
any comment

Started by hypenotic, 02/07/06, 19:04

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02/07/06, 19:04 Last Edit: 02/07/06, 19:11 by hypenotic
any comment about THE LOST CHAPTER 2nd EDITION @ bidadari island, 29 - 30 july 06 ?

just share.

gmn mo comment? wong acaranya jg belum toh,,, abisan tgl 30 deh,,, yg pasti Support!!! hrs lebih gokil dr tahun lalu ya.... hueheuhue...*ga sabar,,, its the real summer party!!! ;D ;D
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

hmmm... mau jawabnya bingung mas... wong acaranya sendiri belom dimulai toh...
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

ntar ya.. gue ambil dulu mesin waktu gue... nnt gue kbrin lg okeh

*nunggu jana balik buat nunggu laporan*
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

dijamin seru dah !


Sukses deh...

nta,, yey..
klo acaranya dah g datengin..

comment...duhh belum bisa kalee....*ntar tunggu fit and propertest dulu dr anak2 rvlx!..hehee :P

Sob.. loe di galaksi mane?!?!?!
DALTON's Family
Dance Without Moving

mudah-mudahan aman dari APARAT dan BD KEPARAT....

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

ddiiiihhhhhhhhhhh semangatnya yaa.........

mod mod....
ini butuh bimbingan kali ngga newbie2 nya..... ;D ;D
pasang forum introduction to Rvlx gitu, hehheheheh
ato.... "Cara Posting yg Sehat dan Benar"

ay dulu pertama juga sempeeet nyasar ::) ::)
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...