
Steve Angello Main Mixtape!

Started by Gober, 09/08/11, 16:34

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09/08/11, 16:34 Last Edit: 09/08/11, 22:42 by Gober

Salah satu anggota Swedish House Mafia, Steve Angelo tertangkap basah melakukan dj mix dengan mixtape yang sudah direkam sebelumnya. Berita yang diangkat oleh sebuah website musik belanda dumpert.nl memasang video berdurasi 13 menit yang memperlihatkan Steve Angelo tidak melakukan apa apa saat lagu di deck kedua menyala.

Steve Angello @ Dance Valley - How To Fake Your Fans (Original Mix)

Kejadian ini direkam saat Steve Angello main di festival besar Belanda yaitu Dance Valley. Buat yang penasaran bisa cek di halaman dalam bahasa Belanda berikut dibawah ini :



Sampai berita ini ditulis, Steve Angello sedang sibuk menjawab pertanyaan orang soal permainannya. Alibi yang dia berikan dikarenakan 10 menit itu sengaja di set oleh panitia untuk sinkronisasi musik dengan show penutupan. Berikut ini reply yang dia berikan :

Quote"Don't you have better things to do then make up bullshit to write about me faking a whole set when i just explained that it was the last 11 mins of my set so they could fire of the special fx and all the fireworks, stop with your bullshit and get on with your lives, if it would be up to you guys we would all be stuck in cells without electricity and banging on a floor without a big show so you would feel better for yourselves not being there, i would never fake a whole set in my entire life and those 10 mins are part of the show. if you don't wanna see fireworks and a massive finale stop buying tickets to events where that happens and stay home instead. i hate when people make up a big story and feed on it like sugar to ants. make something better of your time instead of wasting mine!! if you would put as much time on your own careers as you do talking shit maybe a thing like this wouldn't affect you, i know who my real fans are and you haters are not my real fans, cause if you would be you would get what i´m saying after seeing the shows we do, you probably haven't even been to any of my shows and won't ever come so drop it, get on with your lives! I wanna take this Hater thing to the next level. I wanna fly one over to ibiza to play with my SD cards without headphones and put it on youtube. I'll do the same directly after and we'll see if you can pull it off. ? I'll pick one of you guys and we'll go for it. So who's up for the challenge?"

Saat ini video ini sudah di upload ke Youtube, dan dilihat oleh 25.000 orang. Dari komentar yang ditulis pengunjung, banyak yang mengeluhkan kenapa seorang DJ tenar dengan bayaran mahal cuma main set yang sudah direkam sebelumnya. Mudah mudahan ga berkepanjangan.

Dari beberapa clip lain :

Dance Valley 2011 - Steve Angello HD
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ngehe bgt deh nih hahahahah gw udah liat videonya pake sepik2 ngeplay sama turunin fader  ;D

picture hosting

haha lucu nih,. gw ngikutin pembelaannya di twitter pas sahur td hehe..

katanya sih, the last 10minutes is part of the show,. emang pre-recorded,. buat si empunya event, udah di set biar pas ama fireworks and effect nya.. sah2 aja sih menurut gw.. yg penting penonton hepi :)

copy dr tweet nya : Can't believe you guys are still going for it . don't you have better things to do then make up bullshit to write about me faking a whole set when i just explained that it was the last 11 mins of my set so they could fire of the special fx and all the fireworks , stop with your bullshit and get on with your lives , if it would be up to you guys we would all be stuck in cells without electricity and banging on a floor without a big show so you would feel better for yourselves not being there , i would never fake a whole set in my entire life and those 10 mins are part of the show . if you don't wanna see fireworks and a massive finale stop buying tickets to events where that happens and stay home instead . i hate when people make up a big story and feed on it like sugar to ants . make something better of your time instead of wasting mine !! if you would put as much time on your own careers as you do talking shit maybe a thing like this wouldn't affect you , i know who my real fans are and you haters are not my real fans , cause if you would be you would get what i´m saying after seeing the shows we do , you probably haven't even been to any of my shows and won't ever come so drop it , get on with your lives ! - SA

ya mungkin aja dia bener.mungkin aja dia emang main mixtape..yg penting asoy kata crowd mah.hehehehehe

setelah melihat videonya penuh, part soal lagunya mau dipake untuk fireworks cuma di lagu terakhir. di 2 lagu di set sebelumnya dia sama sekali ga nyentuh fader & headphone. cekidot!
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
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One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
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Wah Ternyata Farah! *jlk*

Semoga aja emang benar alesannya daripada nanti jadi berabeh kalau ketahuan dia main mixtep #lenyap ;D
Hidup cuman perlu internet buat OL di rvlx !!

10/08/11, 11:35 #9 Last Edit: 10/08/11, 11:38 by phuture89
i am his big fans....especially his tunes...ga ngaruh...tetep gue beliin lagunya :) tapi buat respect dan liat steve angello live...:) it's a big NO!

shame on you steve,,udh dibayar,,,,ga pro. bukan contoh yang bagus. Ini gambaran there is no big or small dj's..yang ada hanya yang serius dan pro dan tidak serius beserta dj wannabe..walaupun mereka telah getting famous..depp sh#t. kecewa bgt...

sekarang gw nangis lari kepojokkan kamar mandi sambil telanjang dan jongkok dibawah air shower....damn! how can u break my heart steve fooking mixtape angello :(
what we want what we believe

too drunk to play hahahaha...
itu pasti lg mabok parah dia hahahaa..

10/08/11, 11:48 #11 Last Edit: 10/08/11, 11:50 by phuture89
Quote from: dj_faldo on 10/08/11, 11:44
too drunk to play hahahaha...
itu pasti lg mabok parah dia hahahaa..

jelas kalo soal itu ..liat aja gaya nya tengil..hak cuihhh.......:)
what we want what we believe

Ckckck :-\

Jujur, i'm not a big fan of him. in fact, gw ga terlalu familiar dengan dia. Tapi setelah melihat videonya: Its pathetic and disgraceful!!!
Kok bisa yah event se besar Dance Valley di Belanda kecolongan dengan DJ kayak gini??

Juga alasan dia ttg timing dan sinkronisasi dengan kembang api + lampu ga masuk diakal dan absurd banget..emangnya ada bedanya antara mixtape dengan live mixset dalam hal durasi dan time of mixing???

You make us all look like clowns Steve  *jlk*

udah komersil, katrok pula...

cocok nih pura-pura ngedije back 2 back pake mixtape barengan peter hook...

mungkin panitia dance valley udah merhatiin dia main dari awal. dan mungkin ini juga alesannya kenapa video ini diambil. :)
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
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fax.: 021-7

parah bener yak.. pasti banyak fans yang hilang gara2 bginian nih.. itu minuman jatoh ga ada minta maap sama sekali..ckckck sombongnya...  *jlk*  *jlk*