

Started by Old timer clubbers, 19/10/05, 05:59

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In my opinion,
Achdiat,Romy,Naro,Irwan already taken long journey 1992 - Now 2005 we have to respect the effort,Naro,Irwan,Romy,Achdiat are the witness of house era in Indo..

Just a remembering the old days,

Achdiat is the one bring 1st ever house party.Romy just back from London and join, Romy is the one bring Naro to B1,Irwan follow the lamandau crew to mingle at B1 and then he's be B1 resident.. so guys can imagine in 1992? or at the 1994 when B1 are rock's.. are u there?? if u were there i bet all guys can posting better and wiser..

Think about how hard is the time taken and slice from 1992 - 2005.. how many gig they been too.. how many crowd are stays by their dance floor or crowd regeneration continued with time pasing by?

How many times the party being busted by Police! Lot's of good and bad experience..

Did u know Romy,Irwan,and Naro is the 1st DJ who make rave.. at Anyer 1994? And the crowd still dont know what is Rave is all about.. Pisita "Depth of the ocean sound" and now is called "Aquasonic"

In 1994 Romy & Alm Donny make rave at Puncak called Flight at Airplane rest near Ussu..

Naro is bring dutch prog in 1993
Irwan is Influent by Ministry Of Sound in 1993
Romy is bring UK house 1993
Then Anton came a years later from S.f he bring US house & garage..

Do u know Romy do live p.a since 1996 in Poster Cafe and Balemang at Populo party..

The warehouse party called Wired at Studio 41 years 1996 is Idea of Romy and the warehouse studio 41 founded by Alm Donny & maybe Pite (Motion Production last time) but they can't make the party, and Romy ask Anton to join force to make it... is 3000 people inside..
Somehow people know its the 1st warehouse party in Jkt..

Naro is the one pushing dutch dj to Jkt and the 1st dutch dj coming is Remy,Gilbert,Ramon.. its rocks!

Anton found Parrods at Sabang and be Parkit ,this club is full of young clubbers last time..

Irwan after B1 Niaga closed down, be really good house dj which are spin at club and back to B1 Imperium. but B1 never be the same again..

Now days.. we should support all the DJ's and be together in house culture.. crowd should know how hard they try to exist and bring the house culture till now! Is not easy to do it.. trust me guys.

Take it easy guys,
Old timer clubbers...

minta lagu shamen dong kak "move any mountain"

Tuh dengerin, gak gampang lagi jadi yang terbaik... Nubreed harus bersyukur ama fasilitas dan situasi yang ada sekarang.. jangan patah semangat, belajar dari senior2 loe diatas...

Peace n Lots of Luck

tambahan :
- dulu di B 1 ,kursinya cuman dikit....people come for dance !

hallow semua,
yang guwe tau nih...apa yang kita nikmatin sekarang ini,
adalah hasil usaha mereka'mereka diatas itchu low,
jadi bersyukurlah kita'kita cuman nerusin en menjaga keutuhan dance scene kita sendiri,
nggak boleh menjelekkan satu sama laennya ; UNITE dwong ah
thanks to B1 en PARKIT ceritanya,
stuju nggak?????

WOW...perlu steping yang ga mudah ya buat ngebangun n' ngebentuk dance scene kita....salut buat mereka b 5.....n' jgn lupa buat mereka utk merangkul para nu breed yang potensial tentunya...

Makanya skrg Dj2 enak tinggal maen aja.. nunggu job kan.. liat tuh dulu.. give a best salute to them!!

memang kita harus berterima kasih sama mereka.. tapii... perjuangan skrg pun gak gampang.. even lebih enak dr dulu.. akuin deh.. dance scene ini masih belum bisa diterima secara nasional.. secara merakyat.. *hehe mungkin gak ya??

salute to those SENIOR DJs.. tapi harus diakuin.. nubreed juga harus di angkat.. kalao masalah mereka tinggal terima enaknya.. ya itu namanya kemajuan jaman.. kalo nibreed harus ngalamin yang kayak DJ2 senior tadi.. ya kapan majunya sob?? disitu terus dong perkembangan dance scene kita..

nanti mungkin anak cucu kita akan berterima kasih kepada generasi nubreed skrg.. atas apa yg telah mereka perbuat di masa ini.. ya toh.. itu lah namanya EVOLUTION...


Dance are the object.. jd we have to keep up and dance to the music.. DJ is the media.. that's the main attraction :-)

Keep up the good work..

In my opinion,
Achdiat,Romy,Naro,Irwan already taken long journey 1992 - Now 2005 we have to respect the effort,Naro,Irwan,Romy,Achdiat are the witness of house era in Indo..

Just a remembering the old days,

Achdiat is the one bring 1st ever house party.Romy just back from London and join, Romy is the one bring Naro to B1,Irwan follow the lamandau crew to mingle at B1 and then he's be B1 resident.. so guys can imagine in 1992? or at the 1994 when B1 are rock's.. are u there?? if u were there i bet all guys can posting better and wiser..

