General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: vans on 01/05/08, 22:42
about TERRITORY RESTRICTED IN Beatport... ada yg ngerti ga knapa n mengapa??? (?)
padahal justru track yg bagus2.. yg gw mo pilih :'(
Ini diambil dari customer support beatport
Question :
Why am I getting a 'territory resticted' message when I try to purchase certain tracks?
Answer : We all know how frustrating these restrictions can be.
A lot of our employees are DJs from all ends of the spectrum- from basement DJs, to club residents, to DJs who have toured all over the world. Even our CEO Jonas Tempel holds a residency on Saturday nights at Beta, and regularly tours with Bad Boy Bill. And those of us who don't fall into the DJ category are at the very least, electronic music afficionados. So we all know how frustrating it can be to listen to a track that you absolutely love, only to find out that it's not available in your territory.
As many of you may already know, these restrictions have always been around, but were just not as noticeable as they are today. For example, in the past when you went into a record store to buy your music you only had access to what the distributors were allowed to sell. Similarly, the agreements that we have made with our labels can limit the areas where a release may be sold if it is already available by another, more prominent label in those regions. Release dates can vary from label to label as well. Some releases that are available in all territories may not be available everywhere at the same time. In fact, a lot of the limitations that we deal with now are still based on standards that were set by physical distribution. We are working hard to change some of these outdated practices, however, we always try to keep in mind and respect the fact that our labels are trusting us with their most valuable asset.
At the end of the day we are all here for the music, and we would love to see worldwide rights on all tracks. Until that is possible, we feel that keeping a more extensive label catalog brings us one step closer to reaching our goal. For the time being, we recommend looking for territory restricted tracks under the "ALL" search function. Sometimes the tracks will share rights with another label which is available in your region.
Quote from: vans on 01/05/08, 22:42
about TERRITORY RESTRICTED IN Beatport... ada yg ngerti ga knapa n mengapa??? (?)
padahal justru track yg bagus2.. yg gw mo pilih :'(
gw biasanya barter-an sama yg bisa beli, tar tuker2an... tapi biasanya sih gw udah keburu dapet gratisannya sebelom sempet dibeliin ;D ;D
btw, di forum sebelah juga ada tuh nyediain jasa untuk beli dari web2 yang teritory restricted.. coba ja ;)
forum sebelah? yg mana?
brarti emang g bs di buy ya kak?
thnx buat saranya.. *piss*
@vans: kaskus, bagian fjb - services
uda ada yg cobain pk hidden ip??
huuh.. 70% ltracklist pilihanku TERRITORY RESTRICTED :-\ :-\ :-\
@Dj R'AngeL
hidden IP gmn tu mksdnya? bantuin dunk :P
pake proxy kalee yaa...
mereka ngeliat teritorinya nya dari IP ato alamat credit card kita yah ?
iya mereka ngeliat kita dr IP.. bukan credit card.. krn kan kita kan beli dulu br gredek.. hehe..
bisa sih diakalin, ambil IP luar.. katanya sih gitu.. gw blm pernah nyobain..
biasanya klo buntu mau bli lagu tp restricted, gw biasa search di ares..