
DJ Romy New Bio and Discography + testimonial from DJ Naro,Riri Mestica,Deny,etc

Started by 1945MF, 22/06/10, 14:50

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DJ Romy Bio and Discography,

DJ Romy adalah salah satu DJ terbaik yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia.Terlahir dari keluarga besar Proklamator, Bung Karno ia memilih musik sebagai karirnya sejak usia muda setelah melihat era keemasaan house music di London,UK saat mengenyam pendidikan di sana.Setelah kembali ke tanah air pada 1993 ia menjadi resident B1, club pertama yang memutar house music di Indonesia bersama dengan Achdiat, Remy Irwan,dan juga DJ Naro yang diajaknya bergabung beberapa saat kemudian.

B1 menjadi saksi dimulainya new school dj-era di Indonesia setelah sebelumnya didominasi oleh musik classic disco.
Di tahun 1997 DJ Romy mendirikan 1945 Music Factory yang kelak menjadi trendsetter di dance scene Indonesia.
Remy Irwan dan DJ Naro pun sempat bergabung dalam management 1945 Music Factory sebelum membesarkan management mereka saat ini.
1945 Music Factory banyak membesarkan bbrp dj termasuk salah satunya adalah DJ Riri yang sekarang juga turut meramaikan dance scene dengan managementnya yg bernama Spinach Records yang embrionya berasal dr 1945MF yg dulunya adalah supporting records shop untuk 1945Music Factory. 

1945 Music Factory terus berkembang hingga saat ini dan banyak melahirkan artist-artist yang saat ini menjadi bintang di dance scene seperti Phatt Brothers, Double dragon dan juga Electric Barbarellas yang merupakan pionir munculnya DJ perempuan di Indonesia serta mendorong munculnya beberapa sub-label seperti Advark Lab di Bandung,Acid 209 di Jogja,Filter Management di Jakarta dan Organic di Surabaya. Its like our blood line brothehood of 1945MF.

DJ Romy juga banyak mempelopori rave-rave outdoor di Indonesia. Sebelum Rave party menjadi trend seperti sekarang ini. , tahun 1993 di Puncak,1994 di Pisita resort anyer, 1996 di Warehouse Studio 41,1999 Pelabuhan Ratu, Di Sentul Hambalang dan banyak lagi, salah satunya adalah Aquasonic yang telah menjadi cult-brand bagi komunitas dance scene Indonesia hingga saat ini dan terus dinantikan kehadirannya.

1945 Music Factory adalah DJ management terbesar di Indonesia dengan lebih 30 DJ yang tersebar di Jakarta,Bandung,Bogor,
Surabaya,Bali,Makassar,Jogja,Medan,dan Lampung serta memiliki cabang di mancanegara yaitu di London-UK,Beijing-China,Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia,Roma-Italia,Barcelona-Spanyol.

Saat ini 1945 Music Factory juga mempunyai sebuah sekolah DJ dan  produksi musik elektronik yang dikelola secara profesional dan bertujuan untuk memunculkan DJ muda  berkualitas dan mempunyai karakter yang kuat serta mengarahkan generasi muda ke hal-hal yang positif melalui musik elektronik.

DJ Romy juga mempelopori DJ di Indonesia untuk memproduksi lagu-lagunya sendiri daripada hanya sekedar memainkan lagu-lagu produksi DJ asing.Lagunya yang berjudul "Sound of Jakarta" sangat populer dan banyak dimainkan oleh DJ ternama di Eropa, kemudian juga "When I See the Sun At Jimbaran" yang diremix oleh Funkagenda dari Toolrooms Records,UK.


DJ Romy Release WORLDWIDE at 1945MF, Audio Expression UK , Reverse Italy , Cubic UK , Khazuma Spain , Shiva UK dll, hit Charts in Europe & US salah satunya "Sound of jakarta vol 1-2" one of yearly charts best vinyl in IBIZA 2006.
Dan telah berkerjasama dgn producer kelas dunia seperti Tony Thomas , Black Legends , Funkagenda , Marco Lenzi , Rod Rivers , Jon Gurd, Del Horno, Vortex Cosmois, Sick Jargon, Groove Garcia, etc
DJ Romy dikenal sebagai salah satu producer asia yg berkualitas di Europe and US.

