

Started by Dj Naro, 13/11/06, 03:26

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Hey guys,,

Gue mau nyambung sedikit regarding Electro,,,Kalo menurut gw memang tahun2 kmarin sempet booming electro dan minimal yg gw sendiri sempet maen elctro untuk bridge gw krn gue mau fokus ke House lagi this year dan makanya 2005 was the electro year buat gw dan bnyk jg Dj2 Int'l termasuk yg big names house,trance,prog jg maen electro utk bridge mrk utk kestep berikut bagi mereka masing2..musik berevolusi dgn banyak genre atau genre yg sama dgn element2 baru jd musicality or rootsnya dj2 tsb yg mesti kita judge.....
Dan utk ferdy=) well speaking of Trance!!!Trance will never die coz their always be young generation,young clubbers and yg pasti Raver.....



PS:Great Dj's are the Dj's that play Great music whatever the genre is....peace!!

Quote from: Dj Naro on 14/11/06, 22:00

PS:Great Dj's are the Dj's that play Great music whatever the genre is....peace!!
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

yes indeed.. the case with electro kemarin adalah, without a doubt, it's a trend.. minimal juga..with its click and pop sound juga disebut musik trendy kan.. tapi kalo house, you got it all.. deep, tech, soulful, electro, tribal, afro beats, hip, gospel, u name it.. house got it!

great legendary house DJs, (frankie knuckles, tony humphries, danny rampling, louie vega, etc) they can play 8 hours set ranging from the kind of house mentioned above without even losing a pinch of energy from the set.. gokil..

Kinda like a pizza with so many flavours on top.. nyam.. take a quick bite, u'll fall in love right away..
No man shall escape the wrath of the Grooovee Monkeeeeysss!! keep it real!

apapun musiknya yg penting cinta damai..... (apa sih!!)

house yukkkk,,,,....

15/11/06, 03:19 #30 Last Edit: 15/11/06, 11:02 by 1945MF
Guys, Genre is not a line between the music.. house its a global.. dari jaman B1 everybody already spin house... DJ had to spin depeding the venue and size of the event.. sometimes bit housy sometimes bit techcy even bit trancie... there is no way just spin one genre.. good dj always spin wide minded sounds..

there is not one single DJ in Indonesia can say they are a house pionner since what ever.. we all play house .. house is a global..

the one Naro see in the web is a propaganda of big house label and all others house label to make their release more accepted in the market.. u have to know the industry..  Charts in the web store is a sponsors adverb for the label it self like a kind of deal with the web store.. if u want to know the truth.. i ask to some dj in UK to confirm it and they say yes.. My opinion is every genre had own supporters.. house,trance,techno,drum&bass,etc ... and i would love if Jakarta is had more globaly and wide/broad minded DJ's , crowd an of course club also.. so all genre are welcome



yup.. different genre akan memperkaya night scene di Indonesia.. stick to your genre.. Character is what defines a great DJ...

menurut gue sebagai penikmat EDM...
seperti kita mo ngebangun rumah lah.. kita perlu membuat pondasi, matrial yang bagus dan sebagainya sampe akhirnya rumah itu bisa berdiri dengan kokoh dan gak ambruk...
itu semua adalah satu kesatuan yang gak bakal bisa dipisahkan dan prosesnya harus berjalan seperti itu..
Balik ke topik..
HOUSE bagi gue seperti pondasi untuk memulai mencintai EDM dan disitulah proses dimulainya yang akhirnya jujur gue berlabuh pada TRANCE dimana awalnya sebelum gue kenal HOUSE gue gak bisa menikmati yang namanya TRANCE  ;D
pointnya adalah HOUSE salah satu genre yang penting banget buat kemajuan EDM

Tahun depan ke HOUSE?
menurut analisa gue dengan kondisi sekarang di indo khususnya..
perjuangan Mr. N & Mr. R sangat2 untuk selalu memanjakan anak2 muda (duh keliatan dah tua gue  :D) sekarang ini dengan music HOUSE gak bisa dipungkiri tahun depan mereka ini (anak2 muda) akan lebih menikmati HOUSE tapi tetep TRANCE akan selalu ada seperti lagunya pak agooose... this is my home....tetep buat gue hehehehhe....

salute 4 Mr. N & Mr. R
Full Support !!

1 hal lagi..
kenapa ravelex backgroundnya OVERDRIVE bukan berarti ini buktinya TRANCE megang di indo tapi ini gaweannya rvlx dari berbagai genre untuk selalu bersama2 dengan komunitas lain "indotrance" memajukan EDM di indo dan Background ini salah satu satu pengungkapan rasa hormat kita pada komunitas indotrance selain itu event silaturohmi penghuni rvlx dgn indotrace makanya dengan background ini penghuni rvlx diharapkan untuk datang dan bersilatuhrohmi dengan komunitas indotrace.
yukkkk maree....

Ini pendapat pribadi gue jadi mohon maaf jika ada salah yah.. MERDEKA !!

DALTON's Family
Dance Without Moving

this is my HOUSE... so please enTRANCE ! ;D
welcome to my weekend

its music.. genre cuma soal selera aja.... yang penting musik menyatukan kita.. heheheheh *apa sih gw ???