
BENER GA YA.....????

Started by secret admirer, 21/07/06, 15:22

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21/07/06, 15:22 Last Edit: 21/07/06, 15:26 by secret admirer
Andy Moor tgl 25 Agustus main di Colloseumnya K 7.....??  ???

Murat Uncouglu ama Dj 19 mo dateng jg ke Stadium bulan Agustus...??  ???

Andre Absolut juga dateng ke Stadium bulan November besok...??  ???

Bener ga ya....??? gw dapet info dari sumber yg bisa dipercaya dan juga bukan biang gossip tapi gw masih ragu....masa datengnya bisa bertubi-tubi gitu...??...hehehe tapi kalo bener tuch....bakalan gokil abis tuh Stadium ama K 7......hmmm udah mesti menyiapkan fisik dan mental dari sekarang neh....hehehehe

Please Comment........ ??? ???
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

heh? andy moor d K7? katanya embassy? yang mana yang bener nihh... dimana aja kalo andy moor yang memutar piringan mahh pasti gua sambangi tuh tempat!!!  ;D
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

hah....andy moor ke jakarta?(pura-pura ga tau...) :o :o :o
si bayu...

ya smoga aja bner, brangkuut.
uuh,too hard to fake it.

@sin.AD : huahauhuaha pura pura ga tau gitu ih.. huahauhauahau ga suka deh ga sukaa ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

yang bawa andy moor pasti DJ Jakarta kondang yang berulang tahun di bulan agustus itu juga.. (sok yakin DEH)...

hhhehehehe.. tapiii,..daku sangat berharap di K7....

Hah??,....siapa sih andy moor????....:P

biar tambah penasaran....hehehe....emang enak..??

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
si bayu...

@motion ninja

Bay...apaan tuh??...kok kaya 'dunia lain?'...gaygayagaayagaya :D

Sin.AD bikin penasaran lg nih,,, mo main tebak2 an lagi yaaa,,,,, hahahaha ;D ;D
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Quote from: SisKa on 21/07/06, 20:06
@motion ninja

Bay...apaan tuh??...kok kaya 'dunia lain?'...gaygayagaayagaya :D

emang akan terasa didunia lain kooookkk
si bayu...

ihhhh... halcyon gituu gambarnyaa...  ;D
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

perhatiin deh ntar ad cewek rambut panjang baju putih keluar ;D ;D

eh itu gambar apa siih.... takut gitu g ngeliatnya.. hehe.. koq g ga berani liat lama2 yah... :-[
just keep your mind open and suck in the experience
and if it hurts.. you know what... it's probably worth it

Quote from: sin.AD on 21/07/06, 21:56
emang akan terasa didunia lain kooookkk

...sumpe' lo?...
;D ;D ::) ::)

iyahhh gambarr apaan sih tuh??? bikin penasaran dehh.... huhuhuhuhuh :'( ::) :P
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

Quote from: secret admirer on 21/07/06, 15:22
Andy Moor tgl 25 Agustus main di Colloseumnya K 7.....??  ???

Murat Uncouglu ama Dj 19 mo dateng jg ke Stadium bulan Agustus...??  ???

Andre Absolut juga dateng ke Stadium bulan November besok...??  ???

Bener ga ya....??? gw dapet info dari sumber yg bisa dipercaya dan juga bukan biang gossip tapi gw masih ragu....masa datengnya bisa bertubi-tubi gitu...??...hehehe tapi kalo bener tuch....bakalan gokil abis tuh Stadium ama K 7......hmmm udah mesti menyiapkan fisik dan mental dari sekarang neh....hehehehe

Please Comment........ ??? ???
mungkin aja kok...
~~~~~just go with the FLOW~~~~~

Quote from: cruelsummer on 22/07/06, 08:34
Quote from: secret admirer on 21/07/06, 15:22
Andy Moor tgl 25 Agustus main di Colloseumnya K 7.....??  ???

Murat Uncouglu ama Dj 19 mo dateng jg ke Stadium bulan Agustus...??  ???

Andre Absolut juga dateng ke Stadium bulan November besok...??  ???

Bener ga ya....??? gw dapet info dari sumber yg bisa dipercaya dan juga bukan biang gossip tapi gw masih ragu....masa datengnya bisa bertubi-tubi gitu...??...hehehe tapi kalo bener tuch....bakalan gokil abis tuh Stadium ama K 7......hmmm udah mesti menyiapkan fisik dan mental dari sekarang neh....hehehehe

Please Comment........ ??? ???
mungkin aja kok...

If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

yang bener yang mana nih?
di MBC apa di K7 sih?
tapi kalo di K7 lebih seru, dunianya akan lebih berasa 'lain' ;D

Iya isunya di Colloseumnya K 7 yg lagi dibenahi saat ini dan hampir finish..........

Hmmm.....kalo jadi dateng semoga aja Murat perform dengan style aslinya Proggy melodic ..... 8) 8)
Andre Absolut......Great Mixer.......seemless mixing......great journey...... 8) 8)
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

 :-X :-X :-X
All people smile in the same language...

hehehe....ternyata gosip yg gw denger ada benernya juga.... 8)

point 1 udah bener , tinggal nunggu beritanya point 2 ama point 3 nech.........
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

hadooooh.......  :-X :-X :-X
"every day in every way i'am getting better and better " Perhaps it is a good idea to start a new day with the right frame of mind.

Yang jelas sih gue nonstop 25-27 di sana teruss
Secara andy moor yang gue pujai.. (sedaaap)
trus ada RATU juga..walau bukan EDM, tp gue suka sekaliii.... hihihi...
ga sabar....

hehehe...nanti joged2 sambil motret2 lagi ya tante.....
si bayu...