Think about how hard is the time taken and slice from 1992 - 2005.. how many gig they been too.. how many crowd are stays by their dance floor or crowd regeneration continued with time pasing by?

How many times the party being busted by Police! Lot's of good and bad experience..

Did u know Romy,Irwan,and Naro is the 1st DJ who make rave.. at Anyer 1994? And the crowd still dont know what is Rave is all about.. Pisita "Depth of the ocean sound" and now is called "Aquasonic"

In 1994 Romy & Alm Donny make rave at Puncak called Flight at Airplane rest near Ussu..

Naro is bring dutch prog in 1993
Irwan is Influent by Ministry Of Sound in 1993
Romy is bring UK house 1993
Then Anton came a years later from S.f he bring US house & garage..

Do u know Romy do live p.a since 1996 in Poster Cafe and Balemang at Populo party..

The warehouse party called Wired at Studio 41 years 1996 is Idea of Romy and the warehouse studio 41 founded by Alm Donny & maybe Pite (Motion Production last time) but they can't make the party, and Romy ask Anton to join force to make it... is 3000 people inside..
Somehow people know its the 1st warehouse party in Jkt..

Naro is the one pushing dutch dj to Jkt and the 1st dutch dj coming is Remy,Gilbert,Ramon.. its rocks!

Anton found Parrods at Sabang and be Parkit ,this club is full of young clubbers last time..

Irwan after B1 Niaga closed down, be really good house dj which are spin at club and back to B1 Imperium. but B1 never be the same again..

Now days.. we should support all the DJ's and be together in house culture.. crowd should know how hard they try to exist and bring the house culture till now! Is not easy to do it.. trust me guys.

Take it easy guys,
Old timer clubbers...

gw kenal clubbing era era m - club, then lava lounge choyy

lava lounge, diva era penting sobb

Iya penting lah.. tp itu udah belakangan juga.. ini early days of house in Indo!

dj riri ,suka juga ke b 1 waktu itu masih abg banget hahahahhah..terus nge jam di sana waktu dj booth nya yg masih pake kaca ...waktu itu riri masih kurus banget jooo..di belakng dj booth banyak yg nyimeng sob...hahahhah.dan kalo menurut gue dari semua dj yg pernah jadi resident...dan yg pernah jadi guest dj riri lagunya yg paling keras (menurut gue)
terakhir-terakhir sebelum tutup (jamannya dj rim) yg nongkrong di sana banyak konglomerat 2 dan udah mulai terlalu komersil.....ada ari sigit, nirwan bakrie, jony hermanto,ahmad albar,feby lawrence,sampe pemain ac milan juga pada nongkrong di sana habis main lawan pssi di senayan ada paolo maldini,boban,jean pierre papin,.....bwahahahah seru banget jooo....terus..terus...dancer yg menjadi idola gue sampe sekarang mbak nasta (forever sweety lady)...sama dj fabi ....yg suka jogedan sendirian keliling dancefloor nya b 1

yoi...dj riri waktu itu lagunya udah keras banget(kurus banget lo ri waktu masih abg...hweweweweew)...baju surfer tangan panjang gak ketinggalan bweheheheheh

Quote from: "Anonymous"memang kita harus berterima kasih sama mereka.. tapii... perjuangan skrg pun gak gampang.. even lebih enak dr dulu.. akuin deh.. dance scene ini masih belum bisa diterima secara nasional.. secara merakyat.. *hehe mungkin gak ya??

salute to those SENIOR DJs.. tapi harus diakuin.. nubreed juga harus di angkat.. kalao masalah mereka tinggal terima enaknya.. ya itu namanya kemajuan jaman.. kalo nibreed harus ngalamin yang kayak DJ2 senior tadi.. ya kapan majunya sob?? disitu terus dong perkembangan dance scene kita..

nanti mungkin anak cucu kita akan berterima kasih kepada generasi nubreed skrg.. atas apa yg telah mereka perbuat di masa ini.. ya toh.. itu lah namanya EVOLUTION...


Bener banget boss.. Tapi perlu diinget juga.. Evolusi terjadi secara alami, gue yakin nu breed yang ada sekarang bakalan maju dengan sendirinya, apalagi yang bagus2 kayak uchiel ama adhe.. kayaknya dua nu breed ini bisa dicontoh untuk semangat dan keuletan mereka.. Sekali lagi.. Regenerasi memang perlu ada, tapi Tidak perlu direkayasa. Cukup di akomodir.. May the best Nu breed Rise!


Quote from: "Anonymous"Iya penting lah.. tp itu udah belakangan juga.. ini early days of house in Indo!
house apa electronic dance brooy ? giling lo ah !

Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "Anonymous"memang kita harus berterima kasih sama mereka.. tapii... perjuangan skrg pun gak gampang.. even lebih enak dr dulu.. akuin deh.. dance scene ini masih belum bisa diterima secara nasional.. secara merakyat.. *hehe mungkin gak ya??

salute to those SENIOR DJs.. tapi harus diakuin.. nubreed juga harus di angkat.. kalao masalah mereka tinggal terima enaknya.. ya itu namanya kemajuan jaman.. kalo nibreed harus ngalamin yang kayak DJ2 senior tadi.. ya kapan majunya sob?? disitu terus dong perkembangan dance scene kita..

nanti mungkin anak cucu kita akan berterima kasih kepada generasi nubreed skrg.. atas apa yg telah mereka perbuat di masa ini.. ya toh.. itu lah namanya EVOLUTION...


Bener banget boss.. Tapi perlu diinget juga.. Evolusi terjadi secara alami, gue yakin nu breed yang ada sekarang bakalan maju dengan sendirinya, apalagi yang bagus2 kayak uchiel ama adhe.. kayaknya dua nu breed ini bisa dicontoh untuk semangat dan keuletan mereka.. Sekali lagi.. Regenerasi memang perlu ada, tapi Tidak perlu direkayasa. Cukup di akomodir.. May the best Nu breed Rise!

jelly penting soobb....... < ge-er gak luh jelll....euheuuhee >

klo menurut gw sih..junior senior tuh gak ada,itu karna mereka muncul ke permukaan lebih duluan dan mereka punya talent (termasuk duit dan koneksi) disitu. Gw pribadi salut bgt ma mereka yg udah ngebangun dance scene di Jakarta yg akhirnya merembet ke kota2 lain. Mungkin klo gak ada mereka Indonesia bakal ketinggalan jauh ma negara lain.

soal tantangannya sama aja ma nu breed. Mereka susah payah ngebangun dance scene + rave di Indonesia. Sedangka nu breed bersaing dgn sesama nu breed yg lainnya untuk menjadi no.1 di Indonesia. Karna DJ baru yg muncul sekarang banyak bgt,jd mereka hrs bersaing nyari lahan biar bisa nyalurin talent mereka.

Solusinya: Combine aja Old DJ Sama Nu Breed,Klo perlu bikin battle aja..bkn maksudnya mencari yg lebih pantes nguasain Lantai Dansa di Indonesia tp biar Crowd tahu klo Nu Breed gak kalah ma Old DJ dan jg Crowd pasti suka bgt tuh (menurut gw) karna mereka pengen ngeliat mixing DJ NARO vs DJ Adhe ataw DJ ROMY vs DJ GLEND ataw DJ ANTON vs DJ Uchiel..Nepathya nikin gt bs gak?

- God Bless Da Dance Floor -

        - nOtis -

Iya Uchie, Adhe dan Jelly semua naik karena mereka emang bagus.. Gak mungkin kan Adhe bisa menang sampe level asia pacific kalo dia gak spesial.. Mudah2 an thn 2006 bisa lebih banyak dj nu breed yang bagus yang bisa naik ke permukaan.. supaya dance scene makin semarak..


Quote from: "Anonymous"Iya Uchie, Adhe dan Jelly semua naik karena mereka emang bagus.. Gak mungkin kan Adhe bisa menang sampe level asia pacific kalo dia gak spesial.. Mudah2 an thn 2006 bisa lebih banyak dj nu breed yang bagus yang bisa naik ke permukaan.. supaya dance scene makin semarak..


Jelly ??? jelly tu siapa si ya ?? gw baru denger sih...dia naek ? naek apa ? wong denger dia maen aja gak pernah .....lu temennya Jelly banget sih ??? Jelly Juice ???

Quote from: "hah"
Quote from: "Anonymous"Iya Uchie, Adhe dan Jelly semua naik karena mereka emang bagus.. Gak mungkin kan Adhe bisa menang sampe level asia pacific kalo dia gak spesial.. Mudah2 an thn 2006 bisa lebih banyak dj nu breed yang bagus yang bisa naik ke permukaan.. supaya dance scene makin semarak..


Jelly ??? jelly tu siapa si ya ?? gw baru denger sih...dia naek ? naek apa ? wong denger dia maen aja gak pernah .....lu temennya Jelly banget sih ??? Jelly Juice ???

Wakakaka.....naek Ojeg kali soooob...denger namanya sih pernah sob...tapi liat dia main sih belom, emang jarang main di club selatan juga sih....yah yang bilang dia naik ya paling temen2 nya sendiri bro....biasa lah itu....

gua sering banget ngeliat jelly... Tapi tulisan namanya doang di forum ini... Ngeliat langsung belum pernah... Hehehehe... Pasti temennya tuh yang nulis... Promosi melulu deh di ravelex... Semoga yang nulis temennya, bukan jellynya sendiri... Huhuhu... Malah jadi ga respect deh...
No offense yeee... Just my opinion... Peace...
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take