
General Hype => Main Talk => Topic started by: Putra on 21/12/06, 09:03

Title: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: Putra on 21/12/06, 09:03
Congratulation for DJ RIRI as a winner of AMI Award 2006 for best dance track, tp kok keliatan speechless ya hehehehehe ( belum disiapin speechnya apa suprise bgt bisa menang sob? :) ) and congrat too for DJ Romy as a nomitation...maybe next year ya Pa heheheheh.
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: disc'O'mate on 21/12/06, 15:06
don't speech... just spin!!

congratulation yahhh!!!
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: sonique on 21/12/06, 17:15
hmmm... dobel nihh bahasannyaa...
lumayanlahh nambah postingan... hehehehe...  ;D

once again... congratz yahhh mas riri...  ;)
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: walasok on 21/12/06, 17:19
Quote from: sonique on 21/12/06, 17:15
hmmm... dobel nihh bahasannyaa...
lumayanlahh nambah postingan... hehehehe...  ;D

once again... congratz yahhh mas riri...  ;)

ngejar 003 ya sobb? :D

yep, congrats to both of our nation's finest djs..

Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: VibeSession on 25/12/06, 14:10
track yg mana ya itu? endless rue bukan ya?
mudah2an sih iya, juara bgt tuh.. :D
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: NinBo on 25/12/06, 18:54
Congrats lagi ahh bwt bung Riri..

;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: joey_sby on 25/12/06, 23:12
@vibe : kayanya yang fade away.. tapi ga tahu juga ding... Endless Rue juga seru tuh... he3x..
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: Archie on 25/12/06, 23:24
Congratulations buat Om Riri dan Om Romy.....

semoga karya-karya yang dihasilkan akan terus tambah berkualitas....

Best wishes for both.... :D :D
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: bayu_disccolabs on 07/01/07, 18:28
selamat kepada dj riri & dj romy

sukses selalu..
Title: Re: Congratulation for DJ RIRI & DJ Romy
Post by: AndrE ClayZ on 07/01/07, 18:40
congratz buat DJ Riri sebagai pemenang n Dj Romy sebagai nominator,,,semoga hasil karyanya semakin manstabh..
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