak perlu adanya favoritisme ttg satu genre musik atau pelecehan thd genre tertentu,cause music is universal language the password to all culture(oakenfold)
5."be aggresive to the local scene"

WMC 2006/2007 (at least )


share what u know and learn what u dont know