DJ Romy juga pernah release di Malaysia with artist pop Malaysia bernama Camelia "Mistycam" dan di dalam album Dance Khallil Adis "Falling" di Singapore

DJ Romy juga adalah salah satu trend setter live p.a dgn berkolaborasi dengan artist-artist di luar dance scene.Tercatat nama-nama seperti Piyu "Padi",Once "Dewa",Titi DJ,Shanty,Andy "/Riff,Duo Maia,Bams "Samson",Marcell pernah berkolaborasi dengan DJ yang sekarang ini juga sibuk dengan band beraliran rock elektronik yang dibuatnya bersama Tyo Nugros,ELECTRON 45.

DJ Romy hingga saat ini tercatat sebagai satu-satunya DJ yang menerima penghargaan dari Ravelex Electronic Dance Music Award untuk semua kategori utama pada tahun 2007 yaitu di kategori DJ of the year,Producer of the year,Live P.A of the year bersama E-45, dan Track of the year (When I See the Sun At Jimbaran). Sebuah pencapaian yang akan sulit diulang oleh DJ lain di Indonesia.Di tahun 2008 DJ Romy dianugrahi Paranoia Milestone Award atas sumbangsihnya dalam mengembangkan dance scene Indonesia oleh Paranoia Award.

DJ Romy telah mempunyai 6 album sejak tahun 2000 ( DJ Romy Retro, Flight to light Fantasy, DJ Romy Journey to Tribal Progressive, Club Hoppers 4, Unity and Diversity, State of Spiritual Bliss) dan 3 Video klip yg digarab salah satunya oleh Rizal Mantovani.

Testimonial by friend's DJ/Producer,

(DJ Achdiat)
‎​Yg bs gwe bilang hanya bahwa DJ Romy dr dulu punya potensi besar di bidang musik,dan itu terbukti skrg,the 1 and only,the pioneer of house music indo,salut!!!

(DJ Naro)
Romy is my Pal since he ask me to join him to B1 back in 94 .. We work together to build up Indonesian scenes for 17 years now.
From B1,Pisita,Bukit Raya,Polo,Qemi till BC Bar,Lava Lounge,Retro,Liquid,Aquasonic festival series and almost all festivals and clubs  around Indonesia.
He's one of the best producer and Dj's that never stop trying to contribute to the scenes.
What can I say about him is "Techy .. Tribal .. Banging" that's Romy's Signatured as one of Legendary Trio!



(DJ Ai Whitelands)
One of the most Iconic Indonesian DJ/Producer of almost all era. Romy Soekarno has become a true National treasure.
Countless massive production has been created through his fingers, as well as his constant and influential presence on the dance scene since the 90's.
One thing certain, when it comes to dedication & quality electronic dance music beats, Romy is definitely where the heart is...

(DJ Riri Mestica)
1945 Music Factory is the best and the biggest management by far in 
Indonesia. I was a member in 1945 MF from 2000-2004 enjoying everyday 
of the time, building and shaping my skill there, with the best "guru" 
of indonesia's dance culture, DJ Romy. The music direction was clear 
and strong from the beginning, the philosophy was to build dance music 
is so strong, thanks to 1945MF now we could enjoy the big dance 
culture, reconstruction, aquasonic, series of parties at pelabuhan 
ratu, just to name a few of legendary parties presented by 1945MF. So 
many best moments i shared with 1945MF... Well, every weekends! 
Sharing decks with every single member of 1945MF Romy, Dade, Didi, And 
all the big line up! Always the biggest fan of 1945 Music Factory!

(DJ Denny Clubhoppers)
My testimonial about DJ Romy:
Without a doubt he's truely one of the pioneer of EDM in Jakarta and surely he's also been responsible for the growth of Indonesian's dance scene.
Personally i knew him very well for at least 10 years. Since he went back from United Kingdom, later he became one of the resident of one of most well known clubs in Jakarta: B1(RIP), alongside with my good lads: DJ Remy Irwan, DJ Achdiyat and DJ Naro.
Later, we became a very good friend, sharing informations and thoughts about how to advancing the dance crowd, not merely in Jakarta but the whole country.
He was also have a well known-respected EO: 1945 MF which is one of the early EO in Indonesia that have made loads of some successfull rave parties such as Aquasonic, 777, etc which I was taking part in some of those as well. Also,many of great talented Djs,producers,VJ's,and MC's are also join on his "kingdom".
In additional, he also has been releasing loads of great singles and albums, which has been well known and has been remixed and rotated by international dj such as Funkagenda, Tony Thomas, and of course it has been everywhere..worldwide!
Finally, it was my great honor to learn,share some ideas and have him as one of my very good friend. We love you Romy..keep it rolling matey..
Massive Respect,

