
Casa El Loco !!!!!

Started by echaaaa, 13/04/09, 16:11

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13/04/09, 16:11 Last Edit: 13/04/09, 16:18 by echaaaa
what is casa el loco ???

literally it would be house of the madman in Spanish (if im not mistaken :P )

but for me casa el loco is an exploration .....

exploration of many diversity of electronic music. . . .

as we know electronic music has many various style or which we refer as genre, from deep soulful house to the mainstream hype of trance , but there is more than that, there is more "Underground" or non mainstream stuff ( well at least in indonesia) such as Bmore,New Rave,Dubstep,Breaks,Hardstyle,Dnb an many more ....

im an open person, i never shut my ears to any form of music call it acid jazz or acid techno what ever .... ill listen to it

im learning and absorbing , and with casa el loco !!! im asking you to join in learning together  ;)

in casa el loco i will do a 30 minutes mix in a somewhat consider underground or non mainstream,and some called it a new music and in this thread i will open a forum to discuss about the music

he who knows more teach who knows less, we all be learning together . . . to obtain one goal together in which is to learn so much more about music . . .

ps : the mix are experimental and i am not a specialist in the genre we will discuss and im open for those dj who are more specializing in the genre to do a guest mix and share with the public

i hope in the future indonesian dance scene will be what is some how a far inteligent and open handed to variety of different ......

our first topic is ....


Download Casa El Loco Part 1 - Hardstyle :


Hardstyle originated from Hard House and Rave Music with influences from Hard Trance, Hardcore and Jumpstyle. The place of origin is believed to be the Netherlands, where the first hardstyle events started near the end of 1999 and the beginning of 2000. One person accredited in the development of the style is Dana van Dreven.

Hardstyle is mainly produced by artists in the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany, but more and more producers from other countries have also discovered this sound. In 2005 the style started becoming popular in several countries in the world, including: Belgium, Poland, Estonia, Denmark, Australia, South Africa and United Kingdom. However In the Netherlands, United States, Spain and Germany trance is more popular. The large hardstyle movements started in Spain anno 2007. Among others Madrid Hardstyle Movement and Jewel of The Crown represent the Spanish artists. Hardstyle started out as Hardhouse (fast hardhouse from United Kingdom) and was mixed with Oldstyle as a combination. This went on to create the sound we hear today.

The English sound was very popular in the Netherlands for a short time, but it soon appeared that the Dutch public preferred a harder bassline. Artists like Dana, Pavo & The Prophet combined the English sound with new productions. This sound also gained some popularity in Germany, where it was picked up by German label Tracid Traxxx (who defined their own sound more like a combination of trance and Acid), and later also (later also Blutonium, resident E Recordings).

Afterwards, hardstyle-productions briefly came to Italy, which also started the German alternative sounds. After this, the new hardstyle went directly at the Dutch public. Q-Dance organised a monthly evening in Hemkade (nowadays the North Sea Venue) under the name Qlubtempo, an event which could be called the melting pot of the Hardstyle. Nowadays they also have hardstyle celebrations in The Matrixx and Lucky. The hardstyle event in The Matrixx are called the XXLERATOR, and in Lucky it is called Dangerouzmind. Artists who had never performed in the Netherlands were flown over to bring the new sound to the people. Artists such as Technoboy, Super Marco May and Gary D acquired a large reputation in the Netherlands this way.


Di unduh dulu filenya...

Hard Style is GOKILZ !!!

13/04/09, 16:59 #4 Last Edit: 13/04/09, 17:09 by sendyoke
Ok... gue ikutan nyumbang pikiran ya...

Dulu kira2 thn 2003, gue tergila2 sama sound dr UK (Hard house, hard trance, NRG, hard techno, etc). Bagi gue sound UK itu energik banget. Sampe ada satu saat gue jenuh banget sama sound UK and mulai tertarik sama German Hard Trance, tipikel trance dgn bass yg bulet and nendang banget.

Kembali lagi gue nyampe di titik jenuh and coba menikmati hard style. Sama seperti German Hard trance, hard style itu identik dgn bass yg bulet dan nendang banget. Artis Hard style pertama yg bikin gue jatuh cintrong tuh Blutonium Boy dari jerman. Gue masih inget dia remix lagu Yoji Biomehanika yg judulnya Monochroma. Dr situ gue mulai menikmati sound2 kenceng and keras (lebih kenceng and lebih keras dr hard trance).

So far artis hard style yg gue suka

Blutonium Boy, Yoji Biomehanika (ini orang kaya bunglon, fleksibel banget tp konsisten di musik keras), Showtek (dgn FTS-nya yg melegenda), Techno Boy, Brain M, DJ Neo, DJ Zany.

Track hardstyle yg jd anthem buat gue

Yoji - Monochroma (Blutonium Boy remix)
FTS - Showtek
DJ Zany - Widowmaker
Alarma - Blutonium Boy
and masih banyak lagi....

Echa... di mixtape elo, sorry banget, bagi gue itu bukan hard style.. itu semua soundnya UK. dr semua track yg ada satu yg masih gue hapal banget artisnya, track ke 3 itu Guyver - Differences. Salah satu produser muda (waktu itu) yg di angkat and di sign sama the tidy boys (yg punya label Tidy). Ini link soal si Guyver http://www.discogs.com/artist/Guyver

Thanks for sharing Cha....

hahahahahaha namanya juga exsperiment sen gw ga begitu ngerti hardstyle makanya gw bikin ini supaya semua bisa saling ngerti what is hardstyle , gimana kalo lu bikin mix , trus di share ke kita2 ?

anyway kalo sekarang kita liat perkembangan hardstyle udah ampe mana sen ???

Jujur kalo soal perkembangan hard style... gue udah enga ikutin lagi... mesti si Arief aka Gong (nick name dia) krn dia hardcore hardstyler.

