
Skream Got Wasted During His Set At SXSW And Threw A CDJ-2000 Into The Crowd

Started by phuture89, 22/03/13, 07:45

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SXSW has come to an end. We're still pissed off that we couldn't get out there to party, but we've heard some funny stories and watched some funny videos that kind of make up for it. Last week we saw the video of the fat drunken dude who got knocled the f' out after he started trying to fight everyone around him, and now we've just witnessed a pretty hilarious video of Skream giving away one of the CDJ-2000s that he was DJing on after someone cut the sound from his set.

Now we all know that Skream's never been the most straight edge DJ out there. There were rumours a few years ago from the Warehouse Project that Skream apparently took a hoof of something white that turned out to start with a K rather than a C which lead him to not be able to play his gig and needing to be carried out of the venue. Now I dunno if this is true, but it was doing the rounds in Manchester a few years back. Other promoters have also said that this guy sure does like to party and will make sure that he's heavily under the influence when performing.

Now there's nothing wrong with that, the guy's a DJ and his job is to play the music for everyone else to party to, he's gonna wanna get a little loose right? But the way Skream acts at the end of this video is kinda weird. It looks like his set gets cut off because it's gone over its time slot or the sound man's been told to cut it short, who knows, so in protest Skream grabs one of the CDJ-2000s and throws it out to someone in the crowd. Lucky boy whoever got given that piece of kit! Skream then tries to give the other one out but comes to his senses and probably realises 'what the frick am I doing?'.

Source link.
what we want what we believe

jadi kesimpulannya dia pas maen teler banget terus ada yg berantakan mixingnya 3 kali pas udah waktunya selesai mau nambah terus jadinya di cut ga terima dan ngelempar cdj ke crowd??

I love all kinds of house, but i love that deep shit, the real shit, makes you bump your head..

belum jelas, ada rumor lain bilang dia main udah lebih dari rundown yaitu jam 3am. makanya si eo melalui soundman-nya cutoff. lalu ada lagi rumor kedua yang ditulis di salah satu komen di youtube video ttg berita ini oleh seseorang, yaitu sbb:

"for people who don't understand why he got cut off, it was because he was had his gain (volume) cranked all the way The sound guy can't do his job and make the club sound good unless the DJ is mixing at a volume that leaves enough room for the sound guy to be able to control. Limiters and compressors can't catch every spike so they had to turn him down because he was running the risk of blowing speakers and defining the crowd."

yang mana yang bener ga tau deh..tapi hampir pasti dari link video diatas..SKREAM nanti ke indonesia bakal main deep house, techno dan disko. marilah berdansa dan sampai bertemu dsana.

*yang penting cair yang dapet cdj gratis sama mic
what we want what we believe

For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


fix skream main di jt gw mau paling depan, siapa tau dpt cdj 2000 juga

Quote from: danzig on 22/03/13, 09:07
ternyata ada yang lebih parah dari ngelempar kue

gw dengan bangga sebagai fan beratnya akan merasa terhormat jika terkena lemparan kue


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

CDJ nya emang di LEMPAR beneran loh, tapi bukan Skream yg lempar.. crowd yg dpt cdj dari Skream yg lempar

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