
Armin is King : #1 DJ 2012

Started by Gober, 20/10/12, 13:46

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02/11/12, 01:11 #25 Last Edit: 02/11/12, 02:36 by Gober

well i have to disagree with that mate, gua rasa cuman 10% dari 20.000 orang datang di "konser" david guetta tau makna DJ no 1, darimana asal predikat itu. One thing for sure, rangking ini adalah popularity contest. Sudah sepantasnya DJ yang jadi nomer 1 adalah dj terpopuler di dunia yang fansnya banyak milih di poll ini. Bukan DJ terjago mainnya atau paling rajin bikin lagu atau paling sering tour. Ironisnya ada beberapa yang mengaku bukan DJ ada di list ini, contohnya deadmau5. Lebih ajaib lagi Daft Punk (yang juga ga bisa dibilang dj), yang jarang ngeluarin lagu, dan jarang manggung, udah berapa tahun ngumpet, bisa konsisten ada di ranking. kenapa makin dikit dj techno ada di list ini, mungkin juga bukan karena massanya kurang, tapi mungkin massanya udah males milih di poll ini.

Seperti kata walasok, orang pada dateng ke guetta simply karena musiknya komersil aje, pop MTV. datengin dia udah kayak datengin pop star kayak usher, black eyed peas or super junior hehe...

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02/11/12, 04:40 #26 Last Edit: 02/11/12, 04:57 by Ucil
Nobody needs to know what the poll exactly means mate, just having the title #1 of the world is enough factor to make people curious, be it #1 singer, band, chef, wanker, sucker or what not....so saying that is not a major factor that makes laymen crowds buy tickets is plain ignorant if u ask me...

Gw setuju banget kalo lo bilang its just all about popularity, but there's more to the art of DJ ing than popularity ya gak sih? after all ini pollingnya kan buatan DJ mag (a magazine for DJs and EDM community) bukan Grammy or People's choice award...

Anyways I dont really mind techno DJs become a rarity in the list, coz if more is in it, that means techno is the new Electronic Guetta Music, and frankly that's just doomsday...hehehe

Peace in the universe ion...
Play your heart out loud !!!


congrats mas Armin ;D *piss*

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Quote from: Ucil on 02/11/12, 04:40

Anyways I dont really mind techno DJs become a rarity in the list, coz if more is in it, that means techno is the new Electronic Guetta Music, and frankly that's just doomsday...hehehe

hehehe well put ;D
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