Krn dulu gue suka musik keras, tp gue mentok di hardstyle dan udah enga kepengen yg lebih keras lagi. Krn di atas hard style masih ada lagi yg lebih keras and kenceng enga karu2an, genre-nya Hardcore. BPMnya start at least di 160. Hardcore sendiri kepecah jd 2, Happy Hard sama Gabber.

Mixtape? yg lama aja deh ya... yg pernah gue post di rvlx ini


ato yg ini


13/04/09, 18:50 #7 Last Edit: 13/04/09, 19:03 by gong
Quote from: sendyoke on 13/04/09, 17:20
Jujur kalo soal perkembangan hard style... gue udah enga ikutin lagi... mesti si Arief aka Gong (nick name dia) krn dia hardcore hardstyler.

Krn dulu gue suka musik keras, tp gue mentok di hardstyle dan udah enga kepengen yg lebih keras lagi. Krn di atas hard style masih ada lagi yg lebih keras and kenceng enga karu2an, genre-nya Hardcore. BPMnya start at least di 160. Hardcore sendiri kepecah jd 2, Happy Hard sama Gabber.

Mixtape? yg lama aja deh ya... yg pernah gue post di rvlx ini


ato yg ini


heuheuhue...bisa aja lo sen, gile ampe sejarahnya lo masukin juga hehehe...salut2 *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

salam kenal cha, gua emang demen jenis musik2 keras, dan emang sekarang gua lagi produksi lagu2 gua sendiri..bisa lo denger di www.imeem.com/djgong ..terus gua juga suka ngemix jenis hard dance and hardstyle lo bisa denger di www.ariefr.podomatic.com..nah, gua rencana mo ngadain acara dengan jenis2 musik tersebut di indo, mungkin lo bisa kasih saran tempat n yg aman pasti hehehe... 8) dan kebetulan temen gua di indo ada yang maen hardcore, jadi yah kandidat sih dah mayan banyak.. jadi gmana menurut anda?"  :D

Gue jg ga gitu ngikutin hardstyle bro2 sekalian, soalnya jaman gue di syd dulu gue dgrin nya hardtrance n hardhouse, tp gue stick ama genre gue, i call it as "Hardlifting Trance" hehe... soalnya hrs adaptasi ama indo jg jd ga bisa terlalu kenceng yg ada crowd nya bingung trus bubar deh..
Do you crave hard electronic basslines ???
Does your heart beat at more than 140bpm ???
Do you feel the need to shuffle when hard style beats and kicks begin to pump through your ears and almost rupture your ear drums ???

hmm... gimana klo kita organize a small hard dance (hardtrance - hardstyle) event.
buat nge test gimana respon dr jak's clubbers?
Do you crave hard electronic basslines ???
Does your heart beat at more than 140bpm ???
Do you feel the need to shuffle when hard style beats and kicks begin to pump through your ears and almost rupture your ear drums ???

kai tracid - 4 just 1 day
Do you crave hard electronic basslines ???
Does your heart beat at more than 140bpm ???
Do you feel the need to shuffle when hard style beats and kicks begin to pump through your ears and almost rupture your ear drums ???

Untuk memasyaratkan musik kenceng dan mengkencengkan masyarakat musik... dgn ini thread ini gue UP UP UP ;D


Sepi banget....

hahahahahah next stop at casa loco ....

drrrrruum n bazz !!

Btw di jakarta ada ngga sih tempat private buat party, kan asik juga sih kalo buat kecil2an acara hard dance hehehe...:D

Quote from: gong on 20/04/09, 20:51
Btw di jakarta ada ngga sih tempat private buat party, kan asik juga sih kalo buat kecil2an acara hard dance hehehe...:D

Duh di Jakarta apa sih yg enga ada.... selama elo mau bayar ;D

Quote from: sendyoke on 22/04/09, 13:42
Quote from: gong on 20/04/09, 20:51
Btw di jakarta ada ngga sih tempat private buat party, kan asik juga sih kalo buat kecil2an acara hard dance hehehe...:D

Duh di Jakarta apa sih yg enga ada.... selama elo mau bayar ;D

hahaha..emang sih send, cuma ya harus liat2 keadaan juga hehehe...:D

Quote from: gong on 13/04/09, 18:50
hehehehe bisa aja lo promosi rief :D
klo gw pantau mix lo ga ada yg baru.upload lg dong :D
btw,itu mix lo artis hardstyle semua?  mauro piccoto,scooter hardstyle?
ato cm bpm nya aja yg dibikin kenceng ky hardstyle?

si bos gong buatin gue lagu tuh...
Shuffler's Playground Theme song... hehehe...
Do you crave hard electronic basslines ???
Does your heart beat at more than 140bpm ???
Do you feel the need to shuffle when hard style beats and kicks begin to pump through your ears and almost rupture your ear drums ???

Quote from: muldi on 01/05/09, 00:00
Quote from: gong on 13/04/09, 18:50
hehehehe bisa aja lo promosi rief :D
klo gw pantau mix lo ga ada yg baru.upload lg dong :D
btw,itu mix lo artis hardstyle semua?  mauro piccoto,scooter hardstyle?
ato cm bpm nya aja yg dibikin kenceng ky hardstyle?

hahaha..maap pak, akhir2 ini belum sempet ngemix lagi, list lagu sih udah ada sob...scooter kadang buat hardstyle kok, biasanya versus ama producer hardstyle n lagu2nya slalu jadi hits tuh dia..:D

Quote from: B*A*R*U on 01/05/09, 01:18
si bos gong buatin gue lagu tuh...
Shuffler's Playground Theme song... hehehe...

Bisa aja lo sob, masih di edit2 kok hehehe...