(DJ Winky)
Bagi gue Romy Soekarno adalah salah satu senior, pelopor, awal mula dance scene dan dance culture di indonesia. Gue respect ama Romy jaman BC bar dan retro, dia kentel bgt bawain filtered disco. Dan Romy serta lable 1945mf yg dia dirikan membuat rave party (ketika rave ini msh jarang bgt!) di sentul dan anyer yg sgt seru. Gue skrg sgt salut ama Romy krn konsistensinya dan kontribusinya di dunia electronik indonesia bukan hanya sbg dj, tp jg sbg produser handal. Bisa kita liat dr nol dia membangun 1945mf dan dance scene indonesia pd umumnya, sampe jd terdengar di luar negeri. Gue dan junko akan selalu support. Salut dan sukses terus buat Romy!

(Iwan Mc Q)
mempunyai visi yang kuat dlm berkarya sbg seorg dj pro indonesia yang
membuatnya selalu menajdi trendsetter, tidak hanya sbg anak band &
producer yang blkgan ini lbh sering dikerjakannya akan tetapi jg
memikirkan dance scene indonesia secara serius dengan event2nya yang
reguler maupun outdoor festival. Memang sudah sewajarnya sbg dj yang
sudah sangat senior utk trus memperhatikan perkembangan karya musik
elektronik sekaligus perkembangan dance scene Indonesia ke depannya
melalui studio 1945 yang dipimpinnya.

Keep it up brou! the creator has a master plan ;)

(Delicious Devina)
DJ Romy, the founder of 1945 Music Factory Kingdom, one of the biggest and the oldest label in the EDM industry in Indonesia. When I started to enter the dance scene as Female DJ back in the year of 2004, 1945MF was the one who supported Electric Barbarellas and now the Female DJ's in Indonesia is also having a strong impact.  Spreading the culture of dance music around Indonesia including creating the first Rave and Underground scene and giving always the best sounds from his tracks that has been released worldwide, surely there is no doubt that DJ Romy is a legend.
Least but not last, I am so proud to be in the Kingdom of 1945MF where I can learn to create to be more creative and innovative.

"thank you for all friends with the fantastic testimonial, big respect to all"


DJ Romy

(DJ Romy thank you for all friends with the fantastic testimonial, big respect to all)


gw pengen bgt rilis track di 45 group...
"Enourmous Uplift"

Sumatera Loves Romy !

(1945MF/Pulaupasir foundation)
what we want what we believe

wah bagus nih. gua jadiin artikel ya.. pasang foto juga dong..
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
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Foto dr FB gue aja yon.. Byk yg baru2... sikatttt....hehehehe

Thanks for DJ Achdiat the Legends to give me the testimonial.. we respect you all the way pak tua !!!

One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

tahun 2006 Pertama clubing di Studio east bandung adalah event nya c om Romy, krn di hp2 tmn gw bnyk yg pake lagu nya. . motivasi pertama gw jd DJ and tukang bkin lagu. ;D *tepuktangan*

Suhu and Person yg sangat baik. best best best. *bgs*

My Suhu... ;D <--- ikut2an
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

DJ Romy are my inspiration to become a dj

orangnya gookkiiiillll 8) 8) 8)  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*


*bgs* inspiring
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Good Leader..good friend..
all the best for you Boss.. ;)


Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 22/06/10, 21:50
tahun 2006 Pertama clubing di Studio east bandung adalah event nya c om Romy, krn di hp2 tmn gw bnyk yg pake lagu nya. . motivasi pertama gw jd DJ and tukang bkin lagu. ;D *tepuktangan*

Suhu and Person yg sangat baik. best best best. *bgs*

Thanks, Studio East itu pertama kali kita spin di tahun 2000.. its a play ground of 1945MF, one of anchester of bandung dance scene... Cheers....

My Suhu... ;D <--- ikut2an

Quote from: 1945MF on 23/06/10, 12:42
Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 22/06/10, 21:50
tahun 2006 Pertama clubing di Studio east bandung adalah event nya c om Romy, krn di hp2 tmn gw bnyk yg pake lagu nya. . motivasi pertama gw jd DJ and tukang bkin lagu. ;D *tepuktangan*

Suhu and Person yg sangat baik. best best best. *bgs*

Thanks, Studio East itu pertama kali kita spin di tahun 2000.. its a play ground of 1945MF, one of anchester of bandung dance scene... Cheers....

My Suhu... ;D <--- ikut2an

Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

now and forever   *bgs*
Hidup cuman perlu internet buat OL di rvlx !!

Thank you... Lets build this dance scene better